
class elephant.spike_train_generation.StationaryInverseGaussianProcess(rate: quantities.quantity.Quantity, cv: float, t_start: quantities.quantity.Quantity = array(0.) * s, t_stop: quantities.quantity.Quantity = array(1.) * s, equilibrium: bool = True)[source]

Generates spike trains whose spikes are realizations of a stationary Gamma process with the given rate and cv starting at time t_start and stopping at time t_stop.


The constant firing rate.


The expected coefficient of variation.

t_startpq.Quantity, optional

The start of the spike train. Default: 0.*pq.s

t_stoppq.Quantity, optional

The end of the spike train. Default: 1.*pq.s

equilibriumbool, optional

Generate an equilibrium or an ordinary renewal process. Default: True


If one of rate, t_start and t_stop is not of type pq.Quantity.


>>> import quantities as pq
>>> spiketrain = StationaryInverseGaussianProcess(
...     rate=50*pq.Hz, cv=2.0, t_start=0*pq.ms,
...     t_stop=1000*pq.ms).generate_spiketrain()
>>> spiketrain_array = StationaryInverseGaussianProcess(
...     rate=20*pq.Hz, cv=5.0, t_start=5000*pq.ms,
...     t_stop=10000*pq.ms).generate_spiketrain(as_array=True)


__init__(rate, cv[, t_start, t_stop, ...])
generate_n_spiketrains(n_spiketrains[, as_array]) Generates a list of spike trains.
generate_spiketrain([as_array]) Generates a single spike train.


expected_cv The expected coefficient of variation given the ISI distribution.
t_start t_start quantity; there are no spike times below this value.
t_stop t_stop quantity; there are no spike times above this value.
property expected_cv

The expected coefficient of variation given the ISI distribution.

generate_n_spiketrains(n_spiketrains: int, as_array: bool = False) Union[List[neo.core.spiketrain.SpikeTrain], List[numpy.ndarray]]

Generates a list of spike trains.


The number of spike trains to generate.

as_arraybool, optional

If True, a NumPy array of sorted spikes is returned, rather than a neo.SpikeTrain object. Default: False

list_of_spiketrainlist of neo.SpikeTrain or list of np.ndarray

A list generated spike trains in the specified format.

generate_spiketrain(as_array: bool = False) Union[neo.core.spiketrain.SpikeTrain, numpy.ndarray]

Generates a single spike train.

as_arraybool, optional

If True, a NumPy array of sorted spikes is returned, rather than a neo.SpikeTrain object. Default: False

spiketrainneo.SpikeTrain or np.ndarray

The generated spike train in the specified format.

property t_start

t_start quantity; there are no spike times below this value.

property t_stop

t_stop quantity; there are no spike times above this value.