Source code for elephant.unitary_event_analysis

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Unitary Event (UE) analysis is a statistical method that
 enables to analyze in a time resolved manner excess spike correlation
 between simultaneously recorded neurons by comparing the empirical
 spike coincidences (precision of a few ms) to the expected number
 based on the firing rates of the neurons.

  - Gruen, Diesmann, Grammont, Riehle, Aertsen (1999) J Neurosci Methods,
    94(1): 67-79.
  - Gruen, Diesmann, Aertsen (2002a,b) Neural Comput, 14(1): 43-80; 81-19.
  - Gruen S, Riehle A, and Diesmann M (2003) Effect of cross-trial
    nonstationarity on joint-spike events Biological Cybernetics 88(5):335-351.
  - Gruen S (2009) Data-driven significance estimation of precise spike
    correlation. J Neurophysiology 101:1126-1140 (invited review)

:copyright: Copyright 2015-2016 by the Elephant team, see AUTHORS.txt.
:license: Modified BSD, see LICENSE.txt for details.

import numpy as np
import quantities as pq
import neo
import warnings
import elephant.conversion as conv
import scipy

[docs]def hash_from_pattern(m, N, base=2): """ Calculate for a spike pattern or a matrix of spike patterns (provide each pattern as a column) composed of N neurons a unique number. Parameters: ----------- m: 2-dim ndarray spike patterns represented as a binary matrix (i.e., matrix of 0's and 1's). Rows and columns correspond to patterns and neurons, respectively. N: integer number of neurons is required to be equal to the number of rows base: integer base for calculation of hash values from binary sequences (= pattern). Default is 2 Returns: -------- list of integers: An array containing the hash values of each pattern, shape: (number of patterns) Raises: ------- ValueError: if matrix m has wrong orientation Examples: --------- descriptive example: m = [0 1 1] N = 3 base = 2 hash = 0*2^2 + 1*2^1 + 1*2^0 = 3 second example: >>> import numpy as np >>> m = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]]) >>> hash_from_pattern(m,N=3) array([0, 4, 2, 1, 6, 5, 3, 7]) """ # check the consistency between shape of m and number neurons N if N != np.shape(m)[0]: raise ValueError('patterns in the matrix should be column entries') # check the entries of the matrix if not np.all((np.array(m) == 0) + (np.array(m) == 1)): raise ValueError('patterns should be zero or one') # generate the representation v = np.array([base**x for x in range(N)]) # reverse the order v = v[np.argsort(-v)] # calculate the binary number by use of scalar product return, m)
[docs]def inverse_hash_from_pattern(h, N, base=2): """ Calculate the 0-1 spike patterns (matrix) from hash values Parameters: ----------- h: list of integers list or array of hash values, length: number of patterns N: integer number of neurons base: integer base for calculation of the number from binary sequences (= pattern). Default is 2 Raises: ------- ValueError: if the hash is not compatible with the number of neurons hash value should not be larger than the biggest possible hash number with given number of neurons (e.g. for N = 2, max(hash) = 2^1 + 2^0 = 3 , or for N = 4, max(hash) = 2^3 + 2^2 + 2^1 + 2^0 = 15) Returns: -------- numpy.array: A matrix of shape: (N, number of patterns) Examples --------- >>> import numpy as np >>> h = np.array([3,7]) >>> N = 4 >>> inverse_hash_from_pattern(h,N) array([[1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 1], [0, 0]]) """ # check if the hash values are not greater than the greatest possible # value for N neurons with the given base if np.any(h > np.sum([base**x for x in range(N)])): raise ValueError( "hash value is not compatible with the number of neurons N") # check if the hash values are integer if not np.all(np.int64(h) == h): raise ValueError("hash values are not integers") m = np.zeros((N, len(h)), dtype=int) for j, hh in enumerate(h): i = N - 1 while i >= 0 and hh != 0: m[i, j] = hh % base hh /= base i -= 1 return m
[docs]def n_emp_mat(mat, N, pattern_hash, base=2): """ Count the occurrences of spike coincidence patterns in the given spike trains. Parameters: ----------- mat: 2-dim ndarray binned spike trains of N neurons. Rows and columns correspond to neurons and temporal bins, respectively. N: integer number of neurons pattern_hash: list of integers hash values representing the spike coincidence patterns of which occurrences are counted. base: integer Base which was used to generate the hash values. Default is 2 Returns: -------- N_emp: list of integers number of occurrences of the given patterns in the given spike trains indices: list of lists of integers indices indexing the bins where the given spike patterns are found in `mat`. Same length as `pattern_hash` indices[i] = N_emp[i] = pattern_hash[i] Raises: ------- ValueError: if mat is not zero-one matrix Examples: --------- >>> mat = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0, 1, 0]]) >>> pattern_hash = np.array([1,3]) >>> n_emp, n_emp_indices = N_emp_mat(mat, N,pattern_hash) >>> print n_emp [ 0. 2.] >>> print n_emp_indices [array([]), array([0, 3])] """ # check if the mat is zero-one matrix if not np.all((np.array(mat) == 0) + (np.array(mat) == 1)): raise ValueError("entries of mat should be either one or zero") h = hash_from_pattern(mat, N, base=base) N_emp = np.zeros(len(pattern_hash)) indices = [] for idx_ph, ph in enumerate(pattern_hash): indices_tmp = np.where(h == ph)[0] indices.append(indices_tmp) N_emp[idx_ph] = len(indices_tmp) return N_emp, indices
[docs]def n_emp_mat_sum_trial(mat, N, pattern_hash): """ Calculates empirical number of observed patterns summed across trials Parameters: ----------- mat: 3d numpy array or elephant BinnedSpikeTrain object Binned spike trains represented as a binary matrix (i.e., matrix of 0's and 1's), segmented into trials. Trials should contain an identical number of neurons and an identical number of time bins. the entries are zero or one 0-axis --> trials 1-axis --> neurons 2-axis --> time bins N: integer number of neurons pattern_hash: list of integers array of hash values, length: number of patterns Returns: -------- N_emp: list of integers numbers of occurences of the given spike patterns in the given spike trains, summed across trials. Same length as `pattern_hash`. idx_trials: list of lists of integers list of indices of mat for each trial in which the specific pattern has been observed. 0-axis --> trial 1-axis --> list of indices for the chosen trial per entry of `pattern_hash` Raises: ------- ValueError: if matrix mat has wrong orientation ValueError: if mat is not zero-one matrix Examples: --------- >>> mat = np.array([[[1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0, 1]], [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0, 1, 0]]]) >>> pattern_hash = np.array([4,6]) >>> N = 3 >>> n_emp_sum_trial, n_emp_sum_trial_idx = n_emp_mat_sum_trial(mat, N,pattern_hash) >>> n_emp_sum_trial array([ 1., 3.]) >>> n_emp_sum_trial_idx [[array([0]), array([3])], [array([], dtype=int64), array([2, 4])]] """ # check the consistency between shape of m and number neurons N if N != np.shape(mat)[1]: raise ValueError('the entries of mat should be a list of a' 'list where 0-axis is trials and 1-axis is neurons') num_patt = len(pattern_hash) N_emp = np.zeros(num_patt) idx_trials = [] # check if the mat is zero-one matrix if not np.all((np.array(mat) == 0) + (np.array(mat) == 1)): raise ValueError("entries of mat should be either one or zero") for mat_tr in mat: N_emp_tmp, indices_tmp = n_emp_mat(mat_tr, N, pattern_hash, base=2) idx_trials.append(indices_tmp) N_emp += N_emp_tmp return N_emp, idx_trials
def _n_exp_mat_analytic(mat, N, pattern_hash): """ Calculates the expected joint probability for each spike pattern analyticaly """ marg_prob = np.mean(mat, 1, dtype=float) # marg_prob needs to be a column vector, so we # build a two dimensional array with 1 column # and len(marg_prob) rows marg_prob = np.reshape(marg_prob, (len(marg_prob), 1)) m = inverse_hash_from_pattern(pattern_hash, N) nrep = np.shape(m)[1] # multipyling the marginal probability of neurons with regard to the # pattern pmat = np.multiply(m, np.tile(marg_prob, (1, nrep))) +\ np.multiply(1 - m, np.tile(1 - marg_prob, (1, nrep))) return, axis=0) * float(np.shape(mat)[1]) def _n_exp_mat_surrogate(mat, N, pattern_hash, n_surr=1): """ Calculates the expected joint probability for each spike pattern with spike time randomization surrogate """ if len(pattern_hash) > 1: raise ValueError('surrogate method works only for one pattern!') N_exp_array = np.zeros(n_surr) for rz_idx, rz in enumerate(np.arange(n_surr)): # shuffling all elements of zero-one matrix mat_surr = np.array(mat) [np.random.shuffle(i) for i in mat_surr] N_exp_array[rz_idx] = n_emp_mat(mat_surr, N, pattern_hash)[0][0] return N_exp_array
[docs]def n_exp_mat(mat, N, pattern_hash, method='analytic', n_surr=1): """ Calculates the expected joint probability for each spike pattern Parameters: ----------- mat: 2d numpy array the entries are zero or one 0-axis --> neurons 1-axis --> time bins pattern_hash: list of integers array of hash values, length: number of patterns method: string method with which the expectency should be caculated 'analytic' -- > analytically 'surr' -- > with surrogates (spike time randomization) Default is 'analytic' n_surr: integer number of surrogates for constructing the distribution of expected joint probability. Default is 1 and this number is needed only when method = 'surr' kwargs: ------- Raises: ------- ValueError: if matrix m has wrong orientation Returns: -------- if method is analytic: numpy.array: An array containing the expected joint probability of each pattern, shape: (number of patterns,) if method is surr: numpy.ndarray, 0-axis --> different realizations, length = number of surrogates 1-axis --> patterns Examples: --------- >>> mat = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0]]) >>> pattern_hash = np.array([5,6]) >>> N = 3 >>> n_exp_anal = n_exp_mat(mat,N, pattern_hash, method = 'analytic') >>> n_exp_anal [ 0.5 1.5 ] >>> >>> >>> n_exp_surr = n_exp_mat( mat, N,pattern_hash, method = 'surr', n_surr = 5000) >>> print n_exp_surr [[ 1. 1.] [ 2. 0.] [ 2. 0.] ..., [ 2. 0.] [ 2. 0.] [ 1. 1.]] """ # check if the mat is zero-one matrix if np.any(mat > 1) or np.any(mat < 0): raise ValueError("entries of mat should be either one or zero") if method == 'analytic': return _n_exp_mat_analytic(mat, N, pattern_hash) if method == 'surr': return _n_exp_mat_surrogate(mat, N, pattern_hash, n_surr)
[docs]def n_exp_mat_sum_trial( mat, N, pattern_hash, method='analytic_TrialByTrial', **kwargs): """ Calculates the expected joint probability for each spike pattern sum over trials Parameters: ----------- mat: 3d numpy array or elephant BinnedSpikeTrain object Binned spike trains represented as a binary matrix (i.e., matrix of 0's and 1's), segmented into trials. Trials should contain an identical number of neurons and an identical number of time bins. the entries are zero or one 0-axis --> trials 1-axis --> neurons 2-axis --> time bins N: integer number of neurons pattern_hash: list of integers array of hash values, length: number of patterns method: string method with which the unitary events whould be computed 'analytic_TrialByTrial' -- > calculate the expectency (analytically) on each trial, then sum over all trials. 'analytic_TrialAverage' -- > calculate the expectency by averaging over trials. (cf. Gruen et al. 2003) 'surrogate_TrialByTrial' -- > calculate the distribution of expected coincidences by spike time randomzation in each trial and sum over trials. Default is 'analytic_trialByTrial' kwargs: ------- n_surr: integer number of surrogate to be used Default is 1 Returns: -------- numpy.array: An array containing the expected joint probability of each pattern summed over trials,shape: (number of patterns,) Examples: -------- >>> mat = np.array([[[1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0, 1]], [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0, 1, 0]]]) >>> pattern_hash = np.array([5,6]) >>> N = 3 >>> n_exp_anal = n_exp_mat_sum_trial(mat, N, pattern_hash) >>> print n_exp_anal array([ 1.56, 2.56]) """ # check the consistency between shape of m and number neurons N if N != np.shape(mat)[1]: raise ValueError('the entries of mat should be a list of a' 'list where 0-axis is trials and 1-axis is neurons') if method == 'analytic_TrialByTrial': n_exp = np.zeros(len(pattern_hash)) for mat_tr in mat: n_exp += n_exp_mat(mat_tr, N, pattern_hash, method='analytic') elif method == 'analytic_TrialAverage': n_exp = n_exp_mat( np.mean(mat, 0), N, pattern_hash, method='analytic') * np.shape(mat)[0] elif method == 'surrogate_TrialByTrial': if 'n_surr' in kwargs: n_surr = kwargs['n_surr'] else: n_surr = 1. n_exp = np.zeros(n_surr) for mat_tr in mat: n_exp += n_exp_mat(mat_tr, N, pattern_hash, method='surr', n_surr=n_surr) else: raise ValueError( "The method only works on the zero_one matrix at the moment") return n_exp
[docs]def gen_pval_anal( mat, N, pattern_hash, method='analytic_TrialByTrial', **kwargs): """ computes the expected coincidences and a function to calculate p-value for given empirical coincidences this function generate a poisson distribution with the expected value calculated by mat. it returns a function which gets the empirical coincidences, `n_emp`, and calculates a p-value as the area under the poisson distribution from `n_emp` to infinity Parameters: ----------- mat: 3d numpy array or elephant BinnedSpikeTrain object Binned spike trains represented as a binary matrix (i.e., matrix of 0's and 1's), segmented into trials. Trials should contain an identical number of neurons and an identical number of time bins. the entries are zero or one 0-axis --> trials 1-axis --> neurons 2-axis --> time bins N: integer number of neurons pattern_hash: list of integers array of hash values, length: number of patterns method: string method with which the unitary events whould be computed 'analytic_TrialByTrial' -- > calculate the expectency (analytically) on each trial, then sum over all trials. ''analytic_TrialAverage' -- > calculate the expectency by averaging over trials. Default is 'analytic_trialByTrial' (cf. Gruen et al. 2003) kwargs: ------- n_surr: integer number of surrogate to be used Default is 1 Returns: -------- pval_anal: a function which calculates the p-value for the given empirical coincidences n_exp: list of floats expected coincidences Examples: -------- >>> mat = np.array([[[1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0, 1]], [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0, 1, 0]]]) >>> pattern_hash = np.array([5,6]) >>> N = 3 >>> pval_anal,n_exp = gen_pval_anal(mat, N,pattern_hash) >>> n_exp array([ 1.56, 2.56]) """ if method == 'analytic_TrialByTrial' or method == 'analytic_TrialAverage': n_exp = n_exp_mat_sum_trial(mat, N, pattern_hash, method=method) def pval(n_emp): p = 1. - scipy.special.gammaincc(n_emp, n_exp) return p elif method == 'surrogate_TrialByTrial': if 'n_surr' in kwargs: n_surr = kwargs['n_surr'] else: n_surr = 1. n_exp = n_exp_mat_sum_trial( mat, N, pattern_hash, method=method, n_surr=n_surr) def pval(n_emp): hist = np.bincount(np.int64(n_exp)) exp_dist = hist / float(np.sum(hist)) if len(n_emp) > 1: raise ValueError( 'in surrogate method the p_value can be calculated only for one pattern!') return np.sum(exp_dist[int(n_emp[0]):]) return pval, n_exp
[docs]def jointJ(p_val): """Surprise measurement logarithmic transformation of joint-p-value into surprise measure for better visualization as the highly significant events are indicated by very low joint-p-values Parameters: ----------- p_val: list of floats p-values of statistical tests for different pattern. Returns: -------- J: list of floats list of surprise measure Examples: --------- >>> p_val = np.array([0.31271072, 0.01175031]) >>> jointJ(p_val) array([0.3419968 , 1.92481736]) """ p_arr = np.array(p_val) try: Js = np.log10(1 - p_arr) - np.log10(p_arr) except RuntimeWarning: pass return Js
def _rate_mat_avg_trial(mat): """ calculates the average firing rate of each neurons across trials """ num_tr, N, nbins = np.shape(mat) psth = np.zeros(N) for tr, mat_tr in enumerate(mat): psth += np.sum(mat_tr, axis=1) return psth / float(nbins) / float(num_tr) def _bintime(t, binsize): """ change the real time to bintime """ t_dl = t.rescale('ms').magnitude binsize_dl = binsize.rescale('ms').magnitude return np.floor(np.array(t_dl) / binsize_dl).astype(int) def _winpos(t_start, t_stop, winsize, winstep, position='left-edge'): """ Calculates the position of the analysis window """ t_start_dl = t_start.rescale('ms').magnitude t_stop_dl = t_stop.rescale('ms').magnitude winsize_dl = winsize.rescale('ms').magnitude winstep_dl = winstep.rescale('ms').magnitude # left side of the window time if position == 'left-edge': ts_winpos = np.arange( t_start_dl, t_stop_dl - winsize_dl + winstep_dl, winstep_dl) * else: raise ValueError( 'the current version only returns left-edge of the window') return ts_winpos def _UE(mat, N, pattern_hash, method='analytic_TrialByTrial', **kwargs): """ returns the default results of unitary events analysis (Surprise, empirical coincidences and index of where it happened in the given mat, n_exp and average rate of neurons) """ rate_avg = _rate_mat_avg_trial(mat) n_emp, indices = n_emp_mat_sum_trial(mat, N, pattern_hash) if method == 'surrogate_TrialByTrial': if 'n_surr' in kwargs: n_surr = kwargs['n_surr'] else: n_surr = 1 dist_exp, n_exp = gen_pval_anal( mat, N, pattern_hash, method, n_surr=n_surr) n_exp = np.mean(n_exp) elif method == 'analytic_TrialByTrial' or method == 'analytic_TrialAverage': dist_exp, n_exp = gen_pval_anal(mat, N, pattern_hash, method) pval = dist_exp(n_emp) Js = jointJ(pval) return Js, rate_avg, n_exp, n_emp, indices
[docs]def jointJ_window_analysis( data, binsize, winsize, winstep, pattern_hash, method='analytic_TrialByTrial', t_start=None, t_stop=None, binary=True, **kwargs): """ Calculates the joint surprise in a sliding window fashion Parameters: ---------- data: list of neo.SpikeTrain objects list of spike trains in different trials 0-axis --> Trials 1-axis --> Neurons 2-axis --> Spike times binsize: Quantity scalar with dimension time size of bins for descritizing spike trains winsize: Quantity scalar with dimension time size of the window of analysis winstep: Quantity scalar with dimension time size of the window step pattern_hash: list of integers list of interested patterns in hash values (see hash_from_pattern and inverse_hash_from_pattern functions) method: string method with which the unitary events whould be computed 'analytic_TrialByTrial' -- > calculate the expectency (analytically) on each trial, then sum over all trials. 'analytic_TrialAverage' -- > calculate the expectency by averaging over trials. (cf. Gruen et al. 2003) 'surrogate_TrialByTrial' -- > calculate the distribution of expected coincidences by spike time randomzation in each trial and sum over trials. Default is 'analytic_trialByTrial' t_start: float or Quantity scalar, optional The start time to use for the time points. If not specified, retrieved from the `t_start` attribute of `spiketrain`. t_stop: float or Quantity scalar, optional The start time to use for the time points. If not specified, retrieved from the `t_stop` attribute of `spiketrain`. kwargs: ------- n_surr: integer number of surrogate to be used Default is 100 Returns: ------- result: dictionary Js: list of float JointSurprise of different given patterns within each window shape: different pattern hash --> 0-axis different window --> 1-axis indices: list of list of integers list of indices of pattern within each window shape: different pattern hash --> 0-axis different window --> 1-axis n_emp: list of integers empirical number of each observed pattern. shape: different pattern hash --> 0-axis different window --> 1-axis n_exp: list of floats expeced number of each pattern. shape: different pattern hash --> 0-axis different window --> 1-axis rate_avg: list of floats average firing rate of each neuron shape: different pattern hash --> 0-axis different window --> 1-axis """ if not isinstance(data[0][0], neo.SpikeTrain): raise ValueError( "structure of the data is not correct: 0-axis should be trials, 1-axis units and 2-axis neo spike trains") if t_start is None: t_start = data[0][0].t_start.rescale('ms') if t_stop is None: t_stop = data[0][0].t_stop.rescale('ms') # position of all windows (left edges) t_winpos = _winpos(t_start, t_stop, winsize, winstep, position='left-edge') t_winpos_bintime = _bintime(t_winpos, binsize) winsize_bintime = _bintime(winsize, binsize) winstep_bintime = _bintime(winstep, binsize) if winsize_bintime * binsize != winsize: warnings.warn( "ratio between winsize and binsize is not integer -- " "the actual number for window size is " + str(winsize_bintime * binsize)) if winstep_bintime * binsize != winstep: warnings.warn( "ratio between winsize and binsize is not integer -- " "the actual number for window size is" + str(winstep_bintime * binsize)) num_tr, N = np.shape(data)[:2] n_bins = int((t_stop - t_start) / binsize) mat_tr_unit_spt = np.zeros((len(data), N, n_bins)) for tr, sts in enumerate(data): sts = list(sts) bs = conv.BinnedSpikeTrain( sts, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop, binsize=binsize) if binary is True: mat = bs.to_bool_array() else: raise ValueError( "The method only works on the zero_one matrix at the moment") mat_tr_unit_spt[tr] = mat num_win = len(t_winpos) Js_win, n_exp_win, n_emp_win = (np.zeros(num_win) for _ in range(3)) rate_avg = np.zeros((num_win, N)) indices_win = {} for i in range(num_tr): indices_win['trial' + str(i)] = [] for i, win_pos in enumerate(t_winpos_bintime): mat_win = mat_tr_unit_spt[:, :, win_pos:win_pos + winsize_bintime] if method == 'surrogate_TrialByTrial': if 'n_surr' in kwargs: n_surr = kwargs['n_surr'] else: n_surr = 100 Js_win[i], rate_avg[i], n_exp_win[i], n_emp_win[i], indices_lst = _UE( mat_win, N, pattern_hash, method, n_surr=n_surr) else: Js_win[i], rate_avg[i], n_exp_win[i], n_emp_win[ i], indices_lst = _UE(mat_win, N, pattern_hash, method) for j in range(num_tr): if len(indices_lst[j][0]) > 0: indices_win[ 'trial' + str(j)] = np.append(indices_win['trial' + str(j)], indices_lst[j][0] + win_pos) return {'Js': Js_win, 'indices': indices_win, 'n_emp': n_emp_win, 'n_exp': n_exp_win, 'rate_avg': rate_avg / binsize}