
elephant.spectral.multitaper_psd(signal, fs=1, nw=4, num_tapers=None, peak_resolution=None, attach_units=True)[source]

Estimates power spectrum density (PSD) of a given ‘neo.AnalogSignal’ using the Multitaper method.

The PSD is obtained through the following steps:

  1. Calculate ‘num_tapers’ approximately independent estimates of the spectrum by multiplying the signal with the discrete prolate spheroidal functions (also known as Slepian function) and calculate the PSD of each tapered signal.

  2. Average the approximately independent estimates of each signal to decrease overall variance of the estimates

signalneo.AnalogSignal or pq.Quantity or np.ndarray

Time series data of which PSD is estimated. When signal is np.ndarray sampling frequency should be given through keyword argument fs. Signal should be passed as (n_channels, n_samples)

fsfloat, optional

Specifies the sampling frequency of the input time series Default: 1.0.

nwfloat, optional

Time bandwidth product Default: 4.0.

num_tapersint, optional

Number of tapers used in 1. to obtain estimate of PSD. By default, [2*nw] - 1 is chosen. Default: None.

peak_resolutionpq.Quantity float, optional

Quantity in Hz determining the number of tapers used for analysis. Fine peak resolution –> low numerical value –> low number of tapers High peak resolution –> high numerical value –> high number of tapers When given as a float, it is taken as frequency in Hz. Default: None.

attach_units: bool, optional

If True and signals is an instance of pq.Quantity, units are attached to the estimated cross spectrum. Default: True


Frequencies associated with power estimate in psd


PSD estimate of the time series in signal


If peak_resolution is not a positive number.

If peak_resolution is None and num_tapers is not a positive number.


If peak_resolution is None and num_tapers is not an int.


  1. There is a parameter hierarchy regarding nw, num_tapers and peak_resolution. If peak_resolution is provided, it determines both nw and the num_tapers. Specifying num_tapers has an effect only if peak_resolution is not provided.