
elephant.statistics.complexity_pdf(spiketrains, binsize)[source]

Complexity Distribution of a list of neo.SpikeTrain objects.

Probability density computed from the complexity histogram which is the histogram of the entries of the population histogram of clipped (binary) spike trains computed with a bin width of binsize. It provides for each complexity (== number of active neurons per bin) the number of occurrences. The normalization of that histogram to 1 is the probability density.

Implementation is based on [1].

spiketrainslist of neo.SpikeTrain

Spike trains with a common time axis (same t_start and t_stop)


Width of the histogram’s time bins.


A neo.AnalogSignal object containing the histogram values. neo.AnalogSignal[j] is the histogram computed between t_start + j * binsize and t_start + (j + 1) * binsize.


[1]S. Gruen, M. Abeles, & M. Diesmann, “Impact of higher-order correlations on coincidence distributions of massively parallel data,” In “Dynamic Brain - from Neural Spikes to Behaviors”, pp. 96-114, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.