
elephant.causality.granger.pairwise_granger(signals, max_order, information_criterion='aic')[source]

Determine Granger Causality of two time series

signals(N, 2) np.ndarray or neo.AnalogSignal

A matrix with two time series (second dimension) that have N time points (first dimension).


Maximal order of autoregressive model.

information_criterion{‘aic’, ‘bic’}, optional
A function to compute the information criterion:

bic for Bayesian information_criterion, aic for Akaike information criterion,

Default: ‘aic’

A namedtuple with the following attributes:

The Granger causality value for X influence onto Y.


The Granger causality value for Y influence onto X.


The remaining channel interdependence not accounted for by the directional causalities (e.g. shared input to X and Y).


The sum of the former three metrics. It measures the dependence of X and Y. If the total interdependence is positive, X and Y are not independent.

Denote covariance matrix of signals

X by C|X - a real number Y by C|Y - a real number (X,Y) by C|XY - a (2 times 2) matrix

directional causality X -> Y given by

log(C|X / C|XY_00)

directional causality Y -> X given by

log(C|Y / C|XY_11)

instantaneous causality of X,Y given by

log(C|XY_00 / C|XY_11)

total interdependence of X,Y given by

log( {C|X cdot C|Y} / det{C|XY} )


If the provided signal does not have a shape of Nx2.

If the determinant of the prediction error covariance matrix is not positive.


If the log determinant of the prediction error covariance matrix is below the tolerance level of 1e-7.


The formulas used in this implementation follows [gr1]. The only difference being that we change the equation 47 in the following way: -R(k) - A(1)R(k - 1) - … - A(m)R(k - m) = 0. This forumlation allows for the usage of R values without transposition (i.e. directly) in equation 48.


Example 1. Independent variables.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from elephant.causality.granger import pairwise_granger
>>> pairwise_granger(np.random.uniform(size=(1000, 2)), max_order=2)  # noqa
Causality(directional_causality_x_y=-0.0, directional_causality_y_x=0.0, instantaneous_causality=0.0, total_interdependence=0.0)

Example 2. Dependent variables. Y depends on X but not vice versa.

    X_t \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1) \\
    Y_t = 3.5 \cdot X_{t-1} + \epsilon, \;
          \epsilon \sim\mathcal{N}(0, 1)

In this case, the directional causality is non-zero.

>>> np.random.seed(31)
>>> x = np.random.randn(1001)
>>> y = 3.5 * x[:-1] + np.random.randn(1000)
>>> signals = np.array([x[1:], y]).T  # N x 2 matrix
>>> pairwise_granger(signals, max_order=1)  # noqa
Causality(directional_causality_x_y=2.64, directional_causality_y_x=-0.0, instantaneous_causality=0.0, total_interdependence=2.64)