============= Release Notes ============= Release 1.1.0 ============= New functionality and features ------------------------------ * New method "Total spiking probability edges" (TPSE) for inferring functional connectivity (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/560). Bug fixes --------- * Fixed expired SciPy deprecations and breaking changes related to `sp.sqrt`, ensuring continued compatibility with the latest version of SciPy (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/616). * Addressed failing unit tests for `neo_tools` with Neo 0.13.0, ensuring compatibility with the latest Neo release (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/617). Documentation ------------- * Fixed a bug in the CI docs runner to resolve formatting issues, ensuring documentation build is tested (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/615). Other changes ------------- * added Python 3.12 CI runner to ensure compatibility with the latest Python language features (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/611). * Integrated `Trials` object with GPFA, allowing for a more formal way of specifying trials (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/610). Selected dependency changes --------------------------- * scipy>=1.10.0 * Support for Python 3.12 Release 1.0.0 ============= Elephant's first major release is focused on providing a stable and consistent API consistency that will be maintained over the 1.x series of releases. In order to provide future support, this release will remove all features and API specifications that have been deprecated over the course of the last releases of the 0.x line. While work on the next generation of Elephant will commence, all new analysis capabilities will be consistently back-ported to become available in the 1.x release line. Breaking changes ---------------- * Removed deprecated features and naming introduced in #316 with Elephant release v0.8.0 (#488). * Removed the `pandas_bridge` module from Elephant in line with the deprecation plan introduced with Elephant v0.7.0 (#530). Selected dependency changes --------------------------- * removed pandas from the dependencies (#530). Release 0.14.0 ============== New functionality and features ------------------------------ * Added ASSET class initialization parameter to define the binning rounding error tolerance, allowing users to control the behavior of spike time binning (#585). * Enhanced ASSET function output messages and status information by replacing print statements with logging calls, introducing tqdm progress bars for looped steps, and providing control over INFO and DEBUG logging via parameters (#570). * Implemented logging instead of warnings in the round_binning_errors() function in elephant/utils.py (#571). * Implemented trial handling, providing a unified framework for representing and accessing trial data, supporting diverse trial structures and a common API (#579). * Improved `instantaneous_rate` function to support trial data (#579). Bug fixes --------- * Added example to doc-string, handled one-dimensional arrays as input for x_positions, and added regression unit-tests in CSD.generate_lfp (#594). * Modified the check for signal type in z_score when using inplace option to ensure it works correctly with `np.float32` and `np.float64` (#592). Documentation ------------- * Fixed documentation build on readthedocs by updating deprecated configuration key `build.image` to `build.os` (#596). Validations ----------- * Fixed spike time tiling coefficient calculation for unsorted spiketrains. The fix includes sorting the input spiketrains, additional input checks, and a validation test. (#564). Other changes ------------- * Fixed several typos and grammatical errors in GPFA tutorial notebook (#587) * Updated the build_wheels action to use cibuildwheel version 2.13.1, enabling the building of wheels for Python 3.11 (#582). Release 0.13.0 ============== New functionality and features ------------------------------ * Implemented non-parametric spectral Granger causality analysis, extending the investigation of signal influence in the spectral domain. (#545) * Added functions to extract time bin and neuron information from Spike Sequence Events (SSEs) obtained using ASSET. (#549) Bug fixes --------- * Resolved issue with old references to the gin repository INM-6/elephant-data, ensuring accurate repository information. (#547) * Fixed the usage of deprecated numpy functions, which were removed with numpy 1.25.0. (#568) * Rectified a bug in spade, addressing a missing call of `min_neu` to specify the minimum number of neurons in a pattern. Also, added a regression test to verify the fix. (#575) * Corrected a bug in the complexity class that resulted in unexpected behavior when binary=False and spread=0. (#554) * Resolved a bug in cell assembly detection (CAD) that produced different results compared to the original MATLAB implementation. (#576) Documentation ------------- * Addressed various formatting issues in docstrings that were causing warnings during documentation builds. (#553) * Updated the contributors guide: The guide now includes a step to install Elephant itself by adding a "pip install -e ." command to the instructions for setting up a development environment. (#566) Validations ----------- * No changes Other changes ------------- * Added `codemeta.json` for automated publication of Elephant release to ebrains knowledge graph. (#561, #562) * Added "howfairis" badge to README.md, indicating Elephant's compliance with fair-software.eu recommendations. (#551) * CI: Enhance security of github actions by specifying a particular commit for third party actions, to improve security against re-tagging attacks. (#565) * Separation of the `multitaper_psd()` function into `segmented_multitaper_psd()` and `multitaper_psd()` without segmentation. This restructuring was done to achieve consistency in the spectral module. (#556) * Improved reporting in test_multitaper_cohere_perfect_cohere: Updated the unittest to utilize the numpy assert array equal function. This enhancement aims to provide more detailed and informative traceback in case of failures. (#573) * Increased tolerance for Weigthed Phase-Lag Index (WPLI) ground truth test to avoid unitest to fail due minor differences in floating point operations (#572) * Added shields for twitter and fosstodon to README.md linking to Elephants accounts. (#532) Selected dependency changes --------------------------- * no changes Release 0.12.0 =============== New functionality and features ------------------------------ * ASSET: map pairwise distances matrix to disk while computing the cluster matrix to reduce memory usage. #498 * multitaper cross spectrum: calculate the cross spectrum and the coherence as well as phase lag with the multitaper method. #525 * weighted_phase_lag_index (WLPI), a measure of phase-synchronization based on the imaginary part of the complex-valued cross-spectrum of two signals. #411 Bug fixes --------- * fixed and included additional unit tests for the `multitaper_psd`. #529 * replaced deprecated numpy types with builtins to ensure compatibility with numpy >=1.24.0. #535 Documentation ------------- * fixed math rendering with sphinx 5.3.0. #527 * added documentation for `multitaper_psd`. #531 * updated the elephant logo to the current version. #534 * removed version cap for sphinx extension sphinxcontrib-bibtex (previously set to ==1.0.0): citation style changed to name - year. #523 * fixed various formatting issues in docstrings, e.g. indentations, missing quotation marks or missing citation references. #478 * fixed documentation code examples and test code by introducing a doctest runner to CI. #503 * changed heading "Spike-triggered LFP phase" to "Phase Analysis", remove wrong reference to tutorial from function reference. #540 * add launch on ebrains button for elephant tutorials. #538 Validations ----------- * WPLI ‘ground-truth’-testing with: MATLABs package FieldTrip and its function ft_connectivity_wpli() and its wrapper ft_connectivity(); as well as with python package MNE and its function spectral_connectivity(). #411 Other changes ------------- * Fix/CI: update deprecated actions and commands for github actions workflow. #522 * added codemeta.json file for automatic registration of elephant releases to ebrains knowledge graph. #541 Selected dependency changes --------------------------- * Python >= 3.8. #536 * numpy > 1.20. #536 * quantities > 0.14.0. #542 Release 0.11.2 ============== New functionality and features ------------------------------ * new installation option to not compile c-extensions, e.g. `pip install elephant --install-option='--no-compile'` (#494) Bug fixes --------- * added CUDA/OpenCL sources for ASSET GPU acceleration to `manifest.in`, they are now included in the distribution package (#483) * fixed bug in `elephant.kernels` when passing a multi-dimensional kernel sigma, handling was added for 1-dimensional case (#499) * fixed bug in `unitary_event_analysis` that broke elephants build on arm based systems (#500) * fixed bug in `elephant/spade_src/include/FPGrowth.h` when using current versions of GCC for compilation (#508) * fixed bug in `welch_psd`, `welch_cohere`, replace 'hanning' with 'hann', to ensure compatibility with scipy=>1.9.0 (#511) Documentation ------------- * fixed bug in CI documentation build (#492) * reformatted code examples to be used as doctests in the future (#502) * added specification and example for entries in the bibtex file to the "Contributing to Elephant" section (#504) * updated documentation on running unit tests from `nosetest` to `pytest` (#505) * fixed broken citation in `change_point_detection`, updated entry in bibtex file, added DOI (#513) Optimizations ------------- * Include `spike_train_synchrony` in the `init` of elephant, now `spike_train_synchrony` module is imported automatically (#518) Validations ----------- * added two validation tests for Victor-Purpura-distance to validate against original Matlab implementation in spike train dissimilarity (#482) Other changes ------------- * re-added report to coveralls.io to github action CI (#480) * added OpenSSF (Open Source Security Foundations) best practices badge (#495) * improved documentation by adding links to documentation, bug tracker and source code on pypi (#496) (see: https://pypi.org/project/elephant/) * CI workflows for macOS updated from version 10 to macOS 11 and 12 (#509) Selected dependency changes --------------------------- * removed scipy version cap on GitHub actions runners "docs" and "test-conda", by updating to `libstdcxx-ng 12.1.0` from conda-forge (#490) * `nixio` added to test requirements, now nix files can be used in unit tests (#515) Release 0.11.1 ============== Bug fixes --------- * Fix installation on macOS (#472) Documentation ------------- * Added example to `asset.discretise_spiketimes` docstring (#468) Optimizations ------------- * Performance improvement of Spike Time Tiling Coefficient (STTC) (#438) Other changes ------------- * Continuous Integration (CI): added two workflows for macOS (#474) * Fixed failing unit test asset on macOS (#474) Selected dependency changes --------------------------- * scipy >=1.5.4 (#473) Release 0.11.0 ============== Breaking changes ---------------- * For current source density measures electrode coordinates can no longer be supplied via a `RecordingChannelGroup` object as it is no longer supported in Neo v0.10.0 (#447) New functionality and features ------------------------------ * Redesigned `elephant.spike_train_generation` module using classes (old API is retained for compatibility) (#416) * Added function to calculate the multitaper power spectral density estimate in `elephant.spectral` (#417) * Added a boundary correction for the firing rate estimator `elephant.statistics.instantaneous_rate` with Gaussian kernels (#414) * Function to discretise spiketimes for a given spiketrain in `elephant.conversion` (#454) * Support for the new `SpikeTrainList` object of Neo (#447) Bug fixes --------- * Issue with unit scaling in `BinnedSpikeTrain` (#425) * Changed `BinnedSpikeTrain` to support quantities<0.12.4 (#418) * Fix `FloatingPointError` in ICSD (#421) * `t_start` information was lost while transposing LFP for `current_source_density` module (#432) * Fix `neo_tools` unit tests to work with Neo 0.10.0+ (#446) * Fixed various issues with consistency of bin boundaries of instantaneous rates (#453) Documentation ------------- * Update tutorials ASSET and UE tutorial and datasets to use nixio >=1.5.0 (#441) * Updated `spade` tutorial to work with viziphant 0.2.0 (#444) * Fixed figures in the Granger causality tutorial (#434) * Add DOIs to documentation (#456) * Fixed random seed selection in some tutorials (#430) Optimizations ------------- * Highly optimized run-time of the SPADE analysis (#419) * More efficient storage of spike complexities by the `elephant.statistics.Complexity` class (#412) * Updated `elephant.signal_processing.zscore` function for in-place operations (#440) Other changes ------------- * Continuous Integration (CI) was moved to github actions (#451) * Change test framework from Nose to pytest (#413) * Added DOI with zenodo (#445) * Versioning for associated `elephant-data` repository for example datasets introduced (#463) Selected dependency changes --------------------------- * nixio >= 1.5.0 * neo >= 0.10.0 * python >= 3.7 Release 0.10.0 =============== Documentation ------------- The documentation is revised and restructured by categories (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/386) to simplify navigation on readthedocs and improve user experience. All citations used in Elephant are stored in a single [BibTex file](https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/blob/master/doc/bib/elephant.bib). Optimizations ------------- CUDA and OpenCL support *********************** [Analysis of Sequences of Synchronous EvenTs](https://elephant.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/asset.html) has become the first module in Elephant that supports CUDA and OpenCL (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/351, https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/404, https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/399). Whether you have an Nvidia GPU or just run the analysis on a laptop with a built-in Intel graphics card, the speed-up is **X100** and **X1000** compared to a single CPU core. The computations are optimized to a degree that you can analyse and look for spike patterns in real data in several minutes of compute time on a laptop. The installation instructions are described in the [install](https://elephant.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html) section. Other optimizations ******************* * Surrogates: sped up bin shuffling (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/400) and reimplemented the continuous time version (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/397) * Improved memory efficiency of creating a BinnedSpikeTrain (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/395) New functionality and features ------------------------------ * Synchrofact detection (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/322) is a method to detect highly synchronous spikes (at the level of sampling rate precision with an option to extend this to jittered synchrony) and annotate or optionally remove them. * Added `phase_locking_value`, `mean_phase_vector`, and `phase_difference` functions (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/385/files) * BinnedSpikeTrain: - added `to_spike_trains` and `time_slice` functions (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/390). Now you can slice a binned spike train as `bst[:, i:j]` or `bst.time_slice(t_start, t_stop)`. Also, with `to_spike_trains` function, you can generate a realization of spike trains that maps to the same BinnedSpikeTrain object when binned. - optional CSC format (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/402) - the `copy` parameter (False by default) in the `binarize` function makes a *shallow* copy, if set to True, of the output BinnedSpikeTrain object (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/402) * Granger causality tutorial notebook (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/393) * Unitary Event Analysis support multiple pattern hashes (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/387) Bug fixes --------- * Account for unidirectional spiketrain->segment links in synchrofact deletion (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/398) * Joint-ISI dithering: fixed a bug regarding first ISI bin (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/396) * Fix LvR values from being off when units are in seconds (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/389) Release 0.9.0 ============= This release is titled to accompany the [2nd Elephant User Workshop](https://www.humanbrainproject.eu/en/education/participatecollaborate/infrastructure-events-trainings/2nd-elephant-user-workshop/) Viziphant --------- Meet Viziphant, the visualization of Elephant analysis methods, at https://viziphant.readthedocs.io/en/latest/. This package provides support to easily plot and visualize the output of Elephant functions in a few lines of code. Provenance tracking ------------------- Provenance is becoming a separate direction in Elephant. Many things are still to come, and we started with annotating `time_histogram`, `instantaneous_rate` and `cross_correlation_histogram` outputs to carry the information about the parameters these functions used. This allowed Viziphant, the visualization of Elephant analyses, to look for the `.annotations` dictionary of the output of these function to "understand" how the object has been generated and label the plot axes accordingly. New functionality and features ------------------------------ * Time-domain pairwise and conditional pairwise Granger causality measures (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/332, https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/359) * Spike contrast function that measures the synchrony of spike trains (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/354; thanks to @Broxy7 for bringing this in Elephant). * Revised local variability LvR (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/346) as an alternative to the LV measure. * Three surrogate methods: Trial-shifting, Bin Shuffling, ISI dithering (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/343). * Added a new function to generate spike trains: `inhomogeneous_gamma_process` (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/339). * The output of `instantaneous_rate` function is now a 2D matrix of shape `(time, len(spiketrains))` (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/issues/363). Not only can the users assess the averaged instantaneous rate (`rates.mean(axis=1)`) but also explore how much the instantaneous rate deviates from trial to trial (`rates.std(axis=1)`) (originally asked in https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/issues/363). Python 3 only ------------- * Python 2.7 and 3.5 support is dropped. You can still however enjoy the features of Elephant v0.9.0 with Python 2.7 or 3.5 by installing Elephant from [this](https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/tree/295c6bd7fea196cf9665a78649fafedab5840cfa) commit `pip install git+https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant@295c6bd7fea196cf9665a78649fafedab5840cfa#egg=elephant[extras]` * Added Python 3.9 support. Optimization ------------ * You have been asking for direct numpy support for years. Added `_t_start`, `_t_stop`, and `_bin_size` attributes of BinnedSpikeTrain are guaranteed to be of the same units and hence are unitless (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/378). It doesn't mean though that you need to care about units on your own: `t_start`, `t_stop`, and `bin_size` properties are still quantities with units. The `.rescale()` method of a BinnedSpikeTrain rescales the internal units to new ones in-place. The following Elephant functions are optimized with unitless BinnedSpikeTrain: - cross_correlation_histogram - bin_shuffling (one of the surrogate methods) - spike_train_timescale * X4 faster binning and overall BinnedSpikeTrain object creation (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/368). * `instantaneous_rate` function is vectorized to work with a list of spike train trials rather than computing them in a loop (previously, `for spiketrain in spiketrains; do compute instantaneous_rate(spiketrain); done`), which brought X25 speedup (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/362; thanks to @gyyang for the idea and original implementation). * Memory-efficient `zscore` function (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/372). * Don't sort the input array in ISI function (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/371), which reduces function algorithmic time complexity from `O(N logN)` to linear `O(N)`. Now, when the input time array is not sorted, a warning is shown. * Vectorized Current Source Density `generate_lfp` function (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/358). Breaking changes ---------------- * mpi4py package is removed from the extra requirements to allow `pip install elephant[extras]` on machines without MPI installed system-wide. Refer to [MPI support](https://elephant.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html#mpi-support) installation page in elephant. * BinnedSpikeTrain (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/368, https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/377): - previously, when t_start/stop, if set manually, was outside of the shared time interval, only the shared [t_start_shared=max(t_start), t_stop_shared=min(t_stop)] interval was implicitly considered without any warnings. Now an error is thrown with a description on how to fix it. - removed `lst_input`, `input_spiketrains`, `matrix_columns`, `matrix_rows` (in favor of the new attribute - `shape`), `tolerance`, `is_spiketrain`, `is_binned` attributes from BinnedSpikeTrain class. Part of them are confusing (e.g., `is_binned` was just the opposite of `is_spiketrain`, but one can erroneously think that it's data is clipped to 0 and 1), and part of them - `lst_input`, `input_spiketrains` input data - should not have been saved as attributes of an object in the first place because the input spike trains are not used after the sparse matrix is created. - now the users can directly access `.sparse_matrix` attribute of BinnedSpikeTrain to do efficient (yet unsafe in general) operations. For this reason, `to_sparse_array()` function, which does not make a copy, as one could think of, is deprecated. * `instantaneous_rate` function (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/362): - in case of multiple input spike trains, the output of the instantaneous rate function is (always) a 2D matrix of shape `(time, len(spiketrains))` instead of a pseudo 1D array (previous behavior) of shape `(time, 1)` that contained the instantaneous rate summed across input spike trains; - in case of multiple input spike trains, the user needs to manually provide the input kernel instead of `auto`, which is set by default, for the reason that it's currently not clear how to estimate the common kernel for a set of spike trains. If you have an idea how to do this, we`d appreciate if you let us know by [getting in touch with us](https://elephant.readthedocs.io/en/v0.7.0/get_in_touch.html). Other changes ------------- * `waveform_snr` function now directly takes a 2D or 3D waveforms matrix rather than a spike train (deprecated behavior). * Added a warning in fanofactor function when the input spiketrains vary in their durations (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/341). * SPADE: New way to count patterns for multiple testing (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/347) * GPFA renamed 'xsm' -> 'latent_variable' and 'xorth' -> 'latent_variable_orth' Bug fixes --------- * Instantaneous rate arrays were not centered at the origin for spike trains that are symmetric at t=0 with `center_kernel=True` option (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/362). * The number of discarded spikes that fall into the last bin of a BinnedSpikeTrain object was incorrectly calculated (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/368). * Fixed index selection in `spike_triggered_phase` (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/382) * Fixed surrogates bugs: - `joint-ISI` and `shuffle ISI` output spike trains were not sorted in time (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/364); - surrogates get arbitrary sampling_rate (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/353), which relates to the provenance tracking issue; Release 0.8.0 ============= New features ------------ * The `parallel` module is a new experimental module (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/307) to run python functions concurrently. Supports native (pythonic) ProcessPollExecutor and MPI. Not limited to Elephant functional. * Added an optional `refractory_period` argument, set to None by default, to `dither_spikes` function (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/297). * Added `cdf` and `icdf` functions in Kernel class to correctly estimate the median index, needed for `instantaneous_rate` function in statistics.py (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/313). * Added an optional `center_kernel` argument, set to True by default (to behave as in Elephant <0.8.0 versions) to `instantaneous_rate` function in statistics.py (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/313). New tutorials ------------- * Analysis of Sequences of Synchronous EvenTs (ASSET) tutorial: https://elephant.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/asset.html * Parallel module tutorial: https://elephant.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/parallel.html Optimization ------------ * Optimized ASSET runtime by a factor of 10 and more (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/259, https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/333). Python 2.7 and 3.5 deprecation ------------------------------ Python 2.7 and 3.5 are deprecated and will not be maintained by the end of 2020. Switch to Python 3.6+. Breaking changes ---------------- * Naming convention changes (`binsize` -> `bin_size`, etc.) in almost all Elephant functions (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/316). Release 0.7.0 ============= Breaking changes ---------------- * [gpfa] GPFA dimensionality reduction method is rewritten in easy-to-use scikit-learn class style format (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/287): .. code-block:: python gpfa = GPFA(bin_size=20*pq.ms, x_dim=8) results = gpfa.fit_transform(spiketrains, returned_data=['xorth', 'xsm']) New tutorials ------------- * GPFA dimensionality reduction method: https://elephant.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/gpfa.html * Unitary Event Analysis of coordinated spiking activity: https://elephant.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/unitary_event_analysis.html * (Introductory) statistics module: https://elephant.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/statistics.html Deprecations ------------ * **Python 2.7 support will be dropped on Dec 31, 2020.** Please switch to Python 3.6, 3.7, or 3.8. * [spike train generation] `homogeneous_poisson_process_with_refr_period()`, introduced in v0.6.4, is deprecated and will be deleted in v0.8.0. Use `homogeneous_poisson_process(refractory_period=...)` instead. * [pandas bridge] pandas\_bridge module is deprecated and will be deleted in v0.8.0. New features ------------ * New documentation style, guidelines, tutorials, and more (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/294). * Python 3.8 support (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/282). * [spike train generation] Added `refractory_period` flag in `homogeneous_poisson_process()` (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/292) and `inhomogeneous_poisson_process()` (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/295) functions. The default is `refractory_period=None`, meaning no refractoriness. * [spike train correlation] `cross_correlation_histogram()` supports different t_start and t_stop of input spiketrains. * [waveform features] `waveform_width()` function extracts the width (trough-to-peak TTP) of a waveform (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/279). * [signal processing] Added `scaleopt` flag in `pairwise_cross_correlation()` to mimic the behavior of Matlab's `xcorr()` function (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/277). The default is `scaleopt=unbiased` to be consistent with the previous versions of Elephant. * [spike train surrogates] Joint-ISI dithering method via `JointISI` class (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/275). Bug fixes --------- * [spike train correlation] Fix CCH Border Correction (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/298). Now, the border correction in `cross_correlation_histogram()` correctly reflects the number of bins used for the calculation at each lag. The correction factor is now unity at full overlap. * [phase analysis] `spike_triggered_phase()` incorrect behavior when the spike train and the analog signal had different time units (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/270). Performance ----------- * [spade] SPADE x7 speedup (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/280, https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/285, https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/286). Moreover, SPADE is now able to handle all surrogate types that are available in Elephant, as well as more types of statistical corrections. * [conversion] Fast & memory-efficient `covariance()` and Pearson `corrcoef()` (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/274). Added flag `fast=True` by default in both functions. * [conversion] Use fast fftconvolve instead of np.correlate in `cross_correlation_histogram()` (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/273). Release 0.6.4 ============= This release has been made for the "1st Elephant User Workshop" (https://www.humanbrainproject.eu/en/education/participatecollaborate/infrastructure-events-trainings/1st-elephant-user-workshop-accelerate-structured-and-reproducibl). Main features ------------- * neo v0.8.0 compatible New modules ----------- * GPFA - Gaussian-process factor analysis - dimensionality reduction method for neural trajectory visualization (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/233). _Note: the API could change in the future._ Bug fixes --------- * [signal processing] Keep `array_annotations` in the output of signal processing functions (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/258). * [SPADE] Fixed the calculation of the duration of a pattern in the output (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/254). * [statistics] Fixed automatic kernel selection yields incorrect values (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/246). Improvements ------------ * Vectorized `spike_time_tiling_coefficient()` function - got rid of a double for-loop (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/244) * Reduced the number of warnings during the tests (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/238). * Removed unused debug code in `spade/fast_fca.py` (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/249). * Improved doc string of `covariance()` and `corrcoef()` (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/260). Release 0.6.3 ============= July 22nd 2019 The release v0.6.3 is mostly about improving maintenance. New functions ------------- * `waveform_features` module * Waveform signal-to-noise ratio (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/219). * Added support for Butterworth `sosfiltfilt` - numerically stable (in particular, higher order) filtering (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/234). Bug fixes --------- * Fixed neo version typo in requirements file (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/218) * Fixed broken docs (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/230, https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/232) * Fixed issue with 32-bit arch (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/229) Other changes ------------- * Added issue templates (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/226) * Single VERSION file (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/231) Release 0.6.2 ============= April 23rd 2019 New functions ------------- * `signal_processing` module * New functions to calculate the area under a time series and the derivative of a time series. Other changes ------------- * Added support to initialize binned spike train representations with a matrix * Multiple bug fixes Release 0.6.1 ============= April 1st 2019 New functions ------------- * `signal_processing` module * New function to calculate the cross-correlation function for analog signals. * `spade` module * Spatio-temporal spike pattern detection now includes the option to assess significance also based on time-lags of patterns, in addition to patterns size and frequency (referred to as 3D pattern spectrum). Other changes ------------- * This release fixes a number of compatibility issues in relation to API breaking changes in the Neo library. * Fixed error in STTC calculation (spike time tiling coefficient) * Minor bug fixes Release 0.6.0 ============= October 12th 2018 New functions ------------- * `cell_assembly_detection` module * New function to detect higher-order correlation structures such as patterns in parallel spike trains based on Russo et al, 2017. * **wavelet_transform()** function in `signal_prosessing.py` module * Function for computing wavelet transform of a given time series based on Le van Quyen et al. (2001) Other changes ------------- * Switched to multiple `requirements.txt` files which are directly read into the `setup.py` * `instantaneous_rate()` accepts now list of spiketrains * Minor bug fixes Release 0.5.0 ============= April 4nd 2018 New functions ------------- * `change_point_detection` module: * New function to detect changes in the firing rate * `spike_train_correlation` module: * New function to calculate the spike time tiling coefficient * `phase_analysis` module: * New function to extract spike-triggered phases of an AnalogSignal * `unitary_event_analysis` module: * Added new unit test to the UE function to verify the method based on data of a recent [Re]Science publication Other changes ------------- * Minor bug fixes Release 0.4.3 ============= March 2nd 2018 Other changes ------------- * Bug fixes in `spade` module: * Fixed an incompatibility with the latest version of an external library Release 0.4.2 ============= March 1st 2018 New functions ------------- * `spike_train_generation` module: * **inhomogeneous_poisson()** function * Modules for Spatio Temporal Pattern Detection (SPADE) `spade_src`: * Module SPADE: `spade.py` * Module `statistics.py`: * Added CV2 (coefficient of variation for non-stationary time series) * Module `spike_train_correlation.py`: * Added normalization in **cross-correlation histogram()** (CCH) Other changes ------------- * Adapted the `setup.py` to automatically install the spade modules including the compiled `C` files `fim.so` * Included testing environment for MPI in `travis.yml` * Changed function arguments in `current_source_density.py` to `neo.AnalogSignal` instead list of `neo.AnalogSignal` objects * Fixes to travis and setup configuration files * Fixed bug in ISI function `isi()`, `statistics.py` module * Fixed bug in `dither_spikes()`, `spike_train_surrogates.py` * Minor bug fixes Release 0.4.1 ============= March 23rd 2017 Other changes ------------- * Fix in `setup.py` to correctly import the current source density module Release 0.4.0 ============= March 22nd 2017 New functions ------------- * `spike_train_generation` module: * peak detection: **peak_detection()** * Modules for Current Source Density: `current_source_density_src` * Module Current Source Density: `KCSD.py` * Module for Inverse Current Source Density: `icsd.py` API changes ----------- * Interoperability between Neo 0.5.0 and Elephant * Elephant has adapted its functions to the changes in Neo 0.5.0, most of the functionality behaves as before * See Neo documentation for recent changes: http://neo.readthedocs.io/en/0.5.2/whatisnew.html Other changes ------------- * Fixes to travis and setup configuration files. * Minor bug fixes. * Added module `six` for Python 2.7 backwards compatibility Release 0.3.0 ============= April 12st 2016 New functions ------------- * `spike_train_correlation` module: * cross correlation histogram: **cross_correlation_histogram()** * `spike_train_generation` module: * single interaction process (SIP): **single_interaction_process()** * compound Poisson process (CPP): **compound_poisson_process()** * `signal_processing` module: * analytic signal: **hilbert()** * `sta` module: * spike field coherence: **spike_field_coherence()** * Module to represent kernels: `kernels` module * Spike train metrics / dissimilarity / synchrony measures: `spike_train_dissimilarity` module * Unitary Event (UE) analysis: `unitary_event_analysis` module * Analysis of Sequences of Synchronous EvenTs (ASSET): `asset` module API changes ----------- * Function **instantaneous_rate()** now uses kernels as objects defined in the `kernels` module. The previous implementation of the function using the `make_kernel()` function is deprecated, but still temporarily available as `oldfct_instantaneous_rate()`. Other changes ------------- * Fixes to travis and readthedocs configuration files. Release 0.2.1 ============= February 18th 2016 Other changes ------------- Minor bug fixes. Release 0.2.0 ============= September 22nd 2015 New functions ------------- * Added covariance function **covariance()** in the `spike_train_correlation` module * Added complexity pdf **complexity_pdf()** in the `statistics` module * Added spike train extraction from analog signals via threshold detection the in `spike_train_generation` module * Added **coherence()** function for analog signals in the `spectral` module * Added **Cumulant Based Inference for higher-order of Correlation (CuBIC)** in the `cubic` module for correlation analysis of parallel recorded spike trains API changes ----------- * **Optimized kernel bandwidth** in `rate_estimation` function: Calculates the optimized kernel width when the paramter kernel width is specified as `auto` Other changes ------------- * **Optimized creation of sparse matrices**: The creation speed of the sparse matrix inside the `BinnedSpikeTrain` class is optimized * Added **Izhikevich neuron simulator** in the `make_spike_extraction_test_data` module * Minor improvements to the test and continous integration infrastructure