
elephant.pandas_bridge.slice_spiketrain(pdobj, t_start=None, t_stop=None)[source]

Slice a pandas.DataFrame, changing indices appropriately.

Values outside the sliced range are converted to NaN values.

Slicing happens over columns.

This sets the t_start and t_stop column indexes to be the new values. Otherwise it is the same as setting values outside the range to NaN.

pdobjpandas DataFrame

The DataFrame to slice.

t_startfloat, optional.

If specified, the returned DataFrame values less than this set to NaN. Default is None (do not use this argument).

t_stopfloat, optional.

If specified, the returned DataFrame values greater than this set to NaN. Default is None (do not use this argument).

pdobjscalar, pandas Series, DataFrame, or Panel

The returned data type is the same as the type of pdobj


The order of the index and/or column levels of the returned object may differ from the order of the original.

If t_start or t_stop is specified, all columns indexes will be changed to the respective values, including those already within the new range. If t_start or t_stop is not specified, those column indexes will not be changed.

Returns a copy, even if t_start and t_stop are both None.