Spike train correlation

This modules provides functions to calculate correlations between spike trains.

covariance(binned_spiketrain[, binary, fast]) Calculate the NxN matrix of pairwise covariances between all combinations of N binned spike trains.
correlation_coefficient(binned_spiketrain[, …]) Calculate the NxN matrix of pairwise Pearson’s correlation coefficients between all combinations of N binned spike trains.
cross_correlation_histogram(…[, window, …]) Computes the cross-correlation histogram (CCH) between two binned spike trains binned_spiketrain_i and binned_spiketrain_j.
spike_time_tiling_coefficient(spiketrain_i, …) Calculates the Spike Time Tiling Coefficient (STTC) as described in [R3adba4c96f39-1] following their implementation in C.
spike_train_timescale(binned_spiketrain, max_tau) Calculates the auto-correlation time of a binned spike train.