Statistics of spike trains

Statistical measures of spike trains (e.g., Fano factor) and functions to estimate firing rates.


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Functions overview

Rate estimation

mean_firing_rate(spiketrain[, t_start, …]) Return the firing rate of the spike train.
instantaneous_rate(spiketrain, sampling_period) Estimates instantaneous firing rate by kernel convolution.
time_histogram(spiketrains, bin_size[, …]) Time Histogram of a list of neo.SpikeTrain objects.
sskernel(*args, **kwargs)

Spike interval statistics

isi(spiketrain[, axis]) Return an array containing the inter-spike intervals of the spike train.
cv(a[, axis, nan_policy]) Compute the coefficient of variation.
lv(time_intervals[, with_nan]) Calculate the measure of local variation LV for a sequence of time intervals between events.
cv2(time_intervals[, with_nan]) Calculate the measure of CV2 for a sequence of time intervals between events.

Statistics across spike trains

fanofactor(spiketrains) Evaluates the empirical Fano factor F of the spike counts of a list of neo.SpikeTrain objects.
complexity_pdf(spiketrains, bin_size) Complexity Distribution of a list of neo.SpikeTrain objects.