*************** Citing Elephant *************** To refer to the Elephant software package in publications, please use: **Elephant (RRID:SCR_003833)**. To cite Elephant, please use: **Denker M, Yegenoglu A, Grün S (2018) Collaborative HPC-enabled workflows on the HBP Collaboratory using the Elephant framework. Neuroinformatics 2018, P19. doi: 10.12751/incf.ni2018.0019** A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is: .. code-block:: bibtex @conference{elephant18, author = {Denker, M. and Yegenoglu, A. and Grün, S.}, booktitle = {Neuroinformatics 2018}, title = {{C}ollaborative {HPC}-enabled workflows on the {HBP} {C}ollaboratory using the {E}lephant framework}, pages = {P19}, year = {2018} doi = {10.12751/incf.ni2018.0019}, url = {https://abstracts.g-node.org/conference/NI2018/abstracts#/uuid/023bec4e-0c35-4563-81ce-2c6fac282abd}, } Further publications directly related to Elephant development :cite:`citations-Rostami17_3,citations-Stella19_104022` (see `doc/bib/elephant.bib` for full BibTeX entries). .. bibliography:: bib/elephant.bib :labelprefix: citations- :keyprefix: citations- :style: unsrt