************* Release Notes ************* Elephant 0.8.0 release notes ============================ New features ------------ * The `parallel` module is a new experimental module (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/307) to run python functions concurrently. Supports native (pythonic) ProcessPollExecutor and MPI. Not limited to Elephant functional. * Added an optional `refractory_period` argument, set to None by default, to `dither_spikes` function (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/297). * Added `cdf` and `icdf` functions in Kernel class to correctly estimate the median index, needed for `instantaneous_rate` function in statistics.py (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/313). * Added an optional `center_kernel` argument, set to True by default (to behave as in Elephant <0.8.0 versions) to `instantaneous_rate` function in statistics.py (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/313). New tutorials ------------- * Analysis of Sequences of Synchronous EvenTs (ASSET) tutorial: https://elephant.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/asset.html * Parallel module tutorial: https://elephant.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/parallel.html Optimization ------------ * Optimized ASSET runtime by a factor of 10 and more (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/259, https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/333). Python 2.7 and 3.5 deprecation ------------------------------ Python 2.7 and 3.5 are deprecated and will not be maintained by the end of 2020. Switch to Python 3.6+. Breaking changes ---------------- * Naming convention changes (`binsize` -> `bin_size`, etc.) in almost all Elephant functions (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/316). Elephant 0.7.0 release notes ============================ Breaking changes ---------------- * [gpfa] GPFA dimensionality reduction method is rewritten in easy-to-use scikit-learn class style format (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/287): .. code-block:: python gpfa = GPFA(bin_size=20*pq.ms, x_dim=8) results = gpfa.fit_transform(spiketrains, returned_data=['xorth', 'xsm']) New tutorials ------------- * GPFA dimensionality reduction method: https://elephant.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/gpfa.html * Unitary Event Analysis of coordinated spiking activity: https://elephant.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/unitary_event_analysis.html * (Introductory) statistics module: https://elephant.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/statistics.html Deprecations ------------ * **Python 2.7 support will be dropped on Dec 31, 2020.** Please switch to Python 3.6, 3.7, or 3.8. * [spike train generation] `homogeneous_poisson_process_with_refr_period()`, introduced in v0.6.4, is deprecated and will be deleted in v0.8.0. Use `homogeneous_poisson_process(refractory_period=...)` instead. * [pandas bridge] pandas\_bridge module is deprecated and will be deleted in v0.8.0. New features ------------ * New documentation style, guidelines, tutorials, and more (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/294). * Python 3.8 support (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/282). * [spike train generation] Added `refractory_period` flag in `homogeneous_poisson_process()` (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/292) and `inhomogeneous_poisson_process()` (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/295) functions. The default is `refractory_period=None`, meaning no refractoriness. * [spike train correlation] `cross_correlation_histogram()` supports different t_start and t_stop of input spiketrains. * [waveform features] `waveform_width()` function extracts the width (trough-to-peak TTP) of a waveform (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/279). * [signal processing] Added `scaleopt` flag in `pairwise_cross_correlation()` to mimic the behavior of Matlab's `xcorr()` function (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/277). The default is `scaleopt=unbiased` to be consistent with the previous versions of Elephant. * [spike train surrogates] Joint-ISI dithering method via `JointISI` class (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/275). Bug fixes --------- * [spike train correlation] Fix CCH Border Correction (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/298). Now, the border correction in `cross_correlation_histogram()` correctly reflects the number of bins used for the calculation at each lag. The correction factor is now unity at full overlap. * [phase analysis] `spike_triggered_phase()` incorrect behavior when the spike train and the analog signal had different time units (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/270). Performance ----------- * [spade] SPADE x7 speedup (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/280, https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/285, https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/286). Moreover, SPADE is now able to handle all surrogate types that are available in Elephant, as well as more types of statistical corrections. * [conversion] Fast & memory-efficient `covariance()` and Pearson `corrcoef()` (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/274). Added flag `fast=True` by default in both functions. * [conversion] Use fast fftconvolve instead of np.correlate in `cross_correlation_histogram()` (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/273). Elephant 0.6.4 release notes ============================ This release has been made for the "1st Elephant User Workshop" (https://www.humanbrainproject.eu/en/education/participatecollaborate/infrastructure-events-trainings/1st-elephant-user-workshop-accelerate-structured-and-reproducibl). Main features ------------- * neo v0.8.0 compatible New modules ----------- * GPFA - Gaussian-process factor analysis - dimensionality reduction method for neural trajectory visualization (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/233). _Note: the API could change in the future._ Bug fixes --------- * [signal processing] Keep `array_annotations` in the output of signal processing functions (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/258). * [SPADE] Fixed the calculation of the duration of a pattern in the output (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/254). * [statistics] Fixed automatic kernel selection yields incorrect values (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/246). Improvements ------------ * Vectorized `spike_time_tiling_coefficient()` function - got rid of a double for-loop (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/244) * Reduced the number of warnings during the tests (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/238). * Removed unused debug code in `spade/fast_fca.py` (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/249). * Improved doc string of `covariance()` and `corrcoef()` (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/260). Elephant 0.6.3 release notes ============================ July 22nd 2019 The release v0.6.3 is mostly about improving maintenance. New functions ------------- * `waveform_features` module * Waveform signal-to-noise ratio (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/219). * Added support for Butterworth `sosfiltfilt` - numerically stable (in particular, higher order) filtering (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/234). Bug fixes --------- * Fixed neo version typo in requirements file (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/218) * Fixed broken docs (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/230, https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/232) * Fixed issue with 32-bit arch (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/229) Other changes ------------- * Added issue templates (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/226) * Single VERSION file (https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/pull/231) Elephant 0.6.2 release notes ============================ April 23rd 2019 New functions ------------- * `signal_processing` module * New functions to calculate the area under a time series and the derivative of a time series. Other changes ------------- * Added support to initialize binned spike train representations with a matrix * Multiple bug fixes Elephant 0.6.1 release notes ============================ April 1st 2019 New functions ------------- * `signal_processing` module * New function to calculate the cross-correlation function for analog signals. * `spade` module * Spatio-temporal spike pattern detection now includes the option to assess significance also based on time-lags of patterns, in addition to patterns size and frequency (referred to as 3D pattern spectrum). Other changes ------------- * This release fixes a number of compatibility issues in relation to API breaking changes in the Neo library. * Fixed error in STTC calculation (spike time tiling coefficient) * Minor bug fixes Elephant 0.6.0 release notes ============================ October 12th 2018 New functions ------------- * `cell_assembly_detection` module * New function to detect higher-order correlation structures such as patterns in parallel spike trains based on Russo et al, 2017. * **wavelet_transform()** function in `signal_prosessing.py` module * Function for computing wavelet transform of a given time series based on Le van Quyen et al. (2001) Other changes ------------- * Switched to multiple `requirements.txt` files which are directly read into the `setup.py` * `instantaneous_rate()` accepts now list of spiketrains * Minor bug fixes Elephant 0.5.0 release notes ============================ April 4nd 2018 New functions ------------- * `change_point_detection` module: * New function to detect changes in the firing rate * `spike_train_correlation` module: * New function to calculate the spike time tiling coefficient * `phase_analysis` module: * New function to extract spike-triggered phases of an AnalogSignal * `unitary_event_analysis` module: * Added new unit test to the UE function to verify the method based on data of a recent [Re]Science publication Other changes ------------- * Minor bug fixes Elephant 0.4.3 release notes ============================ March 2nd 2018 Other changes ------------- * Bug fixes in `spade` module: * Fixed an incompatibility with the latest version of an external library Elephant 0.4.2 release notes ============================ March 1st 2018 New functions ------------- * `spike_train_generation` module: * **inhomogeneous_poisson()** function * Modules for Spatio Temporal Pattern Detection (SPADE) `spade_src`: * Module SPADE: `spade.py` * Module `statistics.py`: * Added CV2 (coefficient of variation for non-stationary time series) * Module `spike_train_correlation.py`: * Added normalization in **cross-correlation histogram()** (CCH) Other changes ------------- * Adapted the `setup.py` to automatically install the spade modules including the compiled `C` files `fim.so` * Included testing environment for MPI in `travis.yml` * Changed function arguments in `current_source_density.py` to `neo.AnalogSignal` instead list of `neo.AnalogSignal` objects * Fixes to travis and setup configuration files * Fixed bug in ISI function `isi()`, `statistics.py` module * Fixed bug in `dither_spikes()`, `spike_train_surrogates.py` * Minor bug fixes Elephant 0.4.1 release notes ============================ March 23rd 2017 Other changes ------------- * Fix in `setup.py` to correctly import the current source density module Elephant 0.4.0 release notes ============================ March 22nd 2017 New functions ------------- * `spike_train_generation` module: * peak detection: **peak_detection()** * Modules for Current Source Density: `current_source_density_src` * Module Current Source Density: `KCSD.py` * Module for Inverse Current Source Density: `icsd.py` API changes ----------- * Interoperability between Neo 0.5.0 and Elephant * Elephant has adapted its functions to the changes in Neo 0.5.0, most of the functionality behaves as before * See Neo documentation for recent changes: http://neo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/whatisnew.html Other changes ------------- * Fixes to travis and setup configuration files. * Minor bug fixes. * Added module `six` for Python 2.7 backwards compatibility Elephant 0.3.0 release notes ============================ April 12st 2016 New functions ------------- * `spike_train_correlation` module: * cross correlation histogram: **cross_correlation_histogram()** * `spike_train_generation` module: * single interaction process (SIP): **single_interaction_process()** * compound Poisson process (CPP): **compound_poisson_process()** * `signal_processing` module: * analytic signal: **hilbert()** * `sta` module: * spike field coherence: **spike_field_coherence()** * Module to represent kernels: `kernels` module * Spike train metrics / dissimilarity / synchrony measures: `spike_train_dissimilarity` module * Unitary Event (UE) analysis: `unitary_event_analysis` module * Analysis of Sequences of Synchronous EvenTs (ASSET): `asset` module API changes ----------- * Function **instantaneous_rate()** now uses kernels as objects defined in the `kernels` module. The previous implementation of the function using the `make_kernel()` function is deprecated, but still temporarily available as `oldfct_instantaneous_rate()`. Other changes ------------- * Fixes to travis and readthedocs configuration files. Elephant 0.2.1 release notes ============================ February 18th 2016 Other changes ------------- Minor bug fixes. Elephant 0.2.0 release notes ============================ September 22nd 2015 New functions ------------- * Added covariance function **covariance()** in the `spike_train_correlation` module * Added complexity pdf **complexity_pdf()** in the `statistics` module * Added spike train extraction from analog signals via threshold detection the in `spike_train_generation` module * Added **coherence()** function for analog signals in the `spectral` module * Added **Cumulant Based Inference for higher-order of Correlation (CuBIC)** in the `cubic` module for correlation analysis of parallel recorded spike trains API changes ----------- * **Optimized kernel bandwidth** in `rate_estimation` function: Calculates the optimized kernel width when the paramter kernel width is specified as `auto` Other changes ------------- * **Optimized creation of sparse matrices**: The creation speed of the sparse matrix inside the `BinnedSpikeTrain` class is optimized * Added **Izhikevich neuron simulator** in the `make_spike_extraction_test_data` module * Minor improvements to the test and continous integration infrastructure