Source code for elephant.spike_train_correlation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This modules provides functions to calculate correlations between spike trains.

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: _toctree/spike_train_correlation


:copyright: Copyright 2014-2020 by the Elephant team, see `doc/authors.rst`.
:license: Modified BSD, see LICENSE.txt for details.
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import warnings

import neo
import numpy as np
import quantities as pq
import scipy.signal
from scipy import integrate

from elephant.conversion import BinnedSpikeTrain
from elephant.utils import deprecated_alias

__all__ = [

# The highest sparsity of the `BinnedSpikeTrain` matrix for which
# memory-efficient (sparse) implementation of `covariance()` is faster than
# with the corresponding numpy dense array.

class _CrossCorrHist(object):
    Cross-correlation histogram for `BinnedSpikeTrain`s.
    This class is used inside :func:`cross_correlation_histogram` function
    and is not meant to be used outside of it.

    binned_spiketrain_i, binned_spiketrain_j :
        Binned spike trains to cross-correlate. The two spike trains must
        have the same `t_start` and `t_stop`.
    window : list or tuple
        List of integers - (left_edge, right_edge).
        Refer to the docs of `cross_correlation_histogram()`.

    def __init__(self, binned_spiketrain_i, binned_spiketrain_j, window):
        self.binned_spiketrain_i = binned_spiketrain_i
        self.binned_spiketrain_j = binned_spiketrain_j
        self.window = window

    def get_valid_lags(binned_spiketrain_i, binned_spiketrain_j):
        Computes the lags at which the cross-correlation
        of the input spiketrains can be calculated with full

        binned_spiketrain_i, binned_spiketrain_j :
            Binned spike trains to cross-correlate. The input spike trains can
            have any `t_start` and `t_stop`.

        lags : np.ndarray
            Array of lags at which the cross-correlation can be computed
            at full overlap (valid mode).

        bin_size = binned_spiketrain_i._bin_size

        # see cross_correlation_histogram for the examples
        if binned_spiketrain_i.n_bins < binned_spiketrain_j.n_bins:
            # ex. 1) lags range: [-2, 5] ms
            # ex. 2) lags range: [1, 2] ms
            left_edge = (binned_spiketrain_j._t_start -
                         binned_spiketrain_i._t_start) / bin_size
            right_edge = (binned_spiketrain_j._t_stop -
                          binned_spiketrain_i._t_stop) / bin_size
            # ex. 3) lags range: [-1, 3] ms
            left_edge = (binned_spiketrain_j._t_stop -
                         binned_spiketrain_i._t_stop) / bin_size
            right_edge = (binned_spiketrain_j._t_start -
                          binned_spiketrain_i._t_start) / bin_size
        right_edge = int(right_edge)
        left_edge = int(left_edge)
        lags = np.arange(left_edge, right_edge + 1, dtype=np.int32)

        return lags

    def correlate_memory(self, cch_mode):
        Slow, but memory-safe mode.

        cross_corr : np.ndarray
            Cross-correlation of `self.binned_spiketrain1` and
        st1_spmat = self.binned_spiketrain_i.sparse_matrix
        st2_spmat = self.binned_spiketrain_j.sparse_matrix
        left_edge, right_edge = self.window

        # extract the nonzero column indices of 1-d matrices
        st1_bin_idx_unique = st1_spmat.nonzero()[1]
        st2_bin_idx_unique = st2_spmat.nonzero()[1]

        # 'valid' mode requires bins correction due to the shift in t_starts
        # 'full' and 'pad' modes don't need this correction
        if cch_mode == "valid":
            if self.binned_spiketrain_i.n_bins > \
                st2_bin_idx_unique += right_edge
                st2_bin_idx_unique += left_edge

        st1_spmat =
        st2_spmat =

        # Initialize the counts to an array of zeros,
        # and the bin IDs to integers
        # spanning the time axis
        nr_lags = right_edge - left_edge + 1
        cross_corr = np.zeros(nr_lags)

        # Compute the CCH at lags in left_edge,...,right_edge only
        for idx, i in enumerate(st1_bin_idx_unique):
            il = np.searchsorted(st2_bin_idx_unique, left_edge + i)
            ir = np.searchsorted(st2_bin_idx_unique,
                                 right_edge + i, side='right')
            timediff = st2_bin_idx_unique[il:ir] - i
            assert ((timediff >= left_edge) & (
                timediff <= right_edge)).all(), \
                'Not all the entries of cch lie in the window'
            cross_corr[timediff - left_edge] += (
                st1_spmat[idx] * st2_spmat[il:ir])
            st2_bin_idx_unique = st2_bin_idx_unique[il:]
            st2_spmat = st2_spmat[il:]
        return cross_corr

    def correlate_speed(self, cch_mode):
        Fast, but might require a lot of memory.

        cch_mode : str
            Cross-correlation mode.

        cross_corr : np.ndarray
            Cross-correlation of `self.binned_spiketrain1` and
        # Retrieve the array of the binned spike trains
        st1_arr = self.binned_spiketrain_i.to_array()[0]
        st2_arr = self.binned_spiketrain_j.to_array()[0]
        left_edge, right_edge = self.window
        if cch_mode == 'pad':
            # Zero padding to stay between left_edge and right_edge
            pad_width = min(max(-left_edge, 0), max(right_edge, 0))
            st2_arr = np.pad(st2_arr, pad_width=pad_width, mode='constant')
            cch_mode = 'valid'
        # Cross correlate the spike trains
        cross_corr = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(st2_arr, st1_arr[::-1],
        # convolution of integers is integers
        cross_corr = np.round(cross_corr)
        return cross_corr

    def border_correction(self, cross_corr):
        cross_corr : np.ndarray
            Cross-correlation array. The output of `self.correlate_speed()`
            or `self.correlate_memory()`.

            Cross-correlation array with the border correction applied.
        min_num_bins = min(self.binned_spiketrain_i.n_bins,
        left_edge, right_edge = self.window
        valid_lags = _CrossCorrHist.get_valid_lags(self.binned_spiketrain_i,
        lags_to_compute = np.arange(left_edge, right_edge + 1)
        outer_subtraction = np.subtract.outer(lags_to_compute, valid_lags)
        min_distance_from_window = np.abs(outer_subtraction).min(axis=1)
        n_values_fall_in_window = min_num_bins - min_distance_from_window
        correction = float(min_num_bins) / n_values_fall_in_window
        return cross_corr * correction

    def cross_correlation_coefficient(self, cross_corr):
        Normalizes the CCH to obtain the cross-correlation coefficient
        function, ranging from -1 to 1.

        cross_corr : np.ndarray
            Cross-correlation array. The output of `self.correlate_speed()`
            or `self.correlate_memory()`.

        See Notes in `cross_correlation_histogram()`.

            Normalized cross-correlation array in range `[-1, 1]`.
        max_num_bins = max(self.binned_spiketrain_i.n_bins,
        n_spikes1 = self.binned_spiketrain_i.get_num_of_spikes()
        n_spikes2 = self.binned_spiketrain_j.get_num_of_spikes()
        data1 =
        data2 =
        ii =
        jj =
        cov_mean = n_spikes1 * n_spikes2 / max_num_bins
        std_xy = np.sqrt((ii - n_spikes1 ** 2. / max_num_bins) * (
            jj - n_spikes2 ** 2. / max_num_bins))
        cross_corr_normalized = (cross_corr - cov_mean) / std_xy
        return cross_corr_normalized

    def kernel_smoothing(self, cross_corr_array, kernel):
        Performs 1-d convolution with the `kernel`.

        cross_corr_array : np.ndarray
            Cross-correlation array. The output of `self.correlate_speed()`
            or `self.correlate_memory()`.
        kernel : list
            1-d kernel.

            Smoothed array.
        left_edge, right_edge = self.window
        kern_len_max = abs(left_edge) + abs(right_edge) + 1
        # Define the kern for smoothing as an ndarray
        if len(kernel) > kern_len_max:
            raise ValueError(
                'The length of the kernel {} cannot be larger than the '
                'length {} of the resulting CCH.'.format(len(kernel),
        kernel = np.divide(kernel, kernel.sum())
        # Smooth the cross-correlation histogram with the kern
        return np.convolve(cross_corr_array, kernel, mode='same')

[docs]@deprecated_alias(binned_sts='binned_spiketrain') def covariance(binned_spiketrain, binary=False, fast=True): r""" Calculate the NxN matrix of pairwise covariances between all combinations of N binned spike trains. For each pair of spike trains :math:`(i,j)`, the covariance :math:`C[i,j]` is obtained by binning :math:`i` and :math:`j` at the desired bin size. Let :math:`b_i` and :math:`b_j` denote the binned spike trains and :math:`\mu_i` and :math:`\mu_j` their respective averages. Then .. math:: C[i,j] = <b_i-\mu_i, b_j-\mu_j> / (L-1) where `<., .>` is the scalar product of two vectors, and :math:`L` is the number of bins. For an input of N spike trains, an N x N matrix is returned containing the covariances for each combination of input spike trains. If binary is True, the binned spike trains are clipped to 0 or 1 before computing the covariance, so that the binned vectors :math:`b_i` and :math:`b_j` are binary. Parameters ---------- binned_spiketrain : (N, ) elephant.conversion.BinnedSpikeTrain A binned spike train containing the spike trains to be evaluated. binary : bool, optional If True, the spikes of a particular spike train falling in the same bin are counted as 1, resulting in binary binned vectors :math:`b_i`. If False, the binned vectors :math:`b_i` contain the spike counts per bin. Default: False fast : bool, optional If `fast=True` and the sparsity of `binned_spiketrain` is `> 0.1`, use `np.cov()`. Otherwise, use memory efficient implementation. See Notes [2]. Default: True Returns ------- C : (N, N) np.ndarray The square matrix of covariances. The element :math:`C[i,j]=C[j,i]` is the covariance between `binned_spiketrain[i]` and `binned_spiketrain[j]`. Raises ------ MemoryError When using `fast=True` and `binned_spiketrain` shape is large. Warns -------- UserWarning If at least one row in `binned_spiketrain` is empty (has no spikes). See Also -------- correlation_coefficient : Pearson correlation coefficient Notes ----- 1. The spike trains in the binned structure are assumed to cover the complete time span `[t_start, t_stop)` of `binned_spiketrain`. 2. Using `fast=True` might lead to `MemoryError`. If it's the case, switch to `fast=False`. Examples -------- Covariance matrix of two Poisson spike train processes. >>> import neo >>> import numpy as np >>> import quantities as pq >>> from elephant.spike_train_generation import homogeneous_poisson_process >>> from elephant.conversion import BinnedSpikeTrain >>> from elephant.spike_train_correlation import covariance >>> np.random.seed(1) >>> st1 = homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=10*pq.Hz, t_stop=10.0*pq.s) >>> st2 = homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=10*pq.Hz, t_stop=10.0*pq.s) >>> cov_matrix = covariance(BinnedSpikeTrain([st1, st2], bin_size=5* >>> cov_matrix array([[ 0.05432316, -0.00152276], [-0.00152276, 0.04917234]]) """ if binary: binned_spiketrain = binned_spiketrain.binarize() if fast and binned_spiketrain.sparsity > _SPARSITY_MEMORY_EFFICIENT_THR: array = binned_spiketrain.to_array() return np.cov(array) return _covariance_sparse( binned_spiketrain, corrcoef_norm=False)
[docs]@deprecated_alias(binned_sts='binned_spiketrain') def correlation_coefficient(binned_spiketrain, binary=False, fast=True): r""" Calculate the NxN matrix of pairwise Pearson's correlation coefficients between all combinations of N binned spike trains. For each pair of spike trains :math:`(i,j)`, the correlation coefficient :math:`C[i,j]` is obtained by binning :math:`i` and :math:`j` at the desired bin size. Let :math:`b_i` and :math:`b_j` denote the binned spike trains and :math:`\mu_i` and :math:`\mu_j` their respective means. Then .. math:: C[i,j] = <b_i-\mu_i, b_j-\mu_j> / \sqrt{<b_i-\mu_i, b_i-\mu_i> \cdot <b_j-\mu_j, b_j-\mu_j>} where `<., .>` is the scalar product of two vectors. For an input of N spike trains, an N x N matrix is returned. Each entry in the matrix is a real number ranging between -1 (perfectly anti-correlated spike trains) and +1 (perfectly correlated spike trains). However, if k-th spike train is empty, k-th row and k-th column of the returned matrix are set to np.nan. If binary is True, the binned spike trains are clipped to 0 or 1 before computing the correlation coefficients, so that the binned vectors :math:`b_i` and :math:`b_j` are binary. Visualization of this function is covered in Viziphant: :func:`viziphant.spike_train_correlation.plot_corrcoef`. Parameters ---------- binned_spiketrain : (N, ) elephant.conversion.BinnedSpikeTrain A binned spike train containing the spike trains to be evaluated. binary : bool, optional If True, two spikes of a particular spike train falling in the same bin are counted as 1, resulting in binary binned vectors :math:`b_i`. If False, the binned vectors :math:`b_i` contain the spike counts per bin. Default: False fast : bool, optional If `fast=True` and the sparsity of `binned_spiketrain` is `> 0.1`, use `np.corrcoef()`. Otherwise, use memory efficient implementation. See Notes[2] Default: True Returns ------- C : (N, N) np.ndarray The square matrix of correlation coefficients. The element :math:`C[i,j]=C[j,i]` is the Pearson's correlation coefficient between `binned_spiketrain[i]` and `binned_spiketrain[j]`. If `binned_spiketrain` contains only one `neo.SpikeTrain`, C=1.0. Raises ------ MemoryError When using `fast=True` and `binned_spiketrain` shape is large. Warns -------- UserWarning If at least one row in `binned_spiketrain` is empty (has no spikes). See Also -------- covariance Notes ----- 1. The spike trains in the binned structure are assumed to cover the complete time span `[t_start, t_stop)` of `binned_spiketrain`. 2. Using `fast=True` might lead to `MemoryError`. If it's the case, switch to `fast=False`. Examples -------- Correlation coefficient of two Poisson spike train processes. >>> import neo >>> import numpy as np >>> import quantities as pq >>> from elephant.spike_train_generation import homogeneous_poisson_process >>> from elephant.conversion import BinnedSpikeTrain >>> from elephant.spike_train_correlation import correlation_coefficient >>> np.random.seed(1) >>> st1 = homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=10*pq.Hz, t_stop=10.0*pq.s) >>> st2 = homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=10*pq.Hz, t_stop=10.0*pq.s) >>> corrcoef = correlation_coefficient(BinnedSpikeTrain([st1, st2], ... bin_size=5* >>> corrcoef array([[ 1. , -0.02946313], [-0.02946313, 1. ]]) """ if binary: binned_spiketrain = binned_spiketrain.binarize() if fast and binned_spiketrain.sparsity > _SPARSITY_MEMORY_EFFICIENT_THR: array = binned_spiketrain.to_array() return np.corrcoef(array) return _covariance_sparse( binned_spiketrain, corrcoef_norm=True)
def corrcoef(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn("'corrcoef' is deprecated; use 'correlation_coefficient'", DeprecationWarning) return correlation_coefficient(*args, **kwargs) def _covariance_sparse(binned_spiketrain, corrcoef_norm): r""" Memory efficient helper function for `covariance()` and `corrcoef()` that performs the complete calculation for either the covariance (`corrcoef_norm=False`) or correlation coefficient (`corrcoef_norm=True`). Both calculations differ only by the denominator. For any two `BinnedSpikeTrain`s :math:`\hat{b_x}` and :math:`\hat{b_y}` with mean :math:`\vec{\mu_x}` and :math:`\vec{mu_y}` respectively computes the dot product .. math:: <\hat{b_x} - \vec{\mu_x}, \hat{b_y} - \vec{\mu_y}>_{ij} = (\hat{b_x} \cdot \hat{b_y}^T)_{ij} - \frac{(\vec{N_x}^T \cdot \vec{N_y})_{ij}}{L} where :math:`N_x^i = \sum_j{b_x^{ij}}` - the number of spikes in `i`th row of :math:`\hat{b_x}`, :math:`L` - the number of bins, and :math:`\vec{\mu_x} = \frac{\vec{N_x}}{L}`. Parameters ---------- binned_spiketrain : (N, ) elephant.conversion.BinnedSpikeTrain See `covariance()` or `corrcoef()`, respectively. corrcoef_norm : bool Use normalization factor for the correlation coefficient rather than for the covariance. Warns -------- UserWarning If at least one row in `binned_spiketrain` is empty (has no spikes). Returns ------- (N, N) np.ndarray Pearson correlation or covariance matrix. """ spmat = binned_spiketrain.sparse_matrix n_bins = binned_spiketrain.n_bins # Check for empty spike trains n_spikes_per_row = spmat.sum(axis=1) if n_spikes_per_row.min() == 0: warnings.warn( 'Detected empty spike trains (rows) in the binned_spiketrain.') res = - n_spikes_per_row * n_spikes_per_row.T / n_bins res = np.asarray(res) if corrcoef_norm: stdx = np.sqrt(res.diagonal()) stdx = np.expand_dims(stdx, axis=0) res /= (stdx.T * stdx) else: res /= (n_bins - 1) res = np.squeeze(res) return res
[docs]@deprecated_alias(binned_st1='binned_spiketrain_i', binned_st2='binned_spiketrain_j', cross_corr_coef='cross_correlation_coefficient') def cross_correlation_histogram( binned_spiketrain_i, binned_spiketrain_j, window='full', border_correction=False, binary=False, kernel=None, method='speed', cross_correlation_coefficient=False): """ Computes the cross-correlation histogram (CCH) between two binned spike trains `binned_spiketrain_i` and `binned_spiketrain_j`. Visualization of this function is covered in Viziphant: :func:`viziphant.spike_train_correlation.plot_cross_correlation_histogram`. Parameters ---------- binned_spiketrain_i, binned_spiketrain_j : BinnedSpikeTrain Binned spike trains of lengths N and M to cross-correlate - the output of :class:`elephant.conversion.BinnedSpikeTrain`. The input spike trains can have any `t_start` and `t_stop`. window : {'valid', 'full'} or list of int, optional ‘full’: This returns the cross-correlation at each point of overlap, with an output shape of (N+M-1,). At the end-points of the cross-correlogram, the signals do not overlap completely, and boundary effects may be seen. ‘valid’: Mode valid returns output of length max(M, N) - min(M, N) + 1. The cross-correlation product is only given for points where the signals overlap completely. Values outside the signal boundary have no effect. List of integers (min_lag, max_lag): The entries of window are two integers representing the left and right extremes (expressed as number of bins) where the cross-correlation is computed. Default: 'full' border_correction : bool, optional whether to correct for the border effect. If True, the value of the CCH at bin :math:`b` (for :math:`b=-H,-H+1, ...,H`, where :math:`H` is the CCH half-length) is multiplied by the correction factor: .. math:: (H+1)/(H+1-|b|), which linearly corrects for loss of bins at the edges. Default: False binary : bool, optional If True, spikes falling in the same bin are counted as a single spike; otherwise they are counted as different spikes. Default: False kernel : np.ndarray or None, optional A one dimensional array containing a smoothing kernel applied to the resulting CCH. The length N of the kernel indicates the smoothing window. The smoothing window cannot be larger than the maximum lag of the CCH. The kernel is normalized to unit area before being applied to the resulting CCH. Popular choices for the kernel are * normalized boxcar kernel: `numpy.ones(N)` * hamming: `numpy.hamming(N)` * hanning: `numpy.hanning(N)` * bartlett: `numpy.bartlett(N)` If None, the CCH is not smoothed. Default: None method : {'speed', 'memory'}, optional Defines the algorithm to use. "speed" uses `numpy.correlate` to calculate the correlation between two binned spike trains using a non-sparse data representation. Due to various optimizations, it is the fastest realization. In contrast, the option "memory" uses an own implementation to calculate the correlation based on sparse matrices, which is more memory efficient but slower than the "speed" option. Default: "speed" cross_correlation_coefficient : bool, optional If True, a normalization is applied to the CCH to obtain the cross-correlation coefficient function ranging from -1 to 1 according to Equation (5.10) in :cite:`correlation-Eggermont2010_77`. See Notes. Default: False Returns ------- cch_result : neo.AnalogSignal Containing the cross-correlation histogram between `binned_spiketrain_i` and `binned_spiketrain_j`. Offset bins correspond to correlations at delays equivalent to the differences between the spike times of `binned_spiketrain_i` and those of `binned_spiketrain_j`: an entry at positive lag corresponds to a spike in `binned_spiketrain_j` following a spike in `binned_spiketrain_i` bins to the right, and an entry at negative lag corresponds to a spike in `binned_spiketrain_i` following a spike in `binned_spiketrain_j`. To illustrate this definition, consider two spike trains with the same `t_start` and `t_stop`: `binned_spiketrain_i` ('reference neuron') : 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 `binned_spiketrain_j` ('target neuron') : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Here, the CCH will have an entry of `1` at `lag=+3`. Consistent with the definition of `neo.AnalogSignals`, the time axis represents the left bin borders of each histogram bin. For example, the time axis might be: `np.array([-2.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5]) * ms` lags : np.ndarray Contains the IDs of the individual histogram bins, where the central bin has ID 0, bins to the left have negative IDs and bins to the right have positive IDs, e.g.,: `np.array([-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3])` Notes ----- 1. The Eq. (5.10) in :cite:`correlation-Eggermont2010_77` is valid for binned spike trains with at most one spike per bin. For a general case, refer to the implementation of `_covariance_sparse()`. 2. Alias: `cch` Examples -------- Plot the cross-correlation histogram between two Poisson spike trains >>> import elephant >>> import quantities as pq >>> import numpy as np >>> from elephant.conversion import BinnedSpikeTrain >>> from elephant.spike_train_generation import homogeneous_poisson_process >>> from elephant.spike_train_correlation import \ ... cross_correlation_histogram >>> np.random.seed(1) >>> binned_spiketrain_i = BinnedSpikeTrain( ... homogeneous_poisson_process( ... 10. * pq.Hz, t_start=0 *, t_stop=5000 *, ... bin_size=5. * >>> binned_spiketrain_j = BinnedSpikeTrain( ... homogeneous_poisson_process( ... 10. * pq.Hz, t_start=0 *, t_stop=5000 *, ... bin_size=5. * >>> cc_hist, lags = cross_correlation_histogram( ... binned_spiketrain_i, binned_spiketrain_j, window=[-10, 10], ... border_correction=False, ... binary=False, kernel=None) >>> print(cc_hist.flatten()) [ 5. 3. 3. 2. 4. 0. 1. 5. 3. 4. 2. 2. 2. 5. 1. 2. 4. 2. -0. 3. 3.] dimensionless >>> lags array([-10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], dtype=int32) """ # Check that the spike trains are binned with the same temporal # resolution if binned_spiketrain_i.shape[0] != 1 or \ binned_spiketrain_j.shape[0] != 1: raise ValueError("Spike trains must be one dimensional") # rescale to the common units # this does not change the data - only its representation binned_spiketrain_j.rescale(binned_spiketrain_i.units) if not np.isclose(binned_spiketrain_i._bin_size, binned_spiketrain_j._bin_size): raise ValueError("Bin sizes must be equal") bin_size = binned_spiketrain_i._bin_size left_edge_min = -binned_spiketrain_i.n_bins + 1 right_edge_max = binned_spiketrain_j.n_bins - 1 t_lags_shift = (binned_spiketrain_j._t_start - binned_spiketrain_i._t_start) / bin_size if not np.isclose(t_lags_shift, round(t_lags_shift)): # For example, if bin_size=1 ms, binned_spiketrain_i.t_start=0 ms, and # binned_spiketrain_j.t_start=0.5 ms then there is a global shift in # the binning of the spike trains. raise ValueError( "Binned spiketrains time shift is not multiple of bin_size") t_lags_shift = int(round(t_lags_shift)) # In the examples below we fix st2 and "move" st1. # Zero-lag is equal to `max(st1.t_start, st2.t_start)`. # Binned spiketrains (t_start and t_stop) with bin_size=1ms: # 1) st1=[3, 8] ms, st2=[1, 13] ms # t_start_shift = -2 ms # zero-lag is at 3 ms # 2) st1=[1, 7] ms, st2=[2, 9] ms # t_start_shift = 1 ms # zero-lag is at 2 ms # 3) st1=[1, 7] ms, st2=[4, 6] ms # t_start_shift = 3 ms # zero-lag is at 4 ms # Find left and right edges of unaligned (time-dropped) time signals if len(window) == 2 and np.issubdtype(type(window[0]), np.integer) \ and np.issubdtype(type(window[1]), np.integer): # ex. 1) lags range: [w[0] - 2, w[1] - 2] ms # ex. 2) lags range: [w[0] + 1, w[1] + 1] ms # ex. 3) lags range: [w[0] + 3, w[0] + 3] ms if window[0] >= window[1]: raise ValueError( "Window's left edge ({left}) must be lower than the right " "edge ({right})".format(left=window[0], right=window[1])) left_edge, right_edge = np.subtract(window, t_lags_shift) if left_edge < left_edge_min or right_edge > right_edge_max: raise ValueError( "The window exceeds the length of the spike trains") lags = np.arange(window[0], window[1] + 1, dtype=np.int32) cch_mode = 'pad' elif window == 'full': # cch computed for all the possible entries # ex. 1) lags range: [-6, 9] ms # ex. 2) lags range: [-4, 7] ms # ex. 3) lags range: [-2, 4] ms left_edge = left_edge_min right_edge = right_edge_max lags = np.arange(left_edge + t_lags_shift, right_edge + 1 + t_lags_shift, dtype=np.int32) cch_mode = window elif window == 'valid': lags = _CrossCorrHist.get_valid_lags(binned_spiketrain_i, binned_spiketrain_j) left_edge, right_edge = lags[(0, -1), ] cch_mode = window else: raise ValueError("Invalid window parameter") if binary: binned_spiketrain_i = binned_spiketrain_i.binarize() binned_spiketrain_j = binned_spiketrain_j.binarize() cch_builder = _CrossCorrHist(binned_spiketrain_i, binned_spiketrain_j, window=(left_edge, right_edge)) if method == 'memory': cross_corr = cch_builder.correlate_memory(cch_mode=cch_mode) else: cross_corr = cch_builder.correlate_speed(cch_mode=cch_mode) if border_correction: if window == 'valid': warnings.warn( "Border correction does not have any effect in " "'valid' window mode since there are no border effects!") else: cross_corr = cch_builder.border_correction(cross_corr) if kernel is not None: cross_corr = cch_builder.kernel_smoothing(cross_corr, kernel=kernel) if cross_correlation_coefficient: cross_corr = cch_builder.cross_correlation_coefficient(cross_corr) normalization = 'normalized' if cross_correlation_coefficient else 'counts' annotations = dict(window=window, border_correction=border_correction, binary=binary, kernel=kernel is not None, normalization=normalization) annotations = dict(cch_parameters=annotations) # Transform the array count into an AnalogSignal t_start = pq.Quantity((lags[0] - 0.5) * bin_size, units=binned_spiketrain_i.units, copy=False) cch_result = neo.AnalogSignal( signal=np.expand_dims(cross_corr, axis=1), units=pq.dimensionless, t_start=t_start, sampling_period=binned_spiketrain_i.bin_size, copy=False, **annotations) return cch_result, lags
# Alias for common abbreviation cch = cross_correlation_histogram
[docs]@deprecated_alias(spiketrain_1='spiketrain_i', spiketrain_2='spiketrain_j') def spike_time_tiling_coefficient(spiketrain_i, spiketrain_j, dt=0.005 * pq.s): """ Calculates the Spike Time Tiling Coefficient (STTC) as described in :cite:`correlation-Cutts2014_14288` following their implementation in C. The STTC is a pairwise measure of correlation between spike trains. It has been proposed as a replacement for the correlation index as it presents several advantages (e.g. it's not confounded by firing rate, appropriately distinguishes lack of correlation from anti-correlation, periods of silence don't add to the correlation and it's sensitive to firing patterns). The STTC is calculated as follows: .. math:: STTC = 1/2((PA - TB)/(1 - PA*TB) + (PB - TA)/(1 - PB*TA)) Where `PA` is the proportion of spikes from train 1 that lie within `[-dt, +dt]` of any spike of train 2 divided by the total number of spikes in train 1, `PB` is the same proportion for the spikes in train 2; `TA` is the proportion of total recording time within `[-dt, +dt]` of any spike in train 1, TB is the same proportion for train 2. For :math:`TA = PB = 1`and for :math:`TB = PA = 1` the resulting :math:`0/0` is replaced with :math:`1`, since every spike from the train with :math:`T = 1` is within `[-dt, +dt]` of a spike of the other train. This is a Python implementation compatible with the elephant library of the original code by C. Cutts written in C and available `here < blob/master/spike_time_tiling_coefficient.c>`_: Parameters ---------- spiketrain_i, spiketrain_j : neo.SpikeTrain Spike trains to cross-correlate. They must have the same `t_start` and `t_stop`. dt : pq.Quantity. The synchronicity window is used for both: the quantification of the proportion of total recording time that lies `[-dt, +dt]` of each spike in each train and the proportion of spikes in `spiketrain_i` that lies `[-dt, +dt]` of any spike in `spiketrain_j`. Default : `0.005 * pq.s` Returns ------- index : float or np.nan The spike time tiling coefficient (STTC). Returns np.nan if any spike train is empty. Notes ----- Alias: `sttc` Examples -------- >>> import neo >>> import quantities as pq >>> from elephant.spike_train_correlation import \ ... spike_time_tiling_coefficient >>> spiketrain1 = neo.SpikeTrain([1.3, 7.56, 15.87, 28.23, 30.9, 34.2, ... 38.2, 43.2], units='ms', t_stop=50) >>> spiketrain2 = neo.SpikeTrain([1.02, 2.71, 18.82, 28.46, 28.79, 43.6], ... units='ms', t_stop=50) >>> spike_time_tiling_coefficient(spiketrain1, spiketrain2) 0.4958601655933762 """ def run_P(spiketrain_i, spiketrain_j): """ Check every spike in train 1 to see if there's a spike in train 2 within dt """ N2 = len(spiketrain_j) # Search spikes of spiketrain_i in spiketrain_j # ind will contain index of ind = np.searchsorted(spiketrain_j.times, spiketrain_i.times) # To prevent IndexErrors # If a spike of spiketrain_i is after the last spike of spiketrain_j, # the index is N2, however spiketrain_j[N2] raises an IndexError. # By shifting this index, the spike of spiketrain_i will be compared # to the last 2 spikes of spiketrain_j (negligible overhead). # Note: Not necessary for index 0 that will be shifted to -1, # because spiketrain_j[-1] is valid (additional negligible comparison) ind[ind == N2] = N2 - 1 # Compare to nearest spike in spiketrain_j BEFORE spike in spiketrain_i close_left = np.abs( spiketrain_j.times[ind - 1] - spiketrain_i.times) <= dt # Compare to nearest spike in spiketrain_j AFTER (or simultaneous) # spike in spiketrain_j close_right = np.abs( spiketrain_j.times[ind] - spiketrain_i.times) <= dt # spiketrain_j spikes that are in [-dt, dt] range of spiketrain_i # spikes are counted only ONCE (as per original implementation) close = close_left + close_right # Count how many spikes in spiketrain_i have a "partner" in # spiketrain_j return np.count_nonzero(close) def run_T(spiketrain): """ Calculate the proportion of the total recording time 'tiled' by spikes. """ N = len(spiketrain) time_A = 2 * N * dt # maximum possible time if N == 1: # for just one spike in train if spiketrain[0] - spiketrain.t_start < dt: time_A += -dt + spiketrain[0] - spiketrain.t_start if spiketrain[0] + dt > spiketrain.t_stop: time_A += -dt - spiketrain[0] + spiketrain.t_stop else: # if more than one spike in train # Vectorized loop of spike time differences diff = np.diff(spiketrain) diff_overlap = diff[diff < 2 * dt] # Subtract overlap time_A += -2 * dt * len(diff_overlap) + np.sum(diff_overlap) # check if spikes are within dt of the start and/or end # if so subtract overlap of first and/or last spike if (spiketrain[0] - spiketrain.t_start) < dt: time_A += spiketrain[0] - dt - spiketrain.t_start if (spiketrain.t_stop - spiketrain[N - 1]) < dt: time_A += -spiketrain[-1] - dt + spiketrain.t_stop T = time_A / (spiketrain.t_stop - spiketrain.t_start) return T.simplified.item() # enforce simplification, strip units N1 = len(spiketrain_i) N2 = len(spiketrain_j) if N1 == 0 or N2 == 0: index = np.nan else: TA = run_T(spiketrain_i) TB = run_T(spiketrain_j) PA = run_P(spiketrain_i, spiketrain_j) PA = PA / N1 PB = run_P(spiketrain_j, spiketrain_i) PB = PB / N2 # check if the P and T values are 1 to avoid division by zero # This only happens for TA = PB = 1 and/or TB = PA = 1, # which leads to 0/0 in the calculation of the index. # In those cases, every spike in the train with P = 1 # is within dt of a spike in the other train, # so we set the respective (partial) index to 1. if PA * TB == 1: if PB * TA == 1: index = 1. else: index = 0.5 + 0.5 * (PB - TA) / (1 - PB * TA) elif PB * TA == 1: index = 0.5 + 0.5 * (PA - TB) / (1 - PA * TB) else: index = 0.5 * (PA - TB) / (1 - PA * TB) + 0.5 * (PB - TA) / ( 1 - PB * TA) return index
sttc = spike_time_tiling_coefficient
[docs]@deprecated_alias(binned_st='binned_spiketrain', tau_max='max_tau') def spike_train_timescale(binned_spiketrain, max_tau): r""" Calculates the auto-correlation time of a binned spike train; uses the definition of the auto-correlation time proposed in :cite:`correlation-Wieland2015_040901` (Eq. 6): .. math:: \tau_\mathrm{corr} = \int_{-\tau_\mathrm{max}}^{\tau_\mathrm{max}}\ \left[ \frac{\hat{C}(\tau)}{\hat{C}(0)} \right]^2 d\tau where :math:`\hat{C}(\tau) = C(\tau)-\nu\delta(\tau)` denotes the auto-correlation function excluding the Dirac delta at zero timelag. Parameters ---------- binned_spiketrain : elephant.conversion.BinnedSpikeTrain A binned spike train containing the spike train to be evaluated. max_tau : pq.Quantity Maximal integration time :math:`\tau_{max}` of the auto-correlation function. It needs to be a multiple of the `bin_size` of `binned_spiketrain`. Returns ------- timescale : pq.Quantity The auto-correlation time of the binned spiketrain with the same units as in the input. If `binned_spiketrain` has less than 2 spikes, a warning is raised and `np.nan` is returned. Notes ----- * :math:`\tau_\mathrm{max}` is a critical parameter: numerical estimates of the auto-correlation functions are inherently noisy. Due to the square in the definition above, this noise is integrated. Thus, it is necessary to introduce a cutoff for the numerical integration - this cutoff should be neither smaller than the true auto-correlation time nor much bigger. * The bin size of `binned_spiketrain` is another critical parameter as it defines the discretization of the integral :math:`d\tau`. If it is too big, the numerical approximation of the integral is inaccurate. Examples -------- >>> import neo >>> import numpy as np >>> import quantities as pq >>> from elephant.spike_train_correlation import spike_train_timescale >>> from elephant.conversion import BinnedSpikeTrain >>> spiketrain = neo.SpikeTrain([1, 5, 7, 8], units='ms', t_stop=10* >>> bst = BinnedSpikeTrain(spiketrain, bin_size=1 * >>> spike_train_timescale(bst, max_tau=5 * array(14.11111111) * ms """ if binned_spiketrain.get_num_of_spikes() < 2: warnings.warn("Spike train contains less than 2 spikes! " "np.nan will be returned.") return np.nan bin_size = binned_spiketrain._bin_size try: max_tau = max_tau.rescale(binned_spiketrain.units).item() except (AttributeError, ValueError): raise ValueError("max_tau needs units of time") # safe casting of max_tau/bin_size to integer max_tau_bins = int(round(max_tau / bin_size)) if not np.isclose(max_tau, max_tau_bins * bin_size): raise ValueError("max_tau has to be a multiple of the bin_size") cch_window = [-max_tau_bins, max_tau_bins] corrfct, bin_ids = cross_correlation_histogram( binned_spiketrain, binned_spiketrain, window=cch_window, cross_correlation_coefficient=True ) # Take only t > 0 values, in particular neglecting the delta peak. start_id = corrfct.time_index((bin_size / 2) * binned_spiketrain.units) corrfct = corrfct.magnitude.squeeze()[start_id:] # Calculate the timescale using trapezoidal integration integr = (corrfct / corrfct[0]) ** 2 timescale = 2 * integrate.trapz(integr, dx=bin_size) return pq.Quantity(timescale, units=binned_spiketrain.units, copy=False)