Source code for elephant.utils

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: _toctree/utils


from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import ctypes
import logging
import warnings
from functools import wraps

from neo.core.spiketrainlist import SpikeTrainList
import numpy as np
import quantities as pq

from elephant.trials import Trials

__all__ = [

# Create logger and set configuration
logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)
log_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
        f"[%(asctime)s] {__name__[__name__.rfind('.')+1::]} -"
        " %(levelname)s: %(message)s"
logger.propagate = False

def is_binary(array):
    array : np.ndarray or list

        Whether the input array is binary or not.

    array = np.asarray(array)
    return ((array == 0) | (array == 1)).all()

def deprecated_alias(**aliases):
    A deprecation decorator constructor.

        The key-value pairs of mapping old --> new argument names of a

        A decorator for the specific mapping of deprecated argument names.

    In the example below, `my_function(binsize)` signature is marked as
    deprecated (but still usable) and changed to `my_function(bin_size)`.

    >>> @deprecated_alias(binsize='bin_size')
    ... def my_function(bin_size):
    ...     pass


    def deco(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            _rename_kwargs(func.__name__, kwargs, aliases)
            return func(*args, **kwargs)

        return wrapper

    return deco

def _rename_kwargs(func_name, kwargs, aliases):
    for old, new in aliases.items():
        if old in kwargs:
            if new in kwargs:
                raise TypeError(
                    f"{func_name} received both '{old}' and " f"'{new}'"
                f"'{old}' is deprecated; use '{new}'", DeprecationWarning
            kwargs[new] = kwargs.pop(old)

[docs] def is_time_quantity(*quantities, allow_none=False): """ Parameters ---------- *quantities : pq.Quantity A scalar or array-like to check for being a Quantity with time units. allow_none : bool, optional Allow the input to be None or not. Default: False Returns ------- bool Whether the input is a time Quantity (True) or not (False). If the input is None and `allow_none` is set to True, returns True. """ for quantity in quantities: if allow_none and quantity is None: continue if not isinstance(quantity, pq.Quantity): return False if quantity.dimensionality.simplified != pq.s.dimensionality: return False return True
[docs] def get_common_start_stop_times(neo_objects): """ Extracts the common `t_start` and the `t_stop` from the input neo objects. If a single neo object is given, its `t_start` and `t_stop` is returned. Otherwise, the aligned times are returned: the maximal `t_start` and minimal `t_stop` across `neo_objects`. Parameters ---------- neo_objects : neo.SpikeTrain or neo.AnalogSignal or list A neo object or a list of neo objects that have `t_start` and `t_stop` attributes. Returns ------- t_start, t_stop : pq.Quantity Shared start and stop times. Raises ------ AttributeError If the input neo objects do not have `t_start` and `t_stop` attributes. ValueError If there is no shared interval ``[t_start, t_stop]`` across the input neo objects. """ if hasattr(neo_objects, "t_start") and hasattr(neo_objects, "t_stop"): return neo_objects.t_start, neo_objects.t_stop try: t_start = max(elem.t_start for elem in neo_objects) t_stop = min(elem.t_stop for elem in neo_objects) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( "Input neo objects must have 't_start' and " "'t_stop' attributes" ) if t_stop < t_start: raise ValueError( f"t_stop ({t_stop}) is smaller than t_start " f"({t_start})" ) return t_start, t_stop
[docs] def check_neo_consistency( neo_objects, object_type, t_start=None, t_stop=None, tolerance=1e-8 ): """ Checks that all input neo objects share the same units, t_start, and t_stop. Parameters ---------- neo_objects : list of neo.SpikeTrain or neo.AnalogSignal A list of neo spike trains or analog signals. object_type : type The common type. t_start, t_stop : pq.Quantity or None, optional If None, check for exact match of t_start/t_stop across the input. tolerance : float, optional The absolute affordable tolerance for the discrepancies between t_start/stop magnitude values across trials. Default : 1e-6 Raises ------ TypeError If input objects are not instances of the specified `object_type`. ValueError If input object units, t_start, or t_stop do not match across trials. """ if not isinstance(neo_objects, (list, tuple, SpikeTrainList)): neo_objects = [neo_objects] try: units = neo_objects[0].units start = neo_objects[0].t_start.item() stop = neo_objects[0].t_stop.item() except (IndexError, AttributeError): raise TypeError(f"The input must be a list of {object_type.__name__}") if not is_time_quantity(t_start, t_stop, allow_none=True): raise TypeError("'t_start' and 't_stop' must be time quantities.") if tolerance is None: tolerance = 0 for neo_obj in neo_objects: if not isinstance(neo_obj, object_type): raise TypeError( "The input must be a list of " f"{object_type.__name__}. Got " f"{type(neo_obj).__name__}" ) if neo_obj.units != units: raise ValueError("The input must have the same units.") if t_start is None and abs(neo_obj.t_start.item() - start) > tolerance: raise ValueError("The input must have the same t_start.") if t_stop is None and abs(neo_obj.t_stop.item() - stop) > tolerance: raise ValueError("The input must have the same t_stop.")
[docs] def check_same_units(quantities, object_type=pq.Quantity): """ Check that all input quantities are of the same type and share common units. Raise an error if the check is unsuccessful. Parameters ---------- quantities : list of pq.Quantity or pq.Quantity A list of quantities, neo objects or a single neo object. object_type : type, optional The common type. Default: pq.Quantity Raises ------ TypeError If input objects are not instances of the specified `object_type`. ValueError If input objects do not share common units. """ if not isinstance(quantities, (list, tuple)): quantities = [quantities] try: units = quantities[0].units except (IndexError, AttributeError): raise TypeError(f"The input must be a list of {object_type.__name__}") for quantity in quantities: if not isinstance(quantity, object_type): raise TypeError( "The input must be a list of " f"{object_type.__name__}. Got " f"{type(quantity).__name__}" ) if quantity.units != units: raise ValueError( "The input quantities must have the same units, " "which is achieved with object.rescale('ms') " "operation." )
[docs] def round_binning_errors(values, tolerance=1e-8): """ Round the input `values` in-place due to the machine floating point precision errors. Parameters ---------- values : np.ndarray or float An input array or a scalar. tolerance : float or None, optional The precision error absolute tolerance; acts as ``atol`` in :func:`numpy.isclose` function. If None, no rounding is performed. Default: 1e-8 Returns ------- values : np.ndarray or int Corrected integer values. Examples -------- >>> from elephant.utils import round_binning_errors >>> round_binning_errors(0.999999, tolerance=None) 0 >>> round_binning_errors(0.999999, tolerance=1e-6) 1 """ if tolerance is None or tolerance == 0: if isinstance(values, np.ndarray): return values.astype(np.int32) return int(values) # a scalar # same as '1 - (values % 1) <= tolerance' but faster correction_mask = 1 - tolerance <= values % 1 if isinstance(values, np.ndarray): num_corrections = correction_mask.sum() if num_corrections > 0: logger.warning( f"Correcting {num_corrections} rounding errors by " "shifting the affected spikes into the following " "bin. You can set tolerance=None to disable this " "behaviour." ) values[correction_mask] += 0.5 return values.astype(np.int32) if correction_mask: logger.warning( "Correcting a rounding error in the calculation " "of the number of bins by incrementing the value by 1. " "You can set tolerance=None to disable this " "behaviour." ) values += 0.5 return int(values)
def get_cuda_capability_major(): """ Extracts CUDA capability major version of the first available Nvidia GPU card, if detected. Otherwise, return 0. Returns ------- int CUDA capability major version. """ cuda_success = 0 for libname in ("", "libcuda.dylib", "cuda.dll"): try: cuda = ctypes.CDLL(libname) except OSError: continue else: break else: # not found return 0 result = cuda.cuInit(0) if result != cuda_success: return 0 device = ctypes.c_int() # parse the first GPU card only result = cuda.cuDeviceGet(ctypes.byref(device), 0) if result != cuda_success: return 0 cc_major = ctypes.c_int() cc_minor = ctypes.c_int() cuda.cuDeviceComputeCapability( ctypes.byref(cc_major), ctypes.byref(cc_minor), device ) return cc_major.value def get_opencl_capability(): """ Return a list of available OpenCL devices. Returns ------- bool True: if openCL platform detected and at least one device is found, False: if OpenCL is not found or if no OpenCL devices are found """ try: import pyopencl platforms = pyopencl.get_platforms() if len(platforms) == 0: return False # len(platforms) is > 0, if it is not == 0 return True except ImportError: return False def trials_to_list_of_spiketrainlist(method): """ Decorator to convert `Trials` object to a list of `SpikeTrainList` before calling the wrapped method. Parameters ---------- method: callable The method to be decorated. Returns ------- callable: The decorated method. Examples -------- The decorator can be used as follows: >>> @trials_to_list_of_spiketrainlist ... def process_data(self, spiketrains): ... return None """ @wraps(method) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): new_args = tuple( [ arg.get_spiketrains_from_trial_as_list(idx) for idx in range(arg.n_trials) ] if isinstance(arg, Trials) else arg for arg in args ) new_kwargs = { key: ( [ value.get_spiketrains_from_trial_as_list(idx) for idx in range(value.n_trials) ] if isinstance(value, Trials) else value ) for key, value in kwargs.items() } return method(*new_args, **new_kwargs) return wrapper