Spike train surrogates

Module to generate surrogates of a spike train by randomising its spike times in different ways (see [Rca7c4acbbd22-2] and [Rca7c4acbbd22-3]). Different methods destroy different features of the original data:

  • randomise_spikes:
    randomly reposition all spikes inside the time interval (t_start, t_stop). Keeps spike count, generates Poisson spike trains with time-stationary firing rate
  • dither_spikes:
    dither each spike time around original position by a random amount; keeps spike count and firing rates computed on a slow temporal scale; destroys ISIs, making them more exponentially distributed
  • dither_spike_train:
    dither the whole input spike train (i.e. all spikes equally) by a random amount; keeps spike count, ISIs, and firing rates computed on a slow temporal scale
  • jitter_spikes:
    discretize the full time interval (t_start, t_stop) into time segments and locally randomise the spike times (see randomise_spikes) inside each segment. Keeps spike count inside each segment and creates locally Poisson spike trains with locally time-stationary rates
  • shuffle_isis:
    shuffle the inter-spike intervals (ISIs) of the spike train randomly, keeping the first spike time fixed and generating the others from the new sequence of ISIs. Keeps spike count and ISIs, flattens the firing rate profile
  • joint_isi_dithering:
    calculate the Joint-ISI distribution and moves spike according to the probability distribution, that results from a fixed sum of ISI_before and the ISI_afterwards. For further details see [Rca7c4acbbd22-1] and [Rca7c4acbbd22-2].
  • bin_shuffling:
    shuffles the bins of a binned spiketrain inside of exclusive windows.
  • trial_shifting:
    shifts each trial, i.e., each element of a list of spiketrains by a uniformly drawn random amount.


[Rca7c4acbbd22-1]Gerstein, G. L. (2004). Searching for significance in spatio-temporal firing patterns. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 64:203–207.
[Rca7c4acbbd22-2](1, 2) Louis, S., Gerstein, G. L., Gruen, S., and Diesmann, M. (2010). Surrogate spike train generation through dithering in operational time. Front. Comput. Neurosci., 4(127).
[Rca7c4acbbd22-3]Louis, S., Borgelt, C., and Gruen, S. (2010). Generation and selection of surrogate methods for correlation analysis. In Rotter, S. and Gruen, S., editors, Analysis of Parallel Spike Trains. Springer, Berlin.

Original implementation by: Emiliano Torre [e.torre@fz-juelich.de]

class elephant.spike_train_surrogates.JointISI(**kwargs)[source]

The class JointISI is implemented for Joint-ISI dithering as a continuation of the ideas of [1] and [2].

When creating a class instance, all necessary preprocessing steps are done to use JointISI.dithering() method.


Input spiketrain to create surrogates of.

ditherpq.Quantity, optional

This quantity describes the maximum displacement of a spike, when method is ‘window’. It is also used for the uniform dithering for the spikes, which are outside the regime in the Joint-ISI histogram, where Joint-ISI dithering is applicable. Default: 15. * pq.ms.

truncation_limitpq.Quantity, optional

The Joint-ISI distribution of (ISI_i, ISI_{i+1}) is defined within the range [0, \infty). Since this is computationally not feasible, the Joint-ISI distribution is truncated for high ISI. The Joint-ISI histogram is calculated for (ISI_i, ISI_{i+1}) from 0 to truncation_limit. Default: 100. * pq.ms.

n_binsint, optional

The size of the joint-ISI-distribution will be n_bins*n_bins/2. Default: 100.

sigmapq.Quantity, optional

The standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel, with which the data is convolved. Default: 2. * pq.ms.

alternatebool, optional

If True, then all even spikes are dithered followed by all odd spikes. Otherwise, the spikes are dithered in ascending order from the first to the last spike. Default: True.

use_sqrtbool, optional

If True, the joint-ISI histogram is preprocessed by applying a square root (following [1]). Default: False.

method{‘fast’, ‘window’}, optional
  • ‘fast’: the spike can move in the whole range between the
    previous and subsequent spikes (computationally efficient).
  • ‘window’: the spike movement is limited to the parameter dither.

Default: ‘window’.

cutoffbool, optional

If True, then the filtering of the Joint-ISI histogram is limited on the lower side by the minimal ISI. This can be necessary, if in the data there is a certain refractory period, which will be destroyed by the convolution with the 2d-Gaussian function. Default: True.

refractory_periodpq.Quantity, optional

Defines the refractory period of the dithered spiketrain unless the smallest ISI of the spiketrain is lower than this value. Default: 4. * pq.ms.

isi_ditheringbool, optional

If True, the Joint-ISI distribution is evaluated as the outer product of the ISI-distribution with itself. Thus, all serial correlations are destroyed. Default: False.


[1]Gerstein, G. L. (2004). Searching for significance in spatio-temporal firing patterns. Acta Neurobiol. Exp., 64:203–207.
[2]Louis, S., Gerstein, G. L., Gruen, S., and Diesmann, M. (2010). Surrogate spike train generation through dithering in operational time. Front. Comput. Neurosci., 4(127).

Implementation of Joint-ISI-dithering for spike trains that pass the threshold of the dense rate. If not, a uniform dithered spike train is given back.


The number of dithered spiketrains to be returned. Default: 1.

dithered_stslist of neo.SpikeTrain

Spike trains, that are dithered versions of the given spiketrain.

property isi

The inter-spike intervals of the spiketrain.

np.ndarray or None

An array of inter-spike intervals of the spiketrain. None, if not enough spikes in the spiketrain.


Calculates a 2D histogram of (ISI_i, ISI_{i+1}) and applies square root or gaussian filtering if necessary.

joint_isi_histogramnp.ndarray or None

A np.ndarray with shape n_bins x n_bins containing the joint-ISI histogram. None, if not enough spikes in the spiketrain.

elephant.spike_train_surrogates.dither_spike_train(spiketrain, shift, n_surrogates=1, decimals=None, edges=True)[source]

Generates surrogates of a spike train by spike train shifting.

The surrogates are obtained by shifting the whole spike train by a random amount of time (independent for each surrogate). Thus, ISIs and temporal correlations within the spike train are kept. For small shifts, the firing rate profile is also kept with reasonable accuracy.

The surrogates retain the spiketrain.t_start and spiketrain.t_stop. Spikes moved beyond this range are lost or moved to the range’s ends, depending on the parameter edges.


The spike train from which to generate the surrogates.


Amount of shift. spiketrain is shifted by a random amount uniformly drawn from the range (-shift, +shift).

n_surrogatesint, optional

Number of surrogates to be generated. Default: 1.

decimalsint or None, optional

Number of decimal points for every spike time in the surrogates. If None, machine precision is used. Default: None.

edgesbool, optional

For surrogate spikes falling outside the range [spiketrain.t_start, spiketrain.t_stop), whether to drop them out (for edges = True) or set them to the range’s closest end (for edges = False). Default: True.

list of neo.SpikeTrain

Each surrogate spike train obtained independently from spiketrain by randomly dithering the whole spike train. The time range of the surrogate spike trains is the same as in spiketrain.


>>> import quantities as pq
>>> import neo
>>> st = neo.SpikeTrain([100, 250, 600, 800] * pq.ms, t_stop=1 * pq.s)
>>> print(dither_spike_train(st, shift = 20*pq.ms))  
[<SpikeTrain(array([  96.53801903,  248.57047376,  601.48865767,
 815.67209811]) * ms, [0.0 ms, 1000.0 ms])>]
>>> print(dither_spike_train(st, shift = 20*pq.ms, n_surrogates=2))
[<SpikeTrain(array([  92.89084054,  242.89084054,  592.89084054,
    792.89084054]) * ms, [0.0 ms, 1000.0 ms])>,
 <SpikeTrain(array([  84.61079043,  234.61079043,  584.61079043,
    784.61079043]) * ms, [0.0 ms, 1000.0 ms])>]
>>> print(dither_spike_train(st, shift = 20 * pq.ms,
[<SpikeTrain(array([  82.,  232.,  582.,  782.]) * ms,
    [0.0 ms, 1000.0 ms])>]
elephant.spike_train_surrogates.dither_spikes(spiketrain, dither, n_surrogates=1, decimals=None, edges=True, refractory_period=None)[source]

Generates surrogates of a spike train by spike dithering.

The surrogates are obtained by uniformly dithering times around the original position. The dithering is performed independently for each surrogate.

The surrogates retain the spiketrain.t_start and spiketrain.t_stop. Spikes moved beyond this range are lost or moved to the range’s ends, depending on the parameter edges.


The spike train from which to generate the surrogates.


Amount of dithering. A spike at time t is placed randomly within (t-dither, t+dither).

n_surrogatesint, optional

Number of surrogates to be generated. Default: 1.

decimalsint or None, optional

Number of decimal points for every spike time in the surrogates at a millisecond level. If None, machine precision is used. Default: None.

edgesbool, optional

For surrogate spikes falling outside the range [spiketrain.t_start, spiketrain.t_stop), whether to drop them out (for edges = True) or set them to the range’s closest end (for edges = False). Default: True.

refractory_periodpq.Quantity or None, optional

The dither range of each spike is adjusted such that the spike can not fall into the refractory_period of the previous or next spike. To account this, the refractory period is estimated as the smallest ISI of the spike train. The given argument refractory_period here is thus an initial estimation. Note, that with this option a spike cannot “jump” over the previous or next spike as it is normally possible. If set to None, no refractoriness is in dithering. Default: None.

list of neo.SpikeTrain

Each surrogate spike train obtained independently from spiketrain by randomly dithering its spikes. The range of the surrogate spike trains is the same as of spiketrain.


>>> import quantities as pq
>>> import neo
>>> st = neo.SpikeTrain([100, 250, 600, 800] * pq.ms, t_stop=1 * pq.s)
>>> print(dither_spikes(st, dither = 20 * pq.ms))  
[<SpikeTrain(array([  96.53801903,  248.57047376,  601.48865767,
 815.67209811]) * ms, [0.0 ms, 1000.0 ms])>]
>>> print(dither_spikes(st, dither = 20 * pq.ms, n_surrogates=2))
[<SpikeTrain(array([ 104.24942044,  246.0317873 ,  584.55938657,
    818.84446913]) * ms, [0.0 ms, 1000.0 ms])>,
 <SpikeTrain(array([ 111.36693058,  235.15750163,  618.87388515,
    786.1807108 ]) * ms, [0.0 ms, 1000.0 ms])>]
>>> print(dither_spikes(st, dither = 20 * pq.ms,
[<SpikeTrain(array([  81.,  242.,  595.,  799.]) * ms,
    [0.0 ms, 1000.0 ms])>]
elephant.spike_train_surrogates.jitter_spikes(spiketrain, bin_size, n_surrogates=1)[source]

Generates surrogates of a spike train by spike jittering.

The surrogates are obtained by defining adjacent time bins spanning the spiketrain range, and randomly re-positioning (independently for each surrogate) each spike in the time bin it falls into.

The surrogates retain the spiketrain.t_start and spiketrain.t_stop. Note that within each time bin the surrogate spike trains are locally Poissonian (the inter-spike-intervals are exponentially distributed).


The spike train from which to generate the surrogates.


Size of the time bins within which to randomize the spike times. Note: the last bin lasts until spiketrain.t_stop and might have width different from bin_size.

n_surrogatesint, optional

Number of surrogates to be generated. Default: 1.

list of neo.SpikeTrain

Each surrogate spike train obtained independently from spiketrain by randomly replacing its spikes within bins of user-defined width. The time range of the surrogate spike trains is the same as in spiketrain.


>>> import quantities as pq
>>> import neo
>>> st = neo.SpikeTrain([80, 150, 320, 480] * pq.ms, t_stop=1 * pq.s)
>>> print(jitter_spikes(st, bin_size=100 * pq.ms))  
[<SpikeTrain(array([  98.82898293,  178.45805954,  346.93993867,
    461.34268507]) * ms, [0.0 ms, 1000.0 ms])>]
>>> print(jitter_spikes(st, bin_size=100 * pq.ms, n_surrogates=2))
[<SpikeTrain(array([  97.15720041,  199.06945744,  397.51928207,
    402.40065162]) * ms, [0.0 ms, 1000.0 ms])>,
 <SpikeTrain(array([  80.74513157,  173.69371317,  338.05860962,
    495.48869981]) * ms, [0.0 ms, 1000.0 ms])>]
>>> print(jitter_spikes(st, bin_size=100 * pq.ms))  
[<SpikeTrain(array([  4.55064897e-01,   1.31927046e+02,   3.57846265e+02,
     4.69370604e+02]) * ms, [0.0 ms, 1000.0 ms])>]
elephant.spike_train_surrogates.randomise_spikes(spiketrain, n_surrogates=1, decimals=None)[source]

Generates surrogates of a spike train by spike time randomization.

The surrogates are obtained by keeping the spike count of the original spiketrain, but placing the spikes randomly in the interval [spiketrain.t_start, spiketrain.t_stop]. The generated independent neo.SpikeTrain objects follow Poisson statistics (exponentially distributed inter-spike intervals).


The spike train from which to generate the surrogates.

n_surrogatesint, optional

Number of surrogates to be generated. Default: 1.

decimalsint or None, optional

Number of decimal points for every spike time in the surrogates. If None, machine precision is used. Default: None.

list of neo.SpikeTrain

Each surrogate spike train obtained independently from spiketrain by randomly distributing its spikes in the interval [spiketrain.t_start, spiketrain.t_stop].


>>> import quantities as pq
>>> import neo
>>> st = neo.SpikeTrain([100, 250, 600, 800] * pq.ms, t_stop=1 * pq.s)
>>> print(randomise_spikes(st))  
    [<SpikeTrain(array([ 131.23574603,  262.05062963,  549.84371387,
                        940.80503832]) * ms, [0.0 ms, 1000.0 ms])>]
>>> print(randomise_spikes(st, n_surrogates=2))  
    [<SpikeTrain(array([  84.53274955,  431.54011743,  733.09605806,
          852.32426583]) * ms, [0.0 ms, 1000.0 ms])>,
     <SpikeTrain(array([ 197.74596726,  528.93517359,  567.44599968,
          775.97843799]) * ms, [0.0 ms, 1000.0 ms])>]
>>> print(randomise_spikes(st, decimals=0))  
    [<SpikeTrain(array([  29.,  667.,  720.,  774.]) * ms,
          [0.0 ms, 1000.0 ms])>]
elephant.spike_train_surrogates.shuffle_isis(spiketrain, n_surrogates=1, decimals=None)[source]

Generates surrogates of a spike train by inter-spike-interval (ISI) shuffling.

The surrogates are obtained by randomly sorting the ISIs of the given input spiketrain. This generates independent neo.SpikeTrain object(s) with same ISI distribution and spike count as in spiketrain, while destroying temporal dependencies and firing rate profile.


The spike train from which to generate the surrogates.

n_surrogatesint, optional

Number of surrogates to be generated. Default: 1.

decimalsint or None, optional

Number of decimal points for every spike time in the surrogates. If None, machine precision is used. Default: None.

list of neo.SpikeTrain

Each surrogate spike train obtained independently from spiketrain by random ISI shuffling. The time range of the surrogate spike trains is the same as in spiketrain.


>>> import quantities as pq
>>> import neo
>>> st = neo.SpikeTrain([100, 250, 600, 800] * pq.ms, t_stop=1 * pq.s)
>>> print(shuffle_isis(st))  
    [<SpikeTrain(array([ 200.,  350.,  700.,  800.]) * ms,
             [0.0 ms, 1000.0 ms])>]
>>> print(shuffle_isis(st, n_surrogates=2))  
    [<SpikeTrain(array([ 100.,  300.,  450.,  800.]) * ms,
          [0.0 ms, 1000.0 ms])>,
     <SpikeTrain(array([ 200.,  350.,  700.,  800.]) * ms,
          [0.0 ms, 1000.0 ms])>]
elephant.spike_train_surrogates.surrogates(spiketrain, n_surrogates=1, method='dither_spike_train', dt=None, **kwargs)[source]

Generates surrogates of a spiketrain by a desired generation method.

This routine is a wrapper for the other surrogate generators in the module.

The surrogates retain the spiketrain.t_start and spiketrain.t_stop of the original spiketrain.

spiketrainneo.SpikeTrain or list of neo.SpikeTrain

The spike train from which to generate the surrogates. The only method that accepts a list of spike trains instead of a single spike train to generate the surrogates from is ‘trial_shifting’.

n_surrogatesint, optional

Number of surrogates to be generated. Default: 1.

methodstr, optional

The method to use to generate surrogate spike trains. Can be one of:

  • ‘dither_spike_train’: see surrogates.dither_spike_train()
    [dt needed]
  • ‘dither_spikes’: see surrogates.dither_spikes() [dt needed]
  • ‘jitter_spikes’: see surrogates.jitter_spikes() [dt needed]
  • ‘randomise_spikes’: see surrogates.randomise_spikes()
  • ‘shuffle_isis’: see surrogates.shuffle_isis()
  • ‘joint_isi_dithering’: see surrogates.joint_isi_dithering()
    [dt needed]
  • ‘trial_shifting’: see surrogates.trial_shifting [dt needed]
    If used on a neo.SpikeTrain, specify the key-word argument trial_length and trial_separation of type pq.Quantity. Else, spiketrain has to be a list of neo.SpikeTrain.
  • ‘bin_shuffling’: see surrogates.bin_shuffling() [dt needed]
    If used in this module, specify the key-word argument bin_size of type pq.Quantity.

Default: ‘dither_spike_train’

dtpq.Quantity, optional

For methods shifting spike times or spike trains randomly around their original time (dither_spikes, dither_spike_train) or replacing them randomly within a certain window (jitter_spikes), dt represents the size of that shift / window. For other methods, dt is ignored. Default: None.


Keyword arguments passed to the chosen surrogate method.

list of neo.SpikeTrain

Each surrogate spike train obtained independently from spiketrain according to chosen surrogate type. The time range of the surrogate spike trains is the same as in spiketrain.


If spiketrain is not either a neo.SpikeTrain object or a list of neo.SpikeTrain.


If method is not one of the surrogate methods defined in this module.

If dt is None and method is not ‘randomise_spikes’ nor ‘shuffle_isis’.