Source code for elephant.gpfa.gpfa

Gaussian-process factor analysis (GPFA) is a dimensionality reduction method
:cite:`gpfa-Yu2008_1881` for neural trajectory visualization of parallel spike
trains. GPFA applies factor analysis (FA) to time-binned spike count data to
reduce the dimensionality and at the same time smoothes the resulting
low-dimensional trajectories by fitting a Gaussian process (GP) model to them.

The input consists of a set of trials (Y), each containing a list of spike
trains (N neurons). The output is the projection (X) of the data in a space
of pre-chosen dimensionality x_dim < N.

Under the assumption of a linear relation (transform matrix C) between the
latent variable X following a Gaussian process and the spike train data Y with
a bias d and  a noise term of zero mean and (co)variance R (i.e.,
:math:`Y = C X + d + Gauss(0,R)`), the projection corresponds to the
conditional probability E[X|Y].
The parameters (C, d, R) as well as the time scales and variances of the
Gaussian process are estimated from the data using an expectation-maximization
(EM) algorithm.

Internally, the analysis consists of the following steps:

0) bin the spike train data to get a sequence of N dimensional vectors of spike
counts in respective time bins, and choose the reduced dimensionality x_dim

1) expectation-maximization for fitting of the parameters C, d, R and the
time-scales and variances of the Gaussian process, using all the trials
provided as input (c.f., `gpfa_core.em()`)

2) projection of single trials in the low dimensional space (c.f.,

3) orthonormalization of the matrix C and the corresponding subspace, for
visualization purposes: (c.f., `gpfa_core.orthonormalize()`)

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: _toctree/gpfa
    :template: gpfa_class.rst


Visualization of GPFA transforms is covered in Viziphant:


:doc:`View tutorial <../tutorials/gpfa>`

Run tutorial interactively:

.. image::

Original code
The code was ported from the MATLAB code based on Byron Yu's implementation.
The original MATLAB code is available at Byron Yu's website:

:copyright: Copyright 2014-2024 by the Elephant team, see AUTHORS.txt.
:license: Modified BSD, see LICENSE.txt for details.

from typing import List, Union
import neo
import numpy as np
import quantities as pq
import sklearn

from elephant.gpfa import gpfa_core, gpfa_util
from elephant.trials import Trials
from elephant.utils import trials_to_list_of_spiketrainlist

__all__ = ["GPFA"]

[docs] class GPFA(sklearn.base.BaseEstimator): r""" Apply Gaussian process factor analysis (GPFA) to spike train data There are two principle scenarios of using the GPFA analysis, both of which can be performed in an instance of the GPFA() class. In the first scenario, only one single dataset is used to fit the model and to extract the neural trajectories. The parameters that describe the transformation are first extracted from the data using the `fit()` method of the GPFA class. Then the same data is projected into the orthonormal basis using the method `transform()`. The `fit_transform()` method can be used to perform these two steps at once. In the second scenario, a single dataset is split into training and test datasets. Here, the parameters are estimated from the training data. Then the test data is projected into the low-dimensional space previously obtained from the training data. This analysis is performed by executing first the `fit()` method on the training data, followed by the `transform()` method on the test dataset. The GPFA class is compatible to the cross-validation functions of `sklearn.model_selection`, such that users can perform cross-validation to search for a set of parameters yielding best performance using these functions. Parameters ---------- x_dim : int, optional state dimensionality Default: 3 bin_size : float, optional spike bin width in msec Default: 20.0 min_var_frac : float, optional fraction of overall data variance for each observed dimension to set as the private variance floor. This is used to combat Heywood cases, where ML parameter learning returns one or more zero private variances. Default: 0.01 (See Martin & McDonald, Psychometrika, Dec 1975.) em_tol : float, optional stopping criterion for EM Default: 1e-8 em_max_iters : int, optional number of EM iterations to run Default: 500 tau_init : float, optional GP timescale initialization in msec Default: 100 eps_init : float, optional GP noise variance initialization Default: 1e-3 freq_ll : int, optional data likelihood is computed at every freq_ll EM iterations. freq_ll = 1 means that data likelihood is computed at every iteration. Default: 5 verbose : bool, optional specifies whether to display status messages Default: False Attributes ---------- valid_data_names : tuple of str Names of the data contained in the resultant data structure, used to check the validity of users' request has_spikes_bool : np.ndarray of bool Indicates if a neuron has any spikes across trials of the training data. params_estimated : dict Estimated model parameters. Updated at each run of the fit() method. covType : str type of GP covariance, either 'rbf', 'tri', or 'logexp'. Currently, only 'rbf' is supported. gamma : (1, #latent_vars) np.ndarray related to GP timescales of latent variables before orthonormalization by :math:`\frac{bin\_size}{\sqrt{gamma}}` eps : (1, #latent_vars) np.ndarray GP noise variances d : (#units, 1) np.ndarray observation mean C : (#units, #latent_vars) np.ndarray loading matrix, representing the mapping between the neuronal data space and the latent variable space R : (#units, #latent_vars) np.ndarray observation noise covariance fit_info : dict Information of the fitting process. Updated at each run of the fit() method. iteration_time : list containing the runtime for each iteration step in the EM algorithm. log_likelihoods : list log likelihoods after each EM iteration. transform_info : dict Information of the transforming process. Updated at each run of the transform() method. log_likelihood : float maximized likelihood of the transformed data num_bins : nd.array number of bins in each trial Corth : (#units, #latent_vars) np.ndarray mapping between the neuronal data space and the orthonormal latent variable space Raises ------ ValueError If `bin_size` or `tau_init` is not a `pq.Quantity`. Examples -------- In the following example, we calculate the neural trajectories of 20 independent Poisson spike trains recorded in 50 trials with randomized rates up to 100 Hz. >>> import numpy as np >>> import quantities as pq >>> from elephant.gpfa import GPFA >>> from elephant.spike_train_generation import StationaryPoissonProcess >>> data = [] >>> for trial in range(50): # noqa ... n_channels = 20 ... firing_rates = np.random.randint(low=1, high=100, ... size=n_channels) * pq.Hz >>> spike_times = [StationaryPoissonProcess(rate ... ).generate_spiketrain() for rate in firing_rates] >>> data.append((trial, spike_times)) ... >>> gpfa = GPFA(bin_size=20*, x_dim=8) >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> results = gpfa.transform(data, returned_data=['latent_variable_orth', ... 'latent_variable']) # doctest: +SKIP >>> latent_variable_orth = results['latent_variable_orth'] # doctest: +SKIP >>> latent_variable = results['latent_variable'] # doctest: +SKIP or simply >>> results = GPFA(bin_size=20*, x_dim=8).fit_transform(data, # doctest: +SKIP ... returned_data=['latent_variable_orth', ... 'latent_variable']) """ def __init__( self, bin_size=20 *, x_dim=3, min_var_frac=0.01, tau_init=100.0 *, eps_init=1.0e-3, em_tol=1.0e-8, em_max_iters=500, freq_ll=5, verbose=False, ): # Initialize object self.bin_size = bin_size self.x_dim = x_dim self.min_var_frac = min_var_frac self.tau_init = tau_init self.eps_init = eps_init self.em_tol = em_tol self.em_max_iters = em_max_iters self.freq_ll = freq_ll self.valid_data_names = ( "latent_variable_orth", "latent_variable", "Vsm", "VsmGP", "y", ) self.verbose = verbose if not isinstance(self.bin_size, pq.Quantity): raise ValueError("'bin_size' must be of type pq.Quantity") if not isinstance(self.tau_init, pq.Quantity): raise ValueError("'tau_init' must be of type pq.Quantity") # will be updated later self.params_estimated = dict() self.fit_info = dict() self.transform_info = dict() @staticmethod def _check_training_data( spiketrains: List[List[neo.core.SpikeTrain]], ) -> None: if len(spiketrains) == 0: raise ValueError("Input spiketrains can not be empty") if not all( isinstance(item, neo.SpikeTrain) for sublist in spiketrains for item in sublist ): raise ValueError( "structure of the spiketrains is not " "correct: 0-axis should be trials, 1-axis " "neo.SpikeTrain and 2-axis spike times." ) def _format_training_data( self, spiketrains: List[List[neo.core.SpikeTrain]] ) -> np.recarray: seqs = gpfa_util.get_seqs(spiketrains, self.bin_size) # Remove inactive units based on training set self.has_spikes_bool = np.hstack(seqs["y"]).any(axis=1) for seq in seqs: seq["y"] = seq["y"][self.has_spikes_bool, :] return seqs
[docs] @trials_to_list_of_spiketrainlist def fit( self, spiketrains: Union[ List[List[neo.core.SpikeTrain]], "Trials", List[neo.core.spiketrainlist.SpikeTrainList], ], ) -> "GPFA": """ Fit the model with the given training data. Parameters ---------- # noqa spiketrains : :class:`elephant.trials.Trials`, list of :class:`neo.core.spiketrainlist.SpikeTrainList` or list of list of :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` Spike train data to be fit to latent variables. For list of lists, the outer list corresponds to trials and the inner list corresponds to the neurons recorded in that trial, such that `spiketrains[l][n]` is the spike train of neuron `n` in trial `l`. Note that the number and order of `neo.SpikeTrain` objects per trial must be fixed such that `spiketrains[l][n]` and `spiketrains[k][n]` refer to spike trains of the same neuron for any choices of `l`, `k`, and `n`. Returns ------- self : object Returns the instance itself. Raises ------ ValueError If `spiketrains` is an empty list. If `spiketrains[0][0]` is not a `neo.SpikeTrain`. If covariance matrix of input spike data is rank deficient. """ if all( isinstance(item, neo.SpikeTrain) for sublist in spiketrains for item in sublist ): self._check_training_data(spiketrains) seqs_train = self._format_training_data(spiketrains) # Check if training data covariance is full rank y_all = np.hstack(seqs_train["y"]) y_dim = y_all.shape[0] if np.linalg.matrix_rank(np.cov(y_all)) < y_dim: errmesg = ( "Observation covariance matrix is rank deficient.\n" "Possible causes: " "repeated units, not enough observations." ) raise ValueError(errmesg) if self.verbose: print("Number of training trials: {}".format(len(seqs_train))) print("Latent space dimensionality: {}".format(self.x_dim)) print( "Observation dimensionality: {}".format( self.has_spikes_bool.sum() ) ) # The following does the heavy lifting. self.params_estimated, self.fit_info = seqs_train=seqs_train, x_dim=self.x_dim, bin_width=self.bin_size.rescale("ms").magnitude, min_var_frac=self.min_var_frac, em_max_iters=self.em_max_iters, em_tol=self.em_tol, tau_init=self.tau_init.rescale("ms").magnitude, eps_init=self.eps_init, freq_ll=self.freq_ll, verbose=self.verbose, ) return self else: # TODO: implement case for continuous data raise ValueError
[docs] @trials_to_list_of_spiketrainlist def transform( self, spiketrains: Union[ List[List[neo.core.SpikeTrain]], "Trials", List[neo.core.spiketrainlist.SpikeTrainList], ], returned_data: str = ["latent_variable_orth"], ) -> "GPFA": """ Obtain trajectories of neural activity in a low-dimensional latent variable space by inferring the posterior mean of the obtained GPFA model and applying an orthonormalization on the latent variable space. Parameters ---------- # noqa spiketrains : list of list of :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain`, list of :class:`neo.core.spiketrainlist.SpikeTrainList` or :class:`elephant.trials.Trials` Spike train data to be transformed to latent variables. For list of lists, the outer list corresponds to trials and the inner list corresponds to the neurons recorded in that trial, such that `spiketrains[l][n]` is the spike train of neuron `n` in trial `l`. Note that the number and order of `neo.SpikeTrain` objects per trial must be fixed such that `spiketrains[l][n]` and `spiketrains[k][n]` refer to spike trains of the same neuron for any choices of `l`, `k`, and `n`. returned_data : list of str The dimensionality reduction transform generates the following resultant data: 'latent_variable_orth': orthonormalized posterior mean of latent variable 'latent_variable': posterior mean of latent variable before orthonormalization 'Vsm': posterior covariance between latent variables 'VsmGP': posterior covariance over time for each latent variable 'y': neural data used to estimate the GPFA model parameters `returned_data` specifies the keys by which the data dict is returned. Default is ['latent_variable_orth']. Returns ------- :class:`np.ndarray` or dict When the length of `returned_data` is one, a single np.ndarray, containing the requested data (the first entry in `returned_data` keys list), is returned. Otherwise, a dict of multiple np.ndarrays with the keys identical to the data names in `returned_data` is returned. N-th entry of each np.ndarray is a np.ndarray of the following shape, specific to each data type, containing the corresponding data for the n-th trial: `latent_variable_orth`: (#latent_vars, #bins) np.ndarray `latent_variable`: (#latent_vars, #bins) np.ndarray `y`: (#units, #bins) np.ndarray `Vsm`: (#latent_vars, #latent_vars, #bins) np.ndarray `VsmGP`: (#bins, #bins, #latent_vars) np.ndarray Note that the num. of bins (#bins) can vary across trials, reflecting the trial durations in the given `spiketrains` data. Raises ------ ValueError If the number of neurons in `spiketrains` is different from that in the training spiketrain data. If `returned_data` contains keys different from the ones in `self.valid_data_names`. """ if all( isinstance(item, neo.SpikeTrain) for sublist in spiketrains for item in sublist ): if len(spiketrains[0]) != len(self.has_spikes_bool): raise ValueError( "'spiketrains' must contain the same number of " "neurons as the training spiketrain data" ) invalid_keys = set(returned_data).difference(self.valid_data_names) if len(invalid_keys) > 0: raise ValueError( "'returned_data' can only have the following " f"entries: {self.valid_data_names}" ) seqs = gpfa_util.get_seqs(spiketrains, self.bin_size) for seq in seqs: seq["y"] = seq["y"][self.has_spikes_bool, :] seqs, ll = gpfa_core.exact_inference_with_ll( seqs, self.params_estimated, get_ll=True ) self.transform_info["log_likelihood"] = ll self.transform_info["num_bins"] = seqs["T"] Corth, seqs = gpfa_core.orthonormalize(self.params_estimated, seqs) self.transform_info["Corth"] = Corth if len(returned_data) == 1: return seqs[returned_data[0]] return {x: seqs[x] for x in returned_data} else: # TODO: implement case for continuous data raise ValueError
[docs] @trials_to_list_of_spiketrainlist def fit_transform( self, spiketrains: Union[ List[List[neo.core.SpikeTrain]], "Trials", List[neo.core.spiketrainlist.SpikeTrainList], ], returned_data: str = ["latent_variable_orth"], ) -> "GPFA": """ Fit the model with `spiketrains` data and apply the dimensionality reduction on `spiketrains`. Parameters ---------- # noqa spiketrains : list of list of :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain`, list of :class:`neo.core.spiketrainlist.SpikeTrainList` or :class:`elephant.trials.Trials` Refer to the :func:`` docstring. returned_data : list of str Refer to the :func:`GPFA.transform` docstring. Returns ------- np.ndarray or dict Refer to the :func:`GPFA.transform` docstring. Raises ------ ValueError Refer to :func:`` and :func:`GPFA.transform`. See Also -------- : fit the model with `spiketrains` GPFA.transform : transform `spiketrains` into trajectories """ return self.transform(spiketrains, returned_data=returned_data)
[docs] @trials_to_list_of_spiketrainlist def score( self, spiketrains: Union[ List[List[neo.core.SpikeTrain]], "Trials", List[neo.core.spiketrainlist.SpikeTrainList], ], ) -> "GPFA": """ Returns the log-likelihood of the given data under the fitted model Parameters ---------- # noqa spiketrains : list of list of :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain`, list of :class:`neo.core.spiketrainlist.SpikeTrainList` or :class:`elephant.trials.Trials` Spike train data to be scored. The outer list corresponds to trials and the inner list corresponds to the neurons recorded in that trial, such that `spiketrains[l][n]` is the spike train of neuron `n` in trial `l`. Note that the number and order of `neo.SpikeTrain` objects per trial must be fixed such that `spiketrains[l][n]` and `spiketrains[k][n]` refer to spike trains of the same neuron for any choice of `l`, `k`, and `n`. Returns ------- log_likelihood : float Log-likelihood of the given spiketrains under the fitted model. """ self.transform(spiketrains) return self.transform_info["log_likelihood"]