Source code for elephant.spike_train_generation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions to generate/extract spike trains from analog signals, or to generate
random spike trains.

Extract spike times from time series
.. autosummary::
    :toctree: _toctree/spike_train_generation


Random spike train processes
.. autosummary::
    :toctree: _toctree/spike_train_generation


Coincident spike times generation
.. autosummary::
    :toctree: _toctree/spike_train_generation


Some functions are based on the NeuroTools stgen module, which was mostly
written by Eilif Muller, or from the NeuroTools signals.analogs module.


.. bibliography:: ../bib/elephant.bib
   :labelprefix: gen
   :keyprefix: generation-
   :style: unsrt

:copyright: Copyright 2014-2020 by the Elephant team, see `doc/authors.rst`.
:license: Modified BSD, see LICENSE.txt for details.

from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import warnings
from functools import partial

import neo
import numpy as np
import quantities as pq

from elephant.spike_train_surrogates import dither_spike_train
from elephant.utils import deprecated_alias

__all__ = [

[docs]@deprecated_alias(extr_interval='interval') def spike_extraction(signal, threshold=0.0 * pq.mV, sign='above', time_stamps=None, interval=(-2 *, 4 * """ Return the peak times for all events that cross threshold and the waveforms. Usually used for extracting spikes from a membrane potential to calculate waveform properties. Parameters ---------- signal : neo.AnalogSignal An analog input signal. threshold : pq.Quantity, optional Contains a value that must be reached for an event to be detected. Default: 0.0 * pq.mV sign : {'above', 'below'}, optional Determines whether to count threshold crossings that cross above or below the threshold. Default: 'above' time_stamps : pq.Quantity, optional If `spike_train` is a `pq.Quantity` array, `time_stamps` provides the time stamps around which the waveform is extracted. If it is None, the function `peak_detection` is used to calculate the time_stamps from signal. Default: None interval : tuple of pq.Quantity Specifies the time interval around the `time_stamps` where the waveform is extracted. Default: (-2 *, 4 * Returns ------- result_st : neo.SpikeTrain Contains the time_stamps of each of the spikes and the waveforms in `result_st.waveforms`. See Also -------- elephant.spike_train_generation.peak_detection """ # Get spike time_stamps if time_stamps is None: time_stamps = peak_detection(signal, threshold, sign=sign) elif hasattr(time_stamps, 'times'): time_stamps = time_stamps.times elif isinstance(time_stamps, pq.Quantity): raise TypeError("time_stamps must be None, a pq.Quantity array or" + " expose the.times interface") if len(time_stamps) == 0: return neo.SpikeTrain(time_stamps, units=signal.times.units, t_start=signal.t_start, t_stop=signal.t_stop, waveforms=np.array([]), sampling_rate=signal.sampling_rate) # Unpack the extraction interval from tuple or array extr_left, extr_right = interval if extr_left > extr_right: raise ValueError("interval[0] must be < interval[1]") if any(np.diff(time_stamps) < interval[1]): warnings.warn("Waveforms overlap.", UserWarning) data_left = (extr_left * signal.sampling_rate).simplified.magnitude data_right = (extr_right * signal.sampling_rate).simplified.magnitude data_stamps = (((time_stamps - signal.t_start) * signal.sampling_rate).simplified).magnitude data_stamps = data_stamps.astype(int) borders_left = data_stamps + data_left borders_right = data_stamps + data_right borders = np.dstack((borders_left, borders_right)).flatten() waveforms = np.array( np.split(np.array(signal), borders.astype(int))[1::2]) * signal.units # len(np.shape(waveforms)) == 1 if waveforms do not have the same width. # this can occur when extraction interval indexes beyond the signal. # Workaround: delete spikes shorter than the maximum length with if len(np.shape(waveforms)) == 1: max_len = (np.array([len(x) for x in waveforms])).max() to_delete = np.array([idx for idx, x in enumerate(waveforms) if len(x) < max_len]) waveforms = np.delete(waveforms, to_delete, axis=0) waveforms = np.array(waveforms) warnings.warn("Waveforms " + ("{:d}, " * len(to_delete)).format(*to_delete) + "exceeded signal and had to be deleted. " + "Change 'interval' to keep.") waveforms = waveforms[:, np.newaxis, :] return neo.SpikeTrain(time_stamps, units=signal.times.units, t_start=signal.t_start, t_stop=signal.t_stop, sampling_rate=signal.sampling_rate, waveforms=waveforms, left_sweep=extr_left)
[docs]def threshold_detection(signal, threshold=0.0 * pq.mV, sign='above'): """ Returns the times when the analog signal crosses a threshold. Usually used for extracting spike times from a membrane potential. Parameters ---------- signal : neo.AnalogSignal An analog input signal. threshold : pq.Quantity, optional Contains a value that must be reached for an event to be detected. Default: 0.0 * pq.mV sign : {'above', 'below'}, optional Determines whether to count threshold crossings that cross above or below the threshold. Default: 'above' Returns ------- result_st : neo.SpikeTrain Contains the spike times of each of the events (spikes) extracted from the signal. """ if not isinstance(threshold, pq.Quantity): raise ValueError('threshold must be a pq.Quantity') if sign not in ('above', 'below'): raise ValueError("sign should be 'above' or 'below'") if sign == 'above': cutout = np.where(signal > threshold)[0] else: # sign == 'below' cutout = np.where(signal < threshold)[0] if len(cutout) == 0: events_base = np.zeros(0) else: take = np.where(np.diff(cutout) > 1)[0] + 1 take = np.append(0, take) time = signal.times events = time[cutout][take] events_base = events.magnitude if events_base is None: # This occurs in some Python 3 builds due to some # bug in quantities. events_base = np.array( [event.magnitude for event in events]) # Workaround result_st = neo.SpikeTrain(events_base, units=signal.times.units, t_start=signal.t_start, t_stop=signal.t_stop) return result_st
[docs]@deprecated_alias(format='as_array') def peak_detection(signal, threshold=0.0 * pq.mV, sign='above', as_array=False): """ Return the peak times for all events that cross threshold. Usually used for extracting spike times from a membrane potential. Similar to spike_train_generation.threshold_detection. Parameters ---------- signal : neo.AnalogSignal An analog input signal. threshold : pq.Quantity, optional Contains a value that must be reached for an event to be detected. Default: 0.*pq.mV sign : {'above', 'below'}, optional Determines whether to count threshold crossings that cross above or below the threshold. Default: 'above' as_array : bool, optional If True, a NumPy array of the resulting peak times is returned instead of a (default) `neo.SpikeTrain` object. Default: False format : {None, 'raw'}, optional .. deprecated:: 0.8.0 Whether to return as SpikeTrain (None) or as a plain array of times ('raw'). Deprecated. Use `as_array=False` for None format and `as_array=True` otherwise. Default: None Returns ------- result_st : neo.SpikeTrain Contains the spike times of each of the events (spikes) extracted from the signal. """ if not isinstance(threshold, pq.Quantity): raise ValueError("threshold must be a pq.Quantity") if sign not in ('above', 'below'): raise ValueError("sign should be 'above' or 'below'") if as_array in (None, 'raw'): warnings.warn("'format' is deprecated; use as_array=True", DeprecationWarning) as_array = bool(as_array) if sign == 'above': cutout = np.where(signal > threshold)[0] peak_func = np.argmax else: # sign == 'below' cutout = np.where(signal < threshold)[0] peak_func = np.argmin if len(cutout) == 0: events_base = np.zeros(0) else: # Select thr crossings lasting at least 2 dtps, np.diff(cutout) > 2 # This avoids empty slices border_start = np.where(np.diff(cutout) > 1)[0] border_end = border_start + 1 borders = sorted(np.r_[0, border_start, border_end, len(cutout) - 1]) true_borders = cutout[borders] right_borders = true_borders[1::2] + 1 true_borders = np.sort(np.append(true_borders[0::2], right_borders)) # Workaround for bug that occurs when signal goes below thr for 1 dtp, # Workaround eliminates empty slices from np. split backward_mask = np.absolute(np.ediff1d(true_borders, to_begin=1)) > 0 forward_mask = np.absolute(np.ediff1d(true_borders[::-1], to_begin=1)[::-1]) > 0 true_borders = true_borders[backward_mask * forward_mask] split_signal = np.split(np.array(signal), true_borders)[1::2] maxima_idc_split = np.array([peak_func(x) for x in split_signal]) max_idc = maxima_idc_split + true_borders[0::2] events = signal.times[max_idc] events_base = events.magnitude if events_base is None: # This occurs in some Python 3 builds due to some # bug in quantities. events_base = np.array( [event.magnitude for event in events]) # Workaround result_st = neo.SpikeTrain(events_base, units=signal.times.units, t_start=signal.t_start, t_stop=signal.t_stop) if as_array: result_st = result_st.magnitude return result_st
def _homogeneous_process(interval_generator, mean_rate, t_start, t_stop, as_array): """ Returns a spike train whose spikes are a realization of a random process generated by the function `interval_generator` with the given rate, starting at time `t_start` and stopping `time t_stop`. """ t_start = t_start.rescale(t_stop.units) n_spikes_expected = int(np.ceil( ((t_stop - t_start) * mean_rate).simplified)) if n_spikes_expected < 0: raise ValueError("Expected no. of spikes: {n_spikes} < 0. The firing " "rate ({rate}) cannot be negative and t_stop " "({t_stop}) must be greater than t_start " "({t_start})".format(n_spikes=n_spikes_expected, rate=mean_rate, t_stop=t_stop, t_start=t_start)) spikes = [] if n_spikes_expected > 0: # 3 STDs corresponds to 99.7% n_spikes_expected = int(np.ceil( n_spikes_expected + 3 * np.sqrt(n_spikes_expected))) t_last = t_start.simplified.magnitude while True: isi = interval_generator(size=n_spikes_expected) spikes = np.r_[spikes, t_last + np.cumsum(isi)] # Check if not whole time range is covered. index_last_spike = spikes.searchsorted(t_stop.simplified.magnitude) if index_last_spike < len(spikes): spikes = spikes[:index_last_spike] spikes = (spikes / mean_rate.units).rescale(t_stop.units) break t_last = spikes[-1] if as_array: spikes = spikes.magnitude else: spikes = neo.SpikeTrain(spikes, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop, units=t_stop.units) return spikes
[docs]def homogeneous_poisson_process(rate, t_start=0.0 *, t_stop=1000.0 *, as_array=False, refractory_period=None): """ Returns a spike train whose spikes are a realization of a Poisson process with the given rate, starting at time `t_start` and stopping time `t_stop`. All numerical values should be given as Quantities, e.g. `100*pq.Hz`. Parameters ---------- rate : pq.Quantity The rate of the discharge. t_start : pq.Quantity, optional The beginning of the spike train. Default: 0 * t_stop : pq.Quantity, optional The end of the spike train. Default: 1000 * as_array : bool, optional If True, a NumPy array of sorted spikes is returned, rather than a `neo.SpikeTrain` object. Default: False refractory_period : pq.Quantity or None, optional `pq.Quantity` scalar with dimension time. The time period after one spike no other spike is emitted. Default: None Returns ------- spiketrain : neo.SpikeTrain or np.ndarray Homogeneous Poisson process realization, stored in `neo.SpikeTrain` if `as_array` is False (default) and `np.ndarray` otherwise. Raises ------ ValueError If one of `rate`, `t_start` and `t_stop` is not of type `pq.Quantity`. If `refractory_period` is not None or not of type `pq.Quantity`. If `refractory_period` is not None and the period between two successive spikes (`1 / rate`) is smaller than the `refractory_period`. Examples -------- >>> import quantities as pq >>> spikes = homogeneous_poisson_process(50*pq.Hz, t_start=0*, ... t_stop=1000* >>> spikes = homogeneous_poisson_process( ... 20*pq.Hz, t_start=5000*, t_stop=10000*, as_array=True) >>> spikes = homogeneous_poisson_process(50*pq.Hz, t_start=0*, ... t_stop=1000*, refractory_period = 3* """ if not (isinstance(t_start, pq.Quantity) and isinstance(t_stop, pq.Quantity)): raise ValueError("t_start and t_stop must be of type pq.Quantity") if not isinstance(rate, pq.Quantity): raise ValueError("rate must be of type pq.Quantity") if not isinstance(refractory_period, pq.Quantity) and \ refractory_period is not None: raise ValueError("refractory_period must be of type pq.Quantity or" "None") rate = rate.simplified # Case without a refractory period if refractory_period is None: interval_generator = partial(np.random.exponential, scale=1. / rate.magnitude) return _homogeneous_process( interval_generator, rate, t_start, t_stop, as_array) # Case with a refractory period refractory_period = refractory_period.simplified if rate * refractory_period >= 1.: raise ValueError("Period between two successive spikes must be larger " "than the refractory period. Decrease either the " "firing rate or the refractory period.") effective_rate = rate / (1. - rate * refractory_period) def interval_generator_refractory(size): return refractory_period.magnitude + \ np.random.exponential(1. / effective_rate.magnitude, size) # we subtract refractory_period from t_start to be added later on # in interval_generator_refractory() spiketrain = _homogeneous_process(interval_generator_refractory, rate, t_start - refractory_period, t_stop, as_array) if not as_array: spiketrain.t_start = t_start return spiketrain
[docs]def inhomogeneous_poisson_process(rate, as_array=False, refractory_period=None): """ Returns a spike train whose spikes are a realization of an inhomogeneous Poisson process with the given rate profile. Parameters ---------- rate : neo.AnalogSignal A `neo.AnalogSignal` representing the rate profile evolving over time. Its values have all to be `>=0`. The output spiketrain will have `t_start = rate.t_start` and `t_stop = rate.t_stop` as_array : bool, optional If True, a NumPy array of sorted spikes is returned, rather than a SpikeTrain object. Default: False refractory_period : pq.Quantity or None, optional `pq.Quantity` scalar with dimension time. The time period after one spike no other spike is emitted. Default: None Returns ------- spiketrain : neo.SpikeTrain or np.ndarray Inhomogeneous Poisson process realization, of type `neo.SpikeTrain` if `as_array` is False (default) and `np.ndarray` otherwise. Raises ------ ValueError If `rate` contains a negative value. If `refractory_period` is not None or not of type `pq.Quantity`. If `refractory_period` is not None and the period between two successive spikes (`1 / rate`) is smaller than the `refractory_period`. """ # Check rate contains only positive values if np.any(rate < 0) or rate.size == 0: raise ValueError( 'rate must be a positive non empty signal, representing the' 'rate at time t') if not isinstance(refractory_period, pq.Quantity) and \ refractory_period is not None: raise ValueError("refractory_period must be of type pq.Quantity or" "None") rate_max = np.max(rate) if refractory_period is not None: if (rate_max * refractory_period).simplified >= 1.: raise ValueError( "Period between two successive spikes must be larger " "than the refractory period. Decrease either the " "firing rate or the refractory period.") # effective rate parameter for the refractory period case rate = rate / (1. - (rate * refractory_period).simplified) rate_max = np.max(rate) # Generate n hidden Poisson SpikeTrains with rate equal # to the peak rate homogeneous_poiss = homogeneous_poisson_process( rate=rate_max, t_stop=rate.t_stop, t_start=rate.t_start) # Compute the rate profile at each spike time by interpolation rate_interpolated = _analog_signal_linear_interp( signal=rate, times=homogeneous_poiss.times) # Accept each spike at time t with probability rate(t)/max_rate random_uniforms = np.random.uniform(size=len(homogeneous_poiss)) * rate_max spikes = homogeneous_poiss[random_uniforms < rate_interpolated.flatten()] if refractory_period is not None: refractory_period = refractory_period.rescale( rate.t_stop.units).magnitude # thinning in average cancels the effect of the effective firing rate spikes = _thinning_for_refractory_period(spikes.magnitude, refractory_period) if not as_array: spikes = neo.SpikeTrain(spikes * rate.t_stop.units, t_start=rate.t_start, t_stop=rate.t_stop) else: if as_array: spikes = spikes.magnitude return spikes
def _thinning_for_refractory_period(spiketrain, refractory_period): """ Function to thin out a spiketrain, that every ISI is greater than the refractory period. Parameters ---------- spiketrain : np.ndarray Magnitude of a spiketrain. refractory_period : float Magnitude of a refractory period. Returns ------- thinned_spiketrain : np.ndarray thinned out spiketrain """ thinned_spiketrain = [] previous_spike = -refractory_period for spike in spiketrain: if spike > previous_spike + refractory_period: thinned_spiketrain.append(spike) previous_spike = spike return np.array(thinned_spiketrain) def _analog_signal_linear_interp(signal, times): """ Compute the linear interpolation of a signal at desired times. Given the `signal` (neo.AnalogSignal) taking value `s0` and `s1` at two consecutive time points `t0` and `t1` `(t0 < t1)`, for every time `t` in `times`, such that `t0<t<=t1` is returned the value of the linear interpolation, given by: `s = ((s1 - s0) / (t1 - t0)) * t + s0`. Parameters ---------- signal : neo.AnalogSignal The analog signal containing the discretization of the function to interpolate times : pq.Quantity The time points for which the interpolation is computed Returns ------- out: pq.Quantity representing the values of the interpolated signal at the times given by times Notes ----- If `signal` has sampling period `sampling_period=signal.sampling_period`, its values are defined at `t=signal.times`, such that `t[i] = signal.t_start + i * sampling_period` The last of such times is lower than signal.t_stop`:t[-1] = signal.t_stop - sampling_period`. For the interpolation at times t such that `t[-1] <= t <= signal.t_stop`, the value of `signal` at `signal.t_stop` is taken to be that at time `t[-1]`. """ sampling_period = signal.sampling_period t_start = signal.t_start.rescale(signal.times.units) t_stop = signal.t_stop.rescale(signal.times.units) # Extend the signal (as a dimensionless array) copying the last value # one time, and extend its times to t_stop signal_extended = np.vstack( [signal.magnitude, signal[-1].magnitude]).flatten() times_extended = np.hstack([signal.times, t_stop]) * signal.times.units time_ids = (times - t_start) / sampling_period time_ids = np.floor(time_ids.simplified.magnitude).astype(np.int32) # Compute the slope of the signal at each time in times signal_1 = signal_extended[time_ids] signal_2 = signal_extended[time_ids + 1] slope = (signal_2 - signal_1) / sampling_period # Interpolate the signal at each time in times by linear interpolation return (signal_1 + slope * (times - times_extended[time_ids])) * signal.units
[docs]def homogeneous_gamma_process(a, b, t_start=0.0 *, t_stop=1000.0 *, as_array=False): """ Returns a spike train whose spikes are a realization of a gamma process with the given parameters, starting at time `t_start` and stopping time `t_stop` (average rate will be `b/a`). All numerical values should be given as Quantities, e.g. `100*pq.Hz`. Parameters ---------- a : int or float The shape parameter of the gamma distribution. b : pq.Quantity The rate parameter of the gamma distribution. t_start : pq.Quantity, optional The beginning of the spike train. Default: 0 * t_stop : pq.Quantity, optional The end of the spike train. Default: 1000 * as_array : bool, optional If True, a NumPy array of sorted spikes is returned, rather than a `neo.SpikeTrain` object. Default: False Returns ------- spiketrain : neo.SpikeTrain or np.ndarray Homogeneous Gamma process realization, stored in `neo.SpikeTrain` if `as_array` is False (default) and `np.ndarray` otherwise. Raises ------ ValueError If `t_start` and `t_stop` are not of type `pq.Quantity`. Examples -------- >>> import quantities as pq >>> spikes = homogeneous_gamma_process(2.0, 50*pq.Hz, 0*, ... 1000* >>> spikes = homogeneous_gamma_process( ... 5.0, 20*pq.Hz, 5000*, 10000*, as_array=True) """ # note that the rate of the gamma distribution is called 'b' and not 'rate' # to avoid false thoughts that 'rate' could be the mean firing rate, which # equals to b / a if not (isinstance(t_start, pq.Quantity) and isinstance(t_stop, pq.Quantity)): raise ValueError("t_start and t_stop must be of type pq.pq.Quantity") b = b.rescale(1 / t_start.units).simplified rate = b / a theta = 1. / b.magnitude interval_generator = partial(np.random.gamma, shape=a, scale=theta) return _homogeneous_process(interval_generator, rate, t_start, t_stop, as_array)
[docs]def inhomogeneous_gamma_process(rate, shape_factor, as_array=False): """ Returns a spike train whose spikes are a realization of an inhomogeneous Gamma process with the given rate profile and the given shape factor :cite:`generation-Nawrot2008_374`. Parameters ---------- rate : neo.AnalogSignal A `neo.AnalogSignal` representing the rate profile evolving over time. Its values have all to be `>=0`. The output spiketrain will have `t_start = rate.t_start` and `t_stop = rate.t_stop` shape_factor : float The shape factor of the Gamma process as_array : bool, optional If True, a NumPy array of sorted spikes is returned, rather than a SpikeTrain object. Default: False Returns ------- spiketrain : neo.SpikeTrain or np.ndarray Inhomogeneous Poisson process realization, of type `neo.SpikeTrain` if `as_array` is False (default) and `np.ndarray` otherwise. Raises ------ ValueError If `rate` is not a neo AnalogSignal If `rate` contains a negative value. """ if not isinstance(rate, neo.AnalogSignal): raise ValueError('rate must be a neo AnalogSignal') # Check rate contains only positive values if np.any(rate < 0) or rate.size == 0: raise ValueError( 'rate must be a positive non empty signal, representing the' 'rate at time t') # Operational time corresponds to the integral of the firing rate over time operational_time = np.cumsum( (rate*rate.sampling_period).simplified.magnitude) operational_time = np.hstack((0., operational_time)) # The time points at which the firing rates are given real_time = np.hstack((rate.times.simplified.magnitude, rate.t_stop.simplified.magnitude)) spiketrain_operational_time = homogeneous_gamma_process( a=shape_factor, b=shape_factor*1.*pq.Hz, t_start=0.*pq.s, t_stop=operational_time[-1]*pq.s, as_array=True) # indices where between which points in operational time the spikes lie indices = np.searchsorted(operational_time, spiketrain_operational_time) # In real time the spikes are first aligned to the left border of the bin. # Note that indices are greater than 0 because 'operational_time' was # padded with zeros. spiketrain = real_time[indices - 1] # the relative position of the spikes in the operational time bins positions_in_bins = \ (spiketrain_operational_time - operational_time[indices-1]) / ( operational_time[indices]-operational_time[indices-1]) # add the positions in the bin times the sampling period in real time spiketrain += rate.sampling_period.simplified.magnitude * positions_in_bins if as_array: return spiketrain return neo.SpikeTrain(spiketrain, units=pq.s, t_stop=rate.t_stop)
@deprecated_alias(n='n_spiketrains') def _n_poisson(rate, t_stop, t_start=0.0 *, n_spiketrains=1): """ Generates one or more independent Poisson spike trains. Parameters ---------- rate : pq.Quantity scalar or pq.Quantity array Expected firing rate (frequency) of each output SpikeTrain. Can be one of: * a single pq.Quantity value: expected firing rate of each output SpikeTrain * a pq.Quantity array: rate[i] is the expected firing rate of the i-th output SpikeTrain t_stop : pq.Quantity Single common stop time of each output SpikeTrain. Must be > t_start. t_start : pq.Quantity, optional Single common start time of each output SpikeTrain. Must be < t_stop. Default: 0 * n_spiketrains : int, optional If rate is a single pq.Quantity value, n specifies the number of SpikeTrains to be generated. If rate is an array, n is ignored and the number of SpikeTrains is equal to len(rate). Default: 1 Returns ------- list of neo.SpikeTrain Each SpikeTrain contains one of the independent Poisson spike trains, either n SpikeTrains of the same rate, or len(rate) SpikeTrains with varying rates according to the rate parameter. The time unit of the SpikeTrains is given by t_stop. """ # Check that the provided input is Hertz if not isinstance(rate, pq.Quantity): raise ValueError('rate must be a pq.Quantity') try: rate.rescale(pq.Hz) except ValueError: raise ValueError('rate argument must have rate unit (1/time)') # Check t_start < t_stop and create their strip dimensions if not t_start < t_stop: raise ValueError( 't_start (={}) must be < t_stop (={})'.format(t_start, t_stop)) # Set number n of output spike trains (specified or set to len(rate)) if not (isinstance(n_spiketrains, int) and n_spiketrains > 0): raise ValueError( 'n (={}) must be a positive integer'.format(str(n_spiketrains))) rate_dl = rate.simplified.magnitude.flatten() # Check rate input parameter if len(rate_dl) == 1: if rate_dl < 0: raise ValueError('rate (={}) must be non-negative.'.format(rate)) rates = np.array([rate_dl] * n_spiketrains) else: rates = rate_dl.flatten() if any(rates < 0): raise ValueError('rate must have non-negative elements.') return [homogeneous_poisson_process(rate * pq.Hz, t_start, t_stop) for rate in rates]
[docs]@deprecated_alias(rate_c='coincidence_rate', n='n_spiketrains', return_coinc='return_coincidences') def single_interaction_process( rate, coincidence_rate, t_stop, n_spiketrains=2, jitter=0 *, coincidences='deterministic', t_start=0 *, min_delay=0 *, return_coincidences=False): """ Generates a multidimensional Poisson SIP (single interaction process) plus independent Poisson processes :cite:`generation-Kuhn2003_67`. A Poisson SIP consists of Poisson time series which are independent except for simultaneous events in all of them. This routine generates a SIP plus additional parallel independent Poisson processes. Parameters ---------- t_stop : pq.Quantity Total time of the simulated processes. The events are drawn between 0 and `t_stop`. rate : pq.Quantity Overall mean rate of the time series to be generated (coincidence rate `coincidence_rate` is subtracted to determine the background rate). Can be: * a float, representing the overall mean rate of each process. If so, it must be higher than `coincidence_rate`. * an iterable of floats (one float per process), each float representing the overall mean rate of a process. If so, all the entries must be larger than `coincidence_rate`. coincidence_rate : pq.Quantity Coincidence rate (rate of coincidences for the n-dimensional SIP). The SIP spike trains will have coincident events with rate `coincidence_rate` plus independent 'background' events with rate `rate-rate_coincidence`. n_spiketrains : int, optional If `rate` is a single pq.Quantity value, `n_spiketrains` specifies the number of SpikeTrains to be generated. If rate is an array, `n_spiketrains` is ignored and the number of SpikeTrains is equal to `len(rate)`. Default: 2 jitter : pq.Quantity, optional Jitter for the coincident events. If `jitter == 0`, the events of all n correlated processes are exactly coincident. Otherwise, they are jittered around a common time randomly, up to +/- `jitter`. Default: 0 * coincidences : {'deterministic', 'stochastic'}, optional Whether the total number of injected coincidences must be determin- istic (i.e. rate_coincidence is the actual rate with which coincidences are generated) or stochastic (i.e. rate_coincidence is the mean rate of coincidences): * 'deterministic': deterministic rate * 'stochastic': stochastic rate Default: 'deterministic' t_start : pq.Quantity, optional Starting time of the series. If specified, it must be lower than `t_stop`. Default: 0 * min_delay : pq.Quantity, optional Minimum delay between consecutive coincidence times. Default: 0 * return_coincidences : bool, optional Whether to return the coincidence times for the SIP process Default: False Returns ------- output : list Realization of a SIP consisting of `n_spiketrains` Poisson processes characterized by synchronous events (with the given jitter). If `return_coinc` is `True`, the coincidence times are returned as a second output argument. They also have an associated time unit (same as `t_stop`). Examples -------- >>> import quantities as pq >>> import elephant.spike_train_generation as stg # TODO: check if rate_coincidence=4 is correct. >>> sip, coinc = stg.single_interaction_process( ... rate=20*pq.Hz, coincidence_rate=4, ... t_stop=1*pq.s, n_spiketrains=10, return_coincidences = True) """ # Check if n is a positive integer if not (isinstance(n_spiketrains, int) and n_spiketrains > 0): raise ValueError( 'n (={}) must be a positive integer'.format(n_spiketrains)) if coincidences not in ('deterministic', 'stochastic'): raise ValueError( "coincidences must be 'deterministic' or 'stochastic'") # Assign time unit to jitter, or check that its existing unit is a time # unit jitter = abs(jitter) # Define the array of rates from input argument rate. Check that its length # matches with n if rate.ndim == 0: if rate < 0 * pq.Hz: raise ValueError( 'rate (={}) must be non-negative.'.format(rate)) rates_b = np.repeat(rate, n_spiketrains) else: rates_b = rate.flatten() if not all(rates_b >= 0. * pq.Hz): raise ValueError('*rate* must have non-negative elements') # Check: rate>=rate_coincidence if np.any(rates_b < coincidence_rate): raise ValueError( 'all elements of *rate* must be >= *rate_coincidence*') # Check min_delay < 1./rate_coincidence if not (coincidence_rate == 0 * pq.Hz or min_delay < 1. / coincidence_rate): raise ValueError( "'*min_delay* (%s) must be lower than 1/*rate_coincidence* (%s)." % (str(min_delay), str((1. / coincidence_rate).rescale( min_delay.units)))) # Generate the n Poisson processes there are the basis for the SIP # (coincidences still lacking) embedded_poisson_trains = _n_poisson( rate=rates_b - coincidence_rate, t_stop=t_stop, t_start=t_start) # Convert the trains from neo SpikeTrain objects to simpler pq.Quantity # objects embedded_poisson_trains = [ emb.view(pq.Quantity) for emb in embedded_poisson_trains] # Generate the array of times for coincident events in SIP, not closer than # min_delay. The array is generated as a pq.Quantity. if coincidences == 'deterministic': # P. Bouss: we want the closest approximation to the average # coincidence count. n_coincidences = (t_stop - t_start) * coincidence_rate # Conversion to integer necessary for python 2 n_coincidences = int(round(n_coincidences.simplified.item())) while True: coinc_times = t_start + \ np.sort(np.random.random(n_coincidences)) * ( t_stop - t_start) if len(coinc_times) < 2 or min(np.diff(coinc_times)) >= min_delay: break else: # coincidences == 'stochastic' while True: coinc_times = homogeneous_poisson_process( rate=coincidence_rate, t_stop=t_stop, t_start=t_start) if len(coinc_times) < 2 or min(np.diff(coinc_times)) >= min_delay: break coinc_times = coinc_times.simplified units = coinc_times.units # Set the coincidence times to T-jitter if larger. This ensures that # the last jittered spike time is <T effective_t_stop = t_stop - jitter coinc_times = np.minimum(coinc_times.magnitude, effective_t_stop.simplified.magnitude) coinc_times = coinc_times * units # Replicate coinc_times n times, and jitter each event in each array by # +/- jitter (within (t_start, t_stop)) embedded_coinc = coinc_times + \ np.random.random( (len(rates_b), len(coinc_times))) * 2 * jitter - jitter embedded_coinc = embedded_coinc + \ (t_start - embedded_coinc) * (embedded_coinc < t_start) - \ (t_stop - embedded_coinc) * (embedded_coinc > t_stop) # Inject coincident events into the n SIP processes generated above, and # merge with the n independent processes sip_process = [ np.sort(np.concatenate(( embedded_poisson_trains[m].rescale(t_stop.units), embedded_coinc[m].rescale(t_stop.units))) * t_stop.units) for m in range(len(rates_b))] # Convert back sip_process and coinc_times from pq.Quantity objects to # neo.SpikeTrain objects sip_process = [ neo.SpikeTrain(t, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop).rescale(t_stop.units) for t in sip_process] coinc_times = [ neo.SpikeTrain(t, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop).rescale(t_stop.units) for t in embedded_coinc] # Return the processes in the specified output_format if not return_coincidences: output = sip_process else: output = sip_process, coinc_times return output
def _pool_two_spiketrains(spiketrain_1, spiketrain_2, extremes='inner'): """ Pool the spikes of two spike trains a and b into a unique spike train. Parameters ---------- spiketrain_1, spiketrain_2 : neo.SpikeTrain Spiketrains to be pooled. extremes : {'inner', 'outer'}, optional Only spikes of a and b in the specified extremes are considered. * 'inner': pool all spikes from max(a.tstart_ b.t_start) to min(a.t_stop, b.t_stop) * 'outer': pool all spikes from min(a.tstart_ b.t_start) to max(a.t_stop, b.t_stop) Default: 'inner' Returns ------- neo.SpikeTrain containing all spikes of the two input spiketrains falling in the specified extremes """ unit = spiketrain_1.units spiketrain_2 = spiketrain_2.rescale(unit) times_1_dimless = spiketrain_1.magnitude times_2_dimless = spiketrain_2.rescale(unit).magnitude times = np.sort(np.concatenate((times_1_dimless, times_2_dimless))) if extremes == 'outer': t_start = min(spiketrain_1.t_start, spiketrain_2.t_start) t_stop = max(spiketrain_1.t_stop, spiketrain_2.t_stop) elif extremes == 'inner': t_start = max(spiketrain_1.t_start, spiketrain_2.t_start) t_stop = min(spiketrain_1.t_stop, spiketrain_2.t_stop) times = times[times > t_start.magnitude] times = times[times < t_stop.magnitude] else: raise ValueError( 'extremes (%s) can only be "inner" or "outer"' % extremes) return neo.SpikeTrain(times=times, units=unit, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop) def _pool_spiketrains(spiketrains, extremes='inner'): """ Pool spikes from any number of spike trains into a unique spike train. Parameters ---------- spiketrains : list of neo.SpikeTrain A list of spiketrains to merge. extremes : str, optional Only spikes of a and b in the specified extremes are considered. * 'inner': pool all spikes from min(a.t_start b.t_start) to max(a.t_stop, b.t_stop) * 'outer': pool all spikes from max(a.tstart_ b.t_start) to min(a.t_stop, b.t_stop) Default: 'inner' Returns ------- neo.SpikeTrain containing all spikes in trains falling in the specified extremes """ merge_trains = spiketrains[0] for spiketrain in spiketrains[1:]: merge_trains = _pool_two_spiketrains( merge_trains, spiketrain, extremes=extremes) t_start, t_stop = merge_trains.t_start, merge_trains.t_stop merge_trains = sorted(merge_trains) merge_trains = np.squeeze(merge_trains) merge_trains = neo.SpikeTrain( merge_trains, t_stop=t_stop, t_start=t_start, units=spiketrains[0].units) return merge_trains def _sample_int_from_pdf(probability_density, n_samples): """ Draw n independent samples from the set {0,1,...,L}, where L=len(a)-1, according to the probability distribution a. a[j] is the probability to sample j, for each j from 0 to L. Parameters ---------- probability_density : np.ndarray Probability vector (i..e array of sum 1) that at each entry j carries the probability to sample j (j=0,1,...,len(a)-1). n_samples : int Number of samples generated with the function Returns ------- np.ndarray An array of n samples taking values between `0` and `n=len(a)-1`. """ cumulative_distribution = np.cumsum(probability_density) random_uniforms = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=n_samples) random_uniforms = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(random_uniforms, axis=1), repeats=len(probability_density), axis=1) return (cumulative_distribution < random_uniforms).sum(axis=1) def _mother_proc_cpp_stat(A, t_stop, rate, t_start=0 * """ Generate the hidden ("mother") Poisson process for a Compound Poisson Process (CPP). Parameters ---------- A : np.ndarray Amplitude distribution. A[j] represents the probability of a synchronous event of size j. The sum over all entries of a must be equal to one. t_stop : pq.Quantity The stopping time of the mother process rate : pq.Quantity Homogeneous rate of the n spike trains that will be generated by the CPP function t_start : pq.Quantity, optional The starting time of the mother process Default: 0 Returns ------- Poisson spike train representing the mother process generating the CPP """ n_spiketrains = len(A) - 1 # expected amplitude exp_amplitude =, np.arange(n_spiketrains + 1)) # expected rate of the mother process exp_mother_rate = (n_spiketrains * rate) / exp_amplitude return homogeneous_poisson_process( rate=exp_mother_rate, t_stop=t_stop, t_start=t_start) def _cpp_hom_stat(A, t_stop, rate, t_start=0 * """ Generate a Compound Poisson Process (CPP) with amplitude distribution A and heterogeneous firing rates r=r[0], r[1], ..., r[-1]. Parameters ---------- A : np.ndarray Amplitude distribution. A[j] represents the probability of a synchronous event of size j. The sum over all entries of A must be equal to one. t_stop : pq.Quantity The end time of the output spike trains rate : pq.Quantity Average rate of each spike train generated t_start : pq.Quantity, optional The start time of the output spike trains Default: 0 Returns ------- list of neo.SpikeTrain with n elements, having average firing rate r and correlated such to form a CPP with amplitude distribution a """ # Generate mother process and associated spike labels mother = _mother_proc_cpp_stat( A=A, t_stop=t_stop, rate=rate, t_start=t_start) labels = _sample_int_from_pdf(A, len(mother)) n_spiketrains = len(A) - 1 # Number of trains in output spiketrains = [[]] * n_spiketrains try: # Faster but more memory-consuming approach n_mother_trains = len(mother) # number of spikes in the mother process spike_matrix = np.zeros((n_spiketrains, n_mother_trains), dtype=bool) # for each spike, take its label for spike_id, label in enumerate(labels): # choose label random trains train_ids = np.random.choice(n_spiketrains, label, replace=False) # and set the spike matrix for that train for train_id in train_ids: spike_matrix[train_id, spike_id] = True # and spike to True for train_id, row in enumerate(spike_matrix): spiketrains[train_id] = mother[row].view(pq.Quantity) except MemoryError: # Slower (~2x) but less memory-consuming approach print('memory case') for mother_spiketrain, label in zip(mother, labels): train_ids = np.random.choice(n_spiketrains, label) for train_id in train_ids: spiketrains[train_id].append(mother_spiketrain) return [neo.SpikeTrain(times=spiketrain, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop) for spiketrain in spiketrains] def _cpp_het_stat(A, t_stop, rates, t_start=0. * """ Generate a Compound Poisson Process (CPP) with amplitude distribution A and heterogeneous firing rates r=r[0], r[1], ..., r[-1]. Parameters ---------- A : np.ndarray CPP's amplitude distribution. A[j] represents the probability of a synchronous event of size j among the generated spike trains. The sum over all entries of A must be equal to one. t_stop : pq.Quantity The end time of the output spike trains rates : pq.Quantity Array of firing rates of each spike train generated with t_start : pq.Quantity, optional The start time of the output spike trains Default: 0 Returns ------- list of neo.SpikeTrain List of neo.SpikeTrains with different firing rates, forming a CPP with amplitude distribution `A`. """ # Computation of Parameters of the two CPPs that will be merged # (uncorrelated with heterog. rates + correlated with homog. rates) n_spiketrains = len(rates) # number of output spike trains # amplitude expectation expected_amplitude =, np.arange(n_spiketrains + 1)) r_sum = np.sum(rates) # sum of all output firing rates r_min = np.min(rates) # minimum of the firing rates # rate of the uncorrelated CPP r_uncorrelated = r_sum - n_spiketrains * r_min # rate of the correlated CPP r_correlated = r_sum / expected_amplitude - r_uncorrelated # rate of the hidden mother process r_mother = r_uncorrelated + r_correlated # Check the analytical constraint for the amplitude distribution if A[1] < (r_uncorrelated / r_mother).rescale( pq.dimensionless).magnitude: raise ValueError('A[1] too small / A[i], i>1 too high') # Compute the amplitude distribution of the correlated CPP, and generate it A = A * (r_mother / r_correlated).magnitude A[1] = A[1] - r_uncorrelated / r_correlated compound_poisson_spiketrains = _cpp_hom_stat( A, t_stop, r_min, t_start) # Generate the independent heterogeneous Poisson processes poisson_spiketrains = \ [homogeneous_poisson_process(rate - r_min, t_start, t_stop) for rate in rates] # Pool the correlated CPP and the corresponding Poisson processes return [_pool_two_spiketrains(compound_poisson_spiketrain, poisson_spiketrain) for compound_poisson_spiketrain, poisson_spiketrain in zip(compound_poisson_spiketrains, poisson_spiketrains)]
[docs]@deprecated_alias(A='amplitude_distribution') def compound_poisson_process( rate, amplitude_distribution, t_stop, shift=None, t_start=0 * """ Generate a Compound Poisson Process (CPP; see :cite:`generation-Staude2010_327`) with a given `amplitude_distribution` :math:`A` and stationary marginal rates `rate`. The CPP process is a model for parallel, correlated processes with Poisson spiking statistics at pre-defined firing rates. It is composed of `len(A)-1` spike trains with a correlation structure determined by the amplitude distribution :math:`A`: A[j] is the probability that a spike occurs synchronously in any `j` spike trains. The CPP is generated by creating a hidden mother Poisson process, and then copying spikes of the mother process to `j` of the output spike trains with probability `A[j]`. Note that this function decorrelates the firing rate of each SpikeTrain from the probability for that SpikeTrain to participate in a synchronous event (which is uniform across SpikeTrains). Parameters ---------- rate : pq.Quantity Average rate of each spike train generated. Can be: - a single value, all spike trains will have same rate rate - an array of values (of length `len(A)-1`), each indicating the firing rate of one process in output amplitude_distribution : np.ndarray or list CPP's amplitude distribution :math:`A`. `A[j]` represents the probability of a synchronous event of size `j` among the generated spike trains. The sum over all entries of :math:`A` must be equal to one. t_stop : pq.Quantity The end time of the output spike trains. shift : pq.Quantity, optional If `None`, the injected synchrony is exact. If shift is a `pq.Quantity`, all the spike trains are shifted independently by a random amount in the interval `[-shift, +shift]`. Default: None t_start : pq.Quantity, optional The `t_start` time of the output spike trains. Default: 0 Returns ------- list of neo.SpikeTrain A list of `len(A) - 1` neo.SpikeTrains with specified firing rates forming the CPP with amplitude distribution :math:`A`. """ if not isinstance(amplitude_distribution, np.ndarray): amplitude_distribution = np.array(amplitude_distribution) # Check A is a probability distribution (it sums to 1 and is positive) if abs(sum(amplitude_distribution) - 1) > np.finfo('float').eps: raise ValueError( "'amplitude_distribution' must be a probability vector: " "sum(A) = {} != 1".format(sum(amplitude_distribution))) if np.any(amplitude_distribution < 0): raise ValueError("'amplitude_distribution' must be a probability " "vector with positive entries") # Check that the rate is not an empty pq.Quantity if rate.ndim == 1 and len(rate) == 0: raise ValueError('Rate is an empty pq.Quantity array') # Return empty spike trains for specific parameters if amplitude_distribution[0] == 1 or np.sum(np.abs(rate.magnitude)) == 0: return [neo.SpikeTrain([] * t_stop.units, t_stop=t_stop, t_start=t_start)] * ( len(amplitude_distribution) - 1) # Homogeneous rates if rate.ndim == 0: compound_poisson_spiketrains = _cpp_hom_stat( A=amplitude_distribution, t_stop=t_stop, rate=rate, t_start=t_start) # Heterogeneous rates else: compound_poisson_spiketrains = _cpp_het_stat( A=amplitude_distribution, t_stop=t_stop, rates=rate, t_start=t_start) if shift is not None: # Dither the output spiketrains compound_poisson_spiketrains = \ [dither_spike_train(spiketrain, shift=shift, edges=True)[0] for spiketrain in compound_poisson_spiketrains] return compound_poisson_spiketrains
# Alias for :func:`compound_poisson_process` cpp = compound_poisson_process