Source code for elephant.spike_train_synchrony

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions to measure the synchrony of several spike trains.

Synchrony Measures

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: toctree/spike_train_synchrony/


:copyright: Copyright 2015-2020 by the Elephant team, see `doc/authors.rst`.
:license: Modified BSD, see LICENSE.txt for details.
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

from collections import namedtuple

import neo
import numpy as np
import quantities as pq

from elephant.utils import is_time_quantity

SpikeContrastTrace = namedtuple("SpikeContrastTrace", (
    "contrast", "active_spiketrains", "synchrony"))

def _get_theta_and_n_per_bin(spiketrains, t_start, t_stop, bin_size):
    Calculates theta (amount of spikes per bin) and the amount of active spike
    trains per bin of one spike train.
    bin_step = bin_size / 2
    edges = np.arange(t_start, t_stop + bin_step, bin_step)
    # Calculate histogram for every spike train
    histogram = np.vstack([
        _binning_half_overlap(st, edges=edges)
        for st in spiketrains
    # Amount of spikes per bin
    theta = histogram.sum(axis=0)
    # Amount of active spike trains per bin
    n_active_per_bin = np.count_nonzero(histogram, axis=0)

    return theta, n_active_per_bin

def _binning_half_overlap(spiketrain, edges):
    Referring to [1] overlapping the bins creates a better result.
    histogram, bin_edges = np.histogram(spiketrain, bins=edges)
    histogram = histogram[:-1] + histogram[1:]
    return histogram

[docs]def spike_contrast(spiketrains, t_start=None, t_stop=None, min_bin=10 *, bin_shrink_factor=0.9, return_trace=False): """ Calculates the synchrony of spike trains, according to :cite:`synchrony-Ciba18_136`. The spike trains can have different lengths. Original implementation by: Philipp Steigerwald [] Parameters ---------- spiketrains : list of neo.SpikeTrain A list of input spike trains to calculate the synchrony from. t_start : pq.Quantity, optional The beginning of the spike train. If None, it's taken as the minimum value of `t_start`s of the input spike trains. Default: None t_stop : pq.Quantity, optional The end of the spike train. If None, it's taken as the maximum value of `t_stop` of the input spike trains. Default: None min_bin : pq.Quantity, optional Sets the minimum value for the `bin_min` that is calculated by the algorithm and defines the smallest bin size to compute the histogram of the input `spiketrains`. Default: 0.01 ms bin_shrink_factor : float, optional A multiplier to shrink the bin size on each iteration. The value must be in range `(0, 1)`. Default: 0.9 return_trace : bool, optional If set to True, returns a history of spike-contrast synchrony, computed for a range of different bin sizes, alongside with the maximum value of the synchrony. Default: False Returns ------- synchrony : float Returns the synchrony of the input spike trains. spike_contrast_trace : namedtuple If `return_trace` is set to True, a `SpikeContrastTrace` namedtuple is returned with the following attributes: `.contrast` - the average sum of differences of the number of spikes in subsuequent bins; `.active_spiketrains` - the average number of spikes per bin, weighted by the number of spike trains containing at least one spike inside the bin; `.synchrony` - the product of `contrast` and `active_spiketrains`. Raises ------ ValueError If `bin_shrink_factor` is not in (0, 1) range. If the input spike trains constist of a single spiketrain. If all input spike trains contain no more than 1 spike. TypeError If the input spike trains is not a list of `neo.SpikeTrain` objects. If `t_start`, `t_stop`, or `min_bin` are not time quantities. Examples -------- >>> import quantities as pq >>> from elephant.spike_train_generation import homogeneous_poisson_process >>> from elephant.spike_train_synchrony import spike_contrast >>> spiketrain_1 = homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=20*pq.Hz, ... t_stop=1000* >>> spiketrain_2 = homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=20*pq.Hz, ... t_stop=1000* >>> spike_contrast([spiketrain_1, spiketrain_2]) 0.4192546583850932 """ if not 0. < bin_shrink_factor < 1.: raise ValueError("'bin_shrink_factor' ({}) must be in range (0, 1)." .format(bin_shrink_factor)) if not len(spiketrains) > 1: raise ValueError("Spike contrast measure requires more than 1 input " "spiketrain.") if not all(isinstance(st, neo.SpikeTrain) for st in spiketrains): raise TypeError("Input spike trains must be a list of neo.SpikeTrain.") if not is_time_quantity(t_start, allow_none=True) \ or not is_time_quantity(t_stop, allow_none=True): raise TypeError("'t_start' and 't_stop' must be time quantities.") if not is_time_quantity(min_bin): raise TypeError("'min_bin' must be a time quantity.") if t_start is None: t_start = min(st.t_start for st in spiketrains) if t_stop is None: t_stop = max(st.t_stop for st in spiketrains) # convert everything to seconds spiketrains = [st.simplified.magnitude for st in spiketrains] t_start = t_start.simplified.item() t_stop = t_stop.simplified.item() min_bin = min_bin.simplified.item() spiketrains = [times[(times >= t_start) & (times <= t_stop)] for times in spiketrains] n_spiketrains = len(spiketrains) n_spikes_total = sum(map(len, spiketrains)) duration = t_stop - t_start bin_max = duration / 2 try: isi_min = min(np.diff(st).min() for st in spiketrains if len(st) > 1) except TypeError: raise ValueError("All input spiketrains contain no more than 1 spike.") bin_min = max(isi_min / 2, min_bin) contrast_list = [] active_spiketrains = [] synchrony_curve = [] # Set new time boundaries t_start = t_start - isi_min t_stop = t_stop + isi_min bin_size = bin_max while bin_size >= bin_min: # Calculate Theta and n theta_k, n_k = _get_theta_and_n_per_bin(spiketrains, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop, bin_size=bin_size) # calculate synchrony_curve = contrast * active_st active_st = (np.sum(n_k * theta_k) / np.sum(theta_k) - 1) / ( n_spiketrains - 1) contrast = np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(theta_k))) / (2 * n_spikes_total) # Contrast: sum(|derivation|) / (2*#Spikes) synchrony = contrast * active_st contrast_list.append(contrast) active_spiketrains.append(active_st) synchrony_curve.append(synchrony) # New bin size bin_size *= bin_shrink_factor # Sync value is maximum of the cost function C synchrony = max(synchrony_curve) if return_trace: spike_contrast_trace = SpikeContrastTrace( contrast=contrast_list, active_spiketrains=active_spiketrains, synchrony=synchrony_curve ) return synchrony, spike_contrast_trace return synchrony